Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thankful Thursday July 9, 2020, tropical Summer vignettes from the past

For you, LORD,
 are the Most High over all the earth;
 you are exalted far above all gods.
Psalm 97:9 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope it has been mostly a good week 
for you all. Know with all that is going
 on in our country, it is hard for it not to
disturb us to say the least, but it helps 
me to know that God see all and knows
 all, and to sometimes just turn it off to
 give it a rest for a few days to protect
our sanity.  lol

It's been a good week here, as we
have been doing that some, and it
is always good when our time
includes family visits, and first
and foremost, prayer!
Prayers keep us focused on the
Lord and out of the ditch!

Thought I would show you some
nice summer vignettes, I actually
did this for a birthday table for my
 girl years ago, but got to playing
with it afterwards, and these were
the resulting pictures that I have
never posted.

So....on with the real reason for this

Thankful our Daughter and Son-in-love
got in safe and sound late Friday evening.

Thankful that we had a nice relaxing
 couple of days and got to spend the
4th of July together.  It was just the
4 of us this year.  Enjoyed talking,
 munching, laughing and playing
 yatzee, and watching some drybar 
comedy comedians, and watching
them play wii baseball.
A good and fun time!

Thankful for Ghiradelli walnut 
brown mix, made some, and they
 made amazingly yummy brownie
 sundae's. A great idea from my
daughter I have to say.

Thankful that Dee and I worked on
a card for her Mother-in-loves 70th
 birthday together. It was a lot of fun.
  Her hubbies whole family is coming
 in on Tuesday and it will be a nice
birthday surprise for his Mom for a
 few days too.

Thankful they will also get to
spend some time with our Son
and his family on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday at a 
Resort in central Florida too.

#6 and 7
Thankful that Dee put 5 items for
 sale on facebook marketplace for
 me, and 2 sold right away. She
does this all the time, and she is
a smart cookie, they pay her on-
line and she just leaves their pur-
chase outdoor on her porch, so
no strain, no
I had purchased a beautiful 
magnolia wreath in the Spring
 to put over my fireplace mantle 
but it didn't work out, and before 
I could take it back they shut every-
thing down due to the Virus, so
 wasn't sure I was gonna be able to
 take it back now, so decided to see
 if she could sell it on market place.
 Thankful I was able to recoup
 all the money I spent for it.....
so was happy about that.

 Thankful for the new discovery
of the Wetbar comedians. We've
watched about 6 of them over the
last week.  They were all very 
funny and had very clean comedy.
Love that!  My rib muscles are
actually sore from laughing so
hard!!  lol  So if you need a good
 laugh, we highly recommend
them.  If you have facebook,
you can find them all the way
at the top of your page, right
in the middle where it says
watch.  Click on that icon and
one should come up.

#9 and 10
Thankful for a wonderful batch
of my neighbors vegetable soup.
She sent her hubby over with it
on Tuesday evening.  Delish as
Even more Thankful for these
 sweet and thoughtful neighbors.

Thankful for a video series that one
 of our long time friends sent us a 
link to.....they are about bible prop-
hecy being fulfilled right before our
 eyes.  We have been reading and 
studying the bible for about 40 yrs.
now, and we saw very little to be in
 disagreement with on the things he
 was showing and saying.  We had
 never heard of him before but he
does an amazing job of explaining 
things, hubby and I both thought
 everyone should see this....
So Just in case you might be 
interested here is a link.
Click Here
or type in this link below yourself

Note: We started with the June 28th one.....
they are all good, but we would recommend
 starting with this one.

Thankful that we met our
Daughter and Son-in-love
today and got our furry
Grandson dog Bentley,  he
is staying with us a few days
while the rest of the family
vacations. We welcome the
change of doing something
different.  lol   So far so good!
It's been 8 hrs. now, and he's
still doing fine.  


Well, Thanks for coming by
that's all for Cozy Place this week.

Have a lovely Friday and weekend


Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs, and
 Early July Blessings,


Sharing with:

Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

Ducks 'n a Row

Marilyn's Treats

A Stroll thru Life


  1. Your tropical vignettes are pretty. Love that little turtle. Happy Friday.

  2. #1. Praise our LORD for His traveling mercies!
    #2. Family time is so precious.
    #3. Sounds delicious!
    #4. GOD's greatest blessings, families!
    #5. A memory maker!
    #6 & #7. Fast pay, same day, ha!
    #8. Deep breathing exercises, lol!
    #9 & #10. Another blessing from the LORD!
    #11. Reminds me of the song, "My Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' Blood and Righteousness!"
    #12. Give Bentley a pat and hug from me, ha!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie