Saturday, December 14, 2019

Thankful Thursday December 12,. 2019, and Christmas in the kitchen 2019

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
 let them ever sing for joy.
 Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name may 
rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you really enjoying
the beauty of the Christmas Season.

We is definitely one
of our favorite times of the year.

Pics today are our Christmas
decorations for 2019.

Well, I am very late so I am just
gonna get on with my Thankfuls.

Thankful for a fun night out Christmas
Shopping and having soup and an
 appetizer at Olive Garden.  Shopping
and dinner was perfect on this cool
refreshing night.....

Thankful our contractor came again on
Saturday.....all the soffiting is in now,
and they did more work on the doors,
they are working fine but still need
a few small things, they also took
everything out of the shed, wood and
tools etc., so we can at least put things
in it now.  Then it still has to have the
final painting.  So we are almost there.
Also have to put a rubber piece at the
bottom of the door, so no snakes, rats
or mice can get it.

Thankful that our friend who has heart
problems and had been having a lot of
angina attacks for awhile was able to
go for a 2nd opinion at Shands hospital
and the Dr. said the problem was the
way he was taking his medication that
they gave him.  His Dr. had him taking
a nitrate twice a day, and he was only
suppose to be taking it once a day.
He was a bit skeptical that it could be
that simple......but he did it and he has
not had any more angina attacks even
when he walked the dog.  PTL for
such a simple fix.........


Thankful for 2 sweet totally unexpected
Christmas gifts from 2 totally unexpected 
people at our church.  One was cookies 
given to my hubby and one was homemade 
candy in a pretty Christmas mug given to
 me along with a special something for lil
 darling. How was just
 a lovely surprise. She got to open hers
today and it was an adorable Santa
 door hanger.

Thankful that we were able to put 
some things in our shed finally.
Not putting too much yet tho, as they
still have to put weatherstripping at
the bottom of the door to seal it.
But hubby was thrilled....and just
the lil we did put in there already
gave us more room in the garage.

Thankful for all the Blog Christmas
home tours....they are so much fun
and inspiration every season of the
year.  Have to say I am having a 
time getting my mojo on this year,
Think it's the blue funk that my
daughter and I always go thru for
a few days after we have to leave
each other........... but hope it goes
away soon, since it is already 
the 9th!!

#7, 8, and 9
Thankful we get to see lil darling
on Tuesday this week, and again
on Thursday for her Christmas
program for school. Miss that lil
sweetie, and she is gonna be out
of school after Thursday, so hope-
fully we will get to see her more.

Thankful for a fun time making
some Christmas gifts with her
for her Mommy and Daddy,
and other Grandmother.  She
did a great job.

Thankful we will have more 
time to spend with her while 
she is out for the Christmas

Thankful I finally go my MoJo
back and am almost finished with 
my decorating just have to finish 
the dining room and the tree
 now.  Getting closer!!  Yay!!

Thankful to have run into our old
youth Pastor and his wife, while we
were out.  He was a youth Pastor
 when my kids were in High School 
and early college. It was great to see
 them and have a catch up a lil bit.

Thankful to finally be done with
my Christmas decorating, now to
just enjoy it for the rest of the
season........whoo hoo!

Well, that's it for cozy Place
this week.

So glad you could stop by,
hope you enjoy these lil
smiling faces as much as
I do.....

Have a great weekend!

Love, Hugs and
Christmas Time Blessings,


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Life with Lorelai


  1. Loved all your thoughts, and decorations, Nellie, I know about the blues when family leave, my daughter and I used to go through the same feelings, I am thankful she now lives closer by.
    So happy you all have the new storage building, one can never have to many storage areas, I like that you are securing against all those unwanted critters, we have got to make some repairs on our storage building soon.
    I can't say enough of how spending time with grandchildren is so important both for them and for us, ours are grown now, but they still call and talk about the special time they spent with us.
    Have a great weekend,

  2. Love all your decor. Your tree looks so pretty in the corner. Have fun getting ready for the big day. This time of year does go so quickly and it is a downer when it is all over. So much fun and excitement before and then everyone goes back to normal life. So I get how it can be a little depressing right after. Enjoy this time before hand with getting ready.

  3. #1. Thank you for your shopping you did for me! I am so greatly appreciative to you for that!
    #2. Praise the LORD it's almost done!
    #3. Praise the LORD for these things that occur in our lives, the LORD leads His goodness for us!
    #4. Love gifts from lovely people!
    #5. Soon completion is coming! Ha!
    #6. I'm pray all is quickly made better again!
    #7 #8 #9. Blessings of Christmas time is spending it with the ones we love!
    #10. Yea, the LORD already answered #6!!!
    #11. It's great how the LORD brings the joy of passed friends to meet again!
    #12. Yes! The joy of the season is a definite highlight!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie