Thursday, December 10, 2020

Thankful Thursday December 10, 2020, Christmas table idea from the past

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. 
Psalm 5:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are ya??  Doing well I hope!
I am rejoicing over here cause I just finished my 
Christmas decorating....finally! 
Halleleujah!!  Can you hear me singing!!  lol

Well gotta run....lil darling has her Christmas
program tonight for school.  

Pictures today are from a Christmas table
from the past at Cozy Place.

So on with my Thankfuls.....

Thankful that we were able to save the life of our lil brown
bunny who lives in our back yard.  When we were coming 
up our street after picking up lil darling from school I just
happened to see a black cat right up beside the side of our
house, so once we got out of the van we quietly went over
there just to see the kitty, but when we peeked around the
corner simultaneously, the cat saw us and we saw it and
lil brown bunny just up ahead of the cat, so, I clapped my
hands and  yelled for the cat to get away, so they both
ran into the woods....into different places thank goodness,
and we saw lil bunny in our yard a few days later, so he 
or she is still alive and well.  

Thankful for a fun time with lil darling this passed Thursday afternoon.  Gave her the Angel ( that I showed you last Thursday) and she loved it... We also put our nativity set out, as I saved it until she was here, as she likes to do that with me, and she was able to do a little Christmas decorating of her own, and we took a number of wagon rides before we
had to take her home.

Thankful we had a nice dinner at our fav Mexican restaurant with her and our Son, and we spent the evening with them as well.

Thankful for our first eggnog of the season. Just love that's a Christmas tradition for us when we are doing our Christmas decorating and stuff.  Gotta have some eggnog.  lol

Thankful that we have set our schedules for
Christmas day as much as we can since we
are trying to accomodate 5-6 families.

Thankful we found a new funny show
on Roku called "Gags" and reminds me of
the old Candid camera show they had way
back when I was a kid, with Allen Funt
and Fannie Flagg. Great for a few laughs.

#7 and 8
Thankful that we still have the freedom to attend our church, as it brings such encouragement to us and Thankful for our Gov. Ron DeSantis, who makes that possible.  He has done an awesome job in Florida with such great leadership.  We pray that the Lord would
 bless him greatly.

Thankful for an encouraging lunch out with our
friends after church. We all got to talking about the
hurricanes we had experienced in the passed and 
a flood we had in our home probably 18 yrs. ago,
and were sharing all the neat things God did for us
during those times.  Always good to look back and
see how God has taken care of us in the past.

Thankful for all the Pastors we have the ability to
watch on online on Sunday mornings and evenings.
Dr. James Merritt,  Pastor Jentzen Franklin,
Dr. David Jeremiah, Dr. Ed Young, Pastor Robert
Morris, Dr. Charles Stanley, Pastor Robert Jeffress, 
and of course, the Pastor at our church, course,
we watch him in

Thankful that hubby has learned how to do You tube videos,
As we have good plans for that.

Thankful that all my Christmas decorating is done
 and now we can just enjoy it.  PTL

Well, that's all for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for coming by.

Have a terrific rest of the week and weekend.

Love, Hugs and
 Christmas Season Blessings,


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  1. These are all such pretty ideas. I hope you are having a very Merry Christmas so far.

  2. Hi Marty,
    So lovely to hear from you hon. Hope you are doing well and know that I have been keeping you in my prayers, as I know this must be a tough time for you and your family. Thank you so much for your well wishes for us, we are enjoying it, and even more so now that all my decorating is The majority of the shopping is done, so working on cards, and will start
    planning tables and brunch and dinner for Christmas day soon. It's been rattling around in my head just need to write some stuff That so helps me!!
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments
    Praying you and yours have a truly Blessed and Precious Christmas.
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. #1. PTLORD for taking care of His creatures!
    #2. What an enjoyable time!
    #3. " " " "
    #4. I never acquired a taste for eggnog! The thickness of it reminds me of raw eggs!
    #5. Oh wow! You have done a great job!
    #6. Laughter is good for the soul!
    #7 & #8. I pray the LORD's protection over everyone.
    #9. Amen. I have been thanking Him for the hurricanes bypassing us!
    #10. Praise the LORD for their on-line ministries!
    #11. Good for him!
    #12. Yes! It reminds us of the joy of the season and all year long!
    Love you, Susan

  4. May you and your loved ones be blessed by the Lord this Christmas time. Many thanks for your creative posts shared on the Blogger's Pit Stop during 2020. We start back on the 8th of January and look forward to more inspiration in 2021.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...