Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Thanksgiving Table 2019

Morning Sweet Friends,

How are things at your house??  I would
 imagine you are probably doing the same 
thing we are....decorating for Christmas!!
Am I right??

Have all the Fall things down and tucked
away,  and hubby has done the outside
already.  The first thing I do is put up my
nativity set, so that is done and then I did
the mantle.....the tree is in progress but has
a ways to go.  I am sorta stuck right now
trying to figure out what to do next.....

Do you get stuck like that???

Thought while I am trying to figure out
it might be good to get my mind off of
it and do a blog post, then maybe my
brain might be clearer when I go back
to it...........hoping so anyway!!  lol

So since I had pictures of our Thanks-
giving table thought I would show you
those before we get to far into the
Christmas season.  So here goes.....

It started with using this lovely tablecloth
 my daughter gave me a few years back. 
 I am in love with it really, I think it is so 
beautiful and versatile as well.  I also
wanted to use the pitcher with the berries
on it, cause loved the look of it too!

Here's a picture where I was trying it out
a few weeks before Thanksgiving to see 
how it would look. I just started pulling
pumpkins, candles and berries from
 different areas where I had used them, 
in my Fall decorating, then just started
layering them in and moving them
 where they were most eye pleasing.
It was an easy and fun and 0 dollar
 centerpiece to do....

My white plates looks the best with 
this tablecloth, so used them and
 decided to use my Fall napkins that
 have 4 different colors, green, gold, 
brown and rust, as they pull out 
many of the colors in the table-
cloth and are complimentary as

Always like to put a candy of 
some kind at each place.

2 overviews

Each end of the vignette

Place settings with place cards
that I made some years back.

Just rolled on end of the napkin
and set it on the rolled area.

These shots are of the opposite side 
of the vignette..............

Thanks for visiting with me today.

Hope you have a great time decorating
and enjoying the Christmas Season.

Love and Hugs and


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A Stroll thru Life


  1. Hi Nellie,
    Your table is beautiful and I love the tablecloth. Such a beautiful pattern. Love the sweet little chocolate on the napkins at each place setting. So sweet. Have a great week.

  2. I, as always, enjoyed myself with all of you! I got to see your table setting in person!! I always enjoy the chocolate too, ha! Love you, Susan

  3. It is a lovely table Nellie, Happy Holidays!
    Thank you for sharing on #ohmyheartsiegirl
    Have a great weekend!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...