Friday, April 26, 2019

Thankful Thursday April 25, 2019, Spring/Easter decorating in the family room #4

Glory in His holy name;
Let the hearts of those who 
seek the Lord Rejoice
Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always.
1 Chronicles16:10-11

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope it has been a good week 
for's been a good week
here. Can hardly believe we are
 about to go into May already.  
This year is just flying by it
seems to me, how about you??
Do you feel that way??

Pictures today are more of
Spring/Easter decorating in
the Family room.  I am late
as usual so just gonna get
on with my thankful post.

Thankful that I got all my 
Easter dinner prepared on
Sat. and just had to pop it
in the oven.  Always love
that, as I don't like spend-
time in the kitchen on a

Thankful for a really lovely
Easter Sunday Service.

Thankful that Scott (our son) 
and his wife Megan and lil
 darling were able to come for 
Easter dinner, and my 
sister-in-law Susan as well. 
We ate later in the day as
 they did things with Megans
family too.

Thankful for a fun after-
noon and evening with the
family as well.  We had 3
Easter Egg hunts, so lil
darling loved that, and we
all had a good time too.

Thankful that the fellow
came to cut our tree on Tues.
and that everything went well,
 no damage to anything or 
anybody.  Always a good

Thankful to find out that
the tree was diseased and
rotting on the inside, as it
was another reason that
made it easier to let it go.
Just hate to cut down a
living tree and it was look-
ing so pretty again after our
episode with it last Fall. So
 it was hard to believe it was
 rotting inside, but we saw 
it with our own eyes.

Lovely printables from Ann at
On Sutton Place. Visit her here
or type in
You will enjoy it....

Thankful for the way the
Lord goes before us in
situations and protect us and
provides for us even when
 we have no idea something
is even a problem. Like the
tree....The Lord knew about it 
being rotten, but we had no 
idea, and it could have fallen
 during a storm on something 
or someone, so really happy
 to have it down now.

Thankful for these new 
veggie tots and Brocoli
tots made by Green Giant.
You can find them in the
frozen foods, and they are
really good.  The veggie
tots are sweet potatoes
and cauliflower.  They
taste like sweet potato
fries.  We had them for
dinner and really enjoyed
them with our leftover
ham from Easter.

This was where Miss Bunny
hung out before Easter din din.
You can see her here.

Thankful for a nice time
going to lil darlings end of
 the school year assembly
and out to lunch with she
and her parents to Olive
Garden (her restaurant of
choice) to celebrate.

Thankful that our yard trash
workers took away most of
the debri from our tree, we
still have some more for
next week, but we knew 
that would be the case.

With posterized affect
Thankful for a very nice
but unexpected snail mail
card from someone I don't
know....just know of! She 
was one of the recipients
of the cards I made for my
late cousin.

Thankful for a marathon
phone call with my daughter
Today, since hubby wanted
to saw up the rest of the wood
into logs and  clean up the 
debri from the tree, and her
 hubby was working.
Next best thing to spending
the day together. Makes us

Well, this was our week at 
Cozy Place.

Thankful that you could
come and visit.....

Have an eggcellent week!!

Love, Hugs and
Post Easter Blessings,


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Oh My Heartsie Girl


  1. #1. Yes, and it was all delicious!
    #2. Easter Sunday is my most hopeful day of the year!
    #3. It was such an enjoyable day!
    #4. The day was a beautiful day for hiding/finding the Easter eggs!
    #5. Praise the LORD for His blessing and protection of everyone and everything around it!
    #6. So thankful you found that out BEFORE anything could have happened to cause damage!
    #7. Amen for the LORD's protection!
    #8. I have put them on my next grocery list!!!
    #9. Yea! She now is officially a first grader!
    #10. It's so good to have others do work for us! I surely appreciate Steve doing mine!
    #11. It's such a blessing to receive these "surprises."
    #12. WOW! Was it on the phone where you could see each other too while you talked?
    Love you, Susan

  2. Hi Hon,
    Finally getting around to answering.

    Yep, she is officially a first grader...

    No I usually use a head set so I can be doing things as we talk,
    cause skyping is okay, but you pretty much have to sit in one place,
    and you can look rather distorted at times. So not all that great!!
    Some phones have face time which is a lil better, but the phones
    that have it are very expensive.

    Have a good day!

    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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