Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thankful Thursday December 19, 2019, and Christmas in the family room 2019

He will be a joy and delight to you,
 and many will rejoice because 
of his birth
Luke 1:14 NIV

Christmas Greetings 
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you joyful and 
delighting in the real reason
 for the Season!

It's been a great week here,
as we have been reading our-
selves for the birthday of our
Lord.  We don't have a lot left 
to do, just some wrapping
and food preparations mostly.

Pictures today are of Christmas
in our family room this year.

So on with my Thankfuls.....

Thankful for a fun time seeing lil 
darlings Christmas program. She
did a great job, and she looked so
 adorable in her pretty white dress,
and was just a singing and smiling.
We also got to see our 3 nieces that
just moved here in July as they all
go to the same school and were in
the program as well. They all looked
so pretty as well, and did a good job
too. They did some handbells as
well as singing.
  We always get such a kick too, out
 of the really lil children, like 2-4 yr
 olds as they are so cute and such a 
riot to watch.  One lil boy was just a 
dancing and he wasn't suppose to be,
 then all of a sudden he got a funny
look on his face and began to hold
himself and we realized he needed to
 go potty, and we saw either his Mom 
or teacher go running up the aisle and
 scoop him up and out the door to the
restroom evidently,  but he never
came back..........
There was also an adorable lil tiny
 girl all dressed up in a red dress and
she was the youngest one in the
class evidently.  The choir director
had them all of the children stand 
up (they were all  sitting on a carpet
 covered stair up near the pulpit area
and they all stood up but this wee 
one probably 2-3 I would guess.
She just stayed there and leaned
back against the step and thru
her arms out to the sides on the
top part of the stair, like this is
so comfy, and she looked to her 
side and and saw some other child
 she knew that was in the program
 and was just waving to her and adorable........
So we were duly entertained by
lil darling and our neices and
got a few chuckles as well.  lol

Printables from
Ann has a great blog so you might
like to visit her.

Thankful that we saw and got to
talk to so many people we knew
 there, some of which we didn't
even know their children came
to this school. Also some we
hadn't seen in a long time, and
some that go to our church, and
then our daughter-in-loves family
as well.........So that is always a
fun time to see everyone.

Thankful our Son made it in time.
He came from the airport and got
there just about 10 mins. before
it started.  Thank Heavens!!

Thankful for a great time with 
our single parent friend and her
children. We had them over for
pizza and salad, and made candy,
 played some games and the wii.
Think everyone really enjoyed
themselves....we sure did. She
 has really sweet kids, course
It's because they take after 
their sweet Mom.

Thankful for this hilarious video
one of my friends put on facebook.
If you need a good laugh this is
your video.  Hubby and I were
dying laughing......

Click here or type it in yourself.

Thankful that our single parent
friend was blessed with an almost
new dryer by one of her clients. 
 Her's broke and she happened to 
mention it, and the lady said she 
was getting a new washer cause 
her's broke but she was getting
 a new dryer so that they would 
match,  but that she had never
 really used her old dryer that
much, so it was almost like a
new dryer.... Such a blessing.

Thankful to have some time to 
have a long time friend over so
we could catch up with what's
going on in each others lives.

Thankful for a lovely article on
 Fox News about the loser of the
 Miss World competition.
She was amazing and it just blessed
 my heart and mad me cry.....such an
 amazing example of how we should be...

Click here or type it in for yourself

Thankful that we got about half of 
our wrapping done, our Christmas
brunch and dinner menus figured
out, our grocery shopping done for
those events, and some last minute
things done.  So we are about
there!!  yippee!

Thankful for Whitman Samplers
candy.  They had them buy one 
get one free at our local grocery
 store, so we gave one away and
kept one. I haven't had any of that
 candy in years.  My Aunt always
gave my Grandmother one for Christ-
mas every year, because it was her
favorite candy and she would share
 some with my brother and I, she gave
 us the ones with nuts because she
couldn't eat those, lol
 so it was like good blast from 
the past, and still as delicious as
I remembered.

Thankful to have had lil darling
for the whole day.  It was a fun
time as always....she is just grow-
ing up so much and is just such
a precious lil one.

I am thankful for Jesus and how
He has changed my life so much
through the 53 years that I have
known and walked with Him.
Thankful that God was so loving
to send Him to earth as a baby in
a manger because He loved and 
cared for me and everyone down
 here on earth, because He knew 
we needed a Savior to save us from
 our nasty sinful selves. Then He 
allowed us to get to know Jesus
 through the scriptures and to watch 
how He lived his life here on earth,
 as God and Man, and then show us
 that Jesus was willing to go to the
cross and die for me and for you,
and everyone else so that God
could forgive our sins and make
us ready for Heaven with Him,
by giving us eternal life now
and forever more.
All we have to do is believe
He Is Who is Says He is,
"The Son of God who takes
away the sin of the world"
and invite Him into our lives.

What a God we serve!!

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week.

Hope you are enjoying getting
ready for the big day.

Have a lovely Friday and

Love, Hugs and
Merry Christmas Blessings,


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Life with Lorelai


  1. Your tree is stunning. Just gorgeous. Wishing you and your sweet family a beautiful Christmas. Best gift is being able to be together. Merry Christmas.

  2. #1. I remember those days as a Kindergarten teacher! There is much practice that goes into those programs for the children! They do a great job to please!!!
    #2. It's so wonderful to see people you haven't seen in a long time and especially at great events involving the children!
    #3. Praise the LORD for His timing for Scott!
    #4. I am sure they are very thankful for you and your love for them!
    #5. :-) ha!
    #6. You are a blessing to me too! (My dryer from you is still working like a charm!)
    #7. That's wonderful! This is what Sylvia and I do. It now is every three months since they are out of town a lot now!
    #8. Access denied.
    #9. Yippee! I still have mine to wrap!!
    #10. Whitman's...yum yum!
    #11. It seems though the year passes by so fast anymore that she should stay the same age, ha!
    #12. Yes indeed, what a GOD we serve! I praise Him every day throughout the day for His Love for me and the eternal life He has waiting for all who are children of His salvation!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you Sunday is blessed in everyway!! Hugs, Nellie