Friday, December 27, 2019

Thankful Thursday December 26, 2019, My Son and Daughter-in-laws Christmas tree.

He will be a joy and delight to you, 
and many will rejoice because
 of his birth,
Luke 1:14 NIV

After Christmas Greetings
Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a really
lovely Christmas with your
family and/or friends.

Pics today are of my Son and
Daughter-in-loves Christmas tree.
They got a faux one last year but
I didn't get to see it until this year
and it is really a beautiful tree,
The pics are beautiful but they
really don't look near as nice
as in person for sure.  I love
that it is flocked and that the
lights give it so many different

Well, late as will get
on with my Thankfuls......

Thankful that the Lord put a certain
family who lost their wife, Mother
and Grandmother on my heart on
Sunday morning, so that I could
make and take a card to them just
to let them know we care and were
praying for them, and it also 
 reminded me about praying for so
 many others who lost loved ones
 this year in our congregation, and
 that they were facing their very
first Christmas without their loved
 ones, and most likely would be 
 sad day for them.
So easy to forget that when 
you are having a good time.

in the process of turning gold

Thankful for a lovely Church
service and dinner at Cracker
Barrel with our friends.

Thankful to have mostly every-
thing done other than the last 
minute things you always have
 when hosting Christmas.

Thankful that we were able
to have our friends over on
Christmas Eve and we had a
really great time reminiscing
about our most memorable
Christmas's past.

Now it's gold

Thankful for the Best Pecan Pie
I have ever eaten, that my friend
made and brought to us.  She said
it was out of a Southern living
magazine recipe. It just happens 
to be my favorite Pie and she 
didn't know that either.
So Merry Christmas to me!!  lol

Thankful to our neighbors and
friends who showered us with
really yummy goodies, so many
we can hardly contain it all.

Now she's in her blue phase

#7 and 8
Thankful for a really wonderful
Christmas, even tho our daughter
and son-in-love didn't get to come
 this year.  We did get to talk to her
quite a bit in the morning and again 
in the early afternoon, as her hubby
 had to work till about 3-4 or so,
 as he works in the medical field. 
 Thankful she was doing fine with 
it thanks to a friend's hubby who
 was in the military who gave her
 some real perspective.  
Cause after all.....Perspective
 really is everything.

Thankful for a wonderful time 
with the family here. My sister-
in-law was here for brunch
and the rest of the day and our
 son and his family came about
 3:30....but we had a great 5 1/2 
hours. Visiting, eating and 
playing a few games.

Now in her pink phase.  such a cool tree.

Thankful that we decided to
have lil darling spend the nite
and had her most of the day on
Thursday.  She was in a great
 mood when she first go up but
 then around 11:30 or so she was 
having melt downs, just way
 over-tired I think, but she was 
good... just weepy at times.
Bless her heart.....

Thankful that we got thru 
dinners with the same table-
cloth which meant I only had to 
change out the place settings 
and do a minor changes to the 
centerpiece which sure made
my life easier.   lol

Their lil dog Lola who is just
the sweetest lil thing....

and last but definitely not least is
 lil darling the sweetest lil
 girl we know.....with Lola.
Can't believe she is gonna be 7
years old in a few month.

Thankful for all the good food, 
Ham, Sweet Potato Casserole,
Broccoli casserole and corn
Pudding, and strawberry fluff.
Thankful for all the leftovers
we had for din din Thursday,
and I still have Beef Stew
leftover from Christmas eve
so that will be din din for
tonight.  who hoo!
That's one thing about hosting
 is you don't have to cook for
 a few days after.........most
of the time anyway.  lol

Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week..........This is the
 Christmas addition!!  lol

Thanks for coming by and
hope you all had a very
Merry Christmas!

Love, Hugs and
Enjoy the rest of the Season


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Oh My Heartsie Girl


  1. So many wonderful things to be thankful for! I just ate a slice of pecan pie (though I make mine with some chocolate chips sprinkled in) for snack tonight. I never remember just how much I like it until we actually bake it up.

  2. #1. Yes, I remember many in prayer at this time. It was 18 years ago mom got sick right after Christmas.
    #2. I praise the LORD everyday for our church, friends, pastors!
    #3. You are a great host! I always enjoy my time with you and the family!
    #4. Praise the LORD for our friends.
    #5. I love it too! It seems it is more easily to get it at Christmas time!
    #6. The cookies were great!
    #7 & #8. I surely missed seeing them as well. She sent me a Merry Christmas text.
    #9. Yes, we had a great time. I enjoyed the game!!!
    #10. She is a blessing indeed!
    #11. Great! I know it was less work for you!!!
    #12. Delicious food indeed! Praise the LORD for His abundance to us!
    Love you all, Susan

  3. Thankful I read your blog today! I needed to read all of your "thankfuls", which put things in perspective for me. The statement about insight your daughter got from a military member made me think of my own military years so long ago and being in a foreign country without any family on Christmas and other holidays. Life truly is what you make of it.

  4. Dear Mother of three....
    Thank You for coming by and for your encouraging and fun comments.

    I am sort of like you I don't really think about pecan pie all the time,
    but when I see one I want one....Pies in general are really not my favorite
    dessert, but if I am gonna eat pie...Pecan wins out every time. lol
    That's funny you were eating pecan pie I just finished off
    the last of ours last night (sigh).....I really need to get that recipe
    cause it was really so good and not super sweet either which I think
    made it all the better.

    Hope you and your had a lovely Christmas and that you will have a
    Wonderful New Year in 2020.


    Cracker Barrel has a chocolate pecan pie too, and I love it.....

  5. Thanks for coming by Susan and for all your complimentary
    comments. They are appreciated.

    Love ya, Nellie

  6. Dear Rivercrest Cottage,

    I so appreciate your sweet and encouraging comments. So thankful that you read something
    that gave you perspective and hopefully helped. That is one of the reason I do it every
    week, because I myself need perspective all the time!!
    Also thanks for your service to our country.

    Thank You for taking the time to come by and to leave your kind comments.
    Hope that 2020 will be a Very Good Year for you and yours.

    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...