Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thankful Thursday December 5, 2019 and ,Photoshopped pics from Thanksgiving Table

Come, let us bow down in worship,
 let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; 
 for he is our God and we are the people
 of his pasture, the flock under his care.
Psalm 95:6-7 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy
and enjoying this Most Wonderful
time of the year!

We are still working on decorating
the house,  but will take a break to-
day to deal with some other things
that need to be done, and picking
up lil darling from school and then
will probably go out shopping 
tonight after she goes home with looking for-
ward to the day.  Hope you are
looking forward to your day
as well...............

Paint Daubs affect

Pictures today are photoshopped pics
 from our Thanksgiving table.  I like to
 play around with that once in awhile.....
I find it fun and interesting..............
Hope you enjoy them.
If you missed the normal pictures, 
 you can catch that post here 
if you so desire!

Remember you can always click
one picture and it enlarges them
all for better viewing pleasure.

Posterized Affect

Now on with my Thankfuls...........

Thankful again for a truly Wonderful 
Thanksgiving with the family.....
Always wonderful when you have
everyone together at the same time.

Thankful for all the Thanksgiving
 leftovers, that have made it easy
 peasy for we are focused
 on taking Fall things down and bring-
ing out the Christmas decorations.

Thankful to have all the Fall things
down and packed away for another

Posterized affect

Thankful to have our tree up.
It's still a work in progress.
Usually the last thing I do,
cause it is my least favorite
thing to

#5 and 6
Thankful my daughter, son-in-
love and Bentley made it home
safe and sound on Sunday and
thankful that had a great time
with her hubbies family on
Friday and Saturday.

Colored Pencil affect

Thankful for the guest speaker
we had at church again as our
Pastor is still away.  The man's
name is Marquis Laughlin and
he does a dramatic presentation
of the Christmas story all the
 way to the Easter story....
All from scripture right out of
the bible.  It was phenomenal
and such a blessing to hear.
What a memory this man has
and what a way he has with
presenting it all.  Amazing
and Powerful, he just makes
the word of God come alive.

Just in case you might be is a link
If you click on performances on
 the top can see some!

Thankful hubby got all our
Outside Christmas decorations
finished, and I got some inside
things done.....lots more to go!

Soft Omni affect

Thankful for the men who pick
up our refuse weekly.  What a
wonderful service that is to every
one....imagine if you had to haul
your own refuse away every week,
or if there was no place to haul it
off when they have those
strikes in cities where it just piles
up everywhere.  Yikes!

Thankful for being able to use our
fireplace for the first time this year.
That is very early for us here in
Florida.  Course today it is gonna
be 70 degrees and up for days
That's Florida living!!  lol

Photocopy affect

Thankful for answers to pray for
a friend of ours Mother.  She is 82 yrs.
old and got pneumonia and has been
on a respirator for a couple of weeks,
but is now off the respirator and is
breathing with a mask, still sick, but
 is improving more daily.
update: By this afternoon she is now
breathing on her own and doing 
even better.  PTL

Thankful for a quote we heard 
yesterday on the "Better Together"
program.  I don't remember the
name of the man who said it,
because I have never heard of
him or the quote before, but think
 the quote is true.....
One of the ladies on the program
told it.  The quote was:

God always answers our prayers,
but he answer them with the 
knowledge that HE has, not the
knowledge we have!

Isn't that good!!

Hubby told me I left part of it
out, but this is the gist of it,
and I actually like this quote
better.  lol

Equalized and Posterized


Well........that's it for Cozy Place
this week.

Thanks for stoppin' in..........

Have a Fabulous Friday and

Love, Hugs and
Merry Christmas Blessings,


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Life with Lorelai

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Oh My Heartsie Girl

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Our Home away from Home

1 comment:

  1. #1. It is so wonderful to have everyone present! I surely enjoyed being with everyone!
    #2. Especially the 24 hour salad!
    #3. Time surely passes fast these days!!!
    #4. Have you seen those new trees they have that you just turn it up-side-down to store it and when you use it, you just turn it right-side-up, lol!
    #5 & #6. Thank our LORD for their safe journey. Bentley is surely a lovable puppy!
    #7. The LORD has surely given this man a talent of sharing GOD's Word! It amazes me he has memorized the entire Book of John, as well as his theatrical expression of it!!! What a gift from GOD to him!
    #8. I'm thankful to our LORD for His protection over Jim from any falls from ladders, etc when decorating!
    #9. There are so many people to be thankful for in the jobs they perform for us every day! I think of this when I thank the LORD for my food. I thank Him for all those responsible for the planting, harvesting, cleaning, packaging, transporting, and those in the stores that put it out and cash it out for us. Just think if we (as those in days of old) had to do all of this to survive each day!!!
    #10. Warm and toasty!
    #11. So many things occur as we grow older. I thank the LORD everyday for my health!
    #12. That's definitely why the LORD tells us to have patience! He will work all things to our good, but in His timing! Praise His Name!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie