Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thankful Thursday - October 31, 2019, Fall tables from the past #6

Immediately he received his sight and
 followed Jesus, praising God. When all 
the people saw it, they also praised God.
Psalm 18:43

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Boo!!  Bet I scared You!!  lol

Hope you are having a nice day,
and maybe you are like me hoping
for some cute trick or treaters
tonight.  We rarely have trick or
 treaters anymore, which is sad
to me.....I love seeing all those
lil cuties come, course, have
to say over the years the cos-
tumes are not quite as cute as
they used to be....

Pictures today are of another Fall
table, think this one might have been
for just a Fall Sunday dinner.  It was
done with some paper goods mixed
with regular silverware and glasses.
Like to show those tables once in
awhile, cause it shows you don't
have to have fancy dishware just
to set a pretty table.

Well,  on with my Thankfuls.....

Thankful for getting to see lil
darling 3 times this week,  and
having a sleepover one of the
times.  Always a fun time to
be with her.

Thankful for finding a new 
throw for my sofa that I have
been in search of - for just $5.
and a beautiful plaid Christmas
  tablecloth for $10, that we found
 at a new discount place we have
here in town called "Ollies".  
It was our first time to check it 
out.  All the throws I have been
 seeing online or elsewhere were
 $30 and up. So this was a great 
find and the tablecloth a fun
find as well.

Thankful for seeing some nice
flats at Kohls, and I wasn't even
looking,  just popped up online
but, they were perfect for what
I needed, and half price online.

Thankful for Kale salad, it
comes in a bag  and we get it
at Sams club.  I just rinse it
 good with hot water, then cold
water and drain it then add the
Poppy seed dressing along with
 the sunflower seeds and cran-
berries that all come in the bag.
Delish and so easy.

Thankful for having some very
creative card making days this 

Thankful for a few new things
I learned on my card making
software this week.

Thankful that it looks like my
nephew and his family should
be moving in their house here
in the next week or so.  It's
about time,  they contracted
to have it done in January of
this year.  So they are beyond
ready I am sure.  Just heard
they have to be out of where
they are renting next Friday,
and they are not sure their
house is gonna be ready.
If you feel so led,  please
pray they can move in on

Thankful once again for this new 
 show we are watching on TBN 
called "Better together". It is
just such an amazing talk show.

So thankful for the subject on
Better Together this week - they 
were talking about grief, and
 several ladies shared their grief
stories, and they were very sad
but they were also talking about
how to walk thru grief and how
the Lord helped them,  it was
really so inciteful and helpful, 
 as we have had a lot of people
 around us lately who have had
 devastating losses. Such incredible 
information from people who have
walked thru deep grief and 
devastating losses. 
 So touched my heart.............
So thankful for these dear ladies
and there willingness to share
their stories in order to help others.

#10 Thankful for 2 new books we are
reading,  that are very good
read so far, and are definitely
resonating with me.

#11 Thankful that I decide to wipe
down my counter  tops with 
lysol wipes and they look great,
put a nice subtle shine on them.

#12 Thankful that all our kids and lil
darling, are together for a long 
weekend, and probably having 
a blast as always. Love that they
 enjoy each other so much.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place.

Thanks for stopping by

Have a lovely weekend


 Happy Halloween!!

Love, Hugs and
 Last Day of October Blessings!!


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Life with Lorelai

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Oh My Heartsie Girl

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The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life

1 comment:

  1. #1. It's so great you get to see her so much! As kids we lived so far away, we only saw ours once a year at summer!
    #2. It's such a blessing from the LORD's guidance to find items at lower cost!
    #3. AKA #2
    #4. I have been enjoying (as so my birds) a broccoli slaw with bean sprouts!
    #5. It's such a blessing when the LORD leads us to fun activities (especially prosperous ones)
    #6. Always room for learning at all ages!
    #7. That's about how long it took Franklin/Tasha to move in "Alice's" house.
    #8. I'm thankful for programs we can watch "in comfort" with none of the bad rated stuff.
    #9. The LORD bless them for their insight to help others going through grief to have GOD's
    blessing. We all will go through it. Praise the LORD for what wait's on the other side for us all.
    #10. I spend about 2 hours in the morning reading in my Bible study.
    #11. Doesn't it smell great too!
    #12. The LORD's blessings on them!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie