Friday, October 1, 2021

Thankful Thursday September 30, 2021, and more Fall decor from the past.

I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. 
 I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the
 praises of your name,
                        O Most High.
Psalm 95:1-2 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a good week! Ours has been good and busy!  Still taking care of my Sister-in-laws pets,  and have had to make appts .for her, and have been talking to social workers and so forth, which wouldn't be so badif you could easily get ahold of them.  lol  so still trying to get my Fall decorating done.  I am just about there,  so hoping to finish and pack stuff away soon. but guess we will see......

Pictures today are from Fall decorating

in the past.....


Thankful that my Sister-in-law showed no 

signs of breakage in her shoulder anywhere

after they did an x-ray.  She was having a lot

of pain in her shoulder and neck,  They think

now, it is because all the therapy kicked off an

 arthritic response from all the repetitions.


Thankful for Beauty Berry plants......

Our's has lots of berries and they are all

turning purple now,  I have to say it is

just the most beautiful shade of purple

I have ever seen.  Look forward to seeing

them bloom every Fall.  Usually bring

some in for the guest bathroom since

I have some purple in there.


Thankful that lil darling saw a snake

when we were outside on Friday, We 

were sitting on the bench and she got

up and took a few steps and said 

Grammy it's a rattlesnake, so I jumped

up and grabbed her lil dog and we ran

in on the porch. I  didn't even look to

see it until we were on the porch, so we

were looking out and she said see it right

 there as she was pointing but I didn't see it, 

 and then I saw something moved under the

 bench and I saw it, and it kept moving

 and it was a big Coral Snake.  So hubby

 killed it and buried it.  Thank Heavens!

That snake came right under the bench

 where we had been sitting with flip flops

on our feet, and would have come right

 by our feet.  So Thankful for the Lord's

protection over us.


Thankful that we had a good day

with lil darling, even with all the

distractions with having to call the

rehab place and Drs. and so forth.

The most frustrating part is not being

able to get ahold of folks to get answers

about things, and having to call numerous 

times, but I try to remind myself that

 our healthcare workers are way more 

frustrated and tired than I probably am, 

as they have been way more affected

by all this stuff that I have. So trying

to be patient and overly kind. Have

to say it is hard sometimes, and so

 thankful I can call on the Lord to

gives me the grace to be nice.


Thankful for a new tV show we happened

on called "The Locater".  It is about this

guy who locates relatives that have been

lost due to divorces, or adoption.  We've

only seen about 3,  but they were all 

heart warming.


Thankful that it was 70 degrees this morning

and we were able to sit out on the porch for

a nice change,  it's been awhile.  It was fun

to see our lil bunny (that hangs out in our

woods) and some squirrels that looked like

 they were trying to play together.


Thankful for a sweet conversation with a 

complete stranger in Cracker Barrel on 

Sunday about how precious our Grand

daughters are and what a blessing

they are to us.  Such a nice lady!

These kinds of random conversations

have become rare in our present day

times in which we are living,  So

it was quite refreshing......


Thankful that I found/ordered a new office chair

I really like, cause it is so cute.....just hoping it is 

as comfortable as it is cute!  lol  Suppose to

arrive about the 11th of October,  so guess

we will see...........


Thankful that Susan's truck started with no

problems today, as it has been about 16 days

since it was driven. She is still in rehab and

she goes back to see her Dr. this Friday, so

will see what he says about releasing her

then, I guess..............


Thankful that her theraphy is not having

lasting pain after it is over, cause at one

point she was having considerable pain.


Thankful that it sounds like Susan is doing

so well,  she might be able to come home

next Tuesday.  She is of course, very excited

about that...........

Note:  She went to Dr. today and he said

she is doing great and doesn't need any

more theraphy.  So we are all rejoicing

over here..........


Thankful for a few sweet hours with lil

darling yesterday.  Love that she is always

so chatty after school lately. We have a

good 20 min. drive home and she excitedly

tells us all about her day and fun things

that she has coming up.  So Cute!


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you came by today


Have a great weekend 

Love, Hugs and

October Blessings!


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Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

April J Harris

Imparting Grace


  1. I get your Thursday posting on Saturday Mornings so have a great weekend. xoxo Kris

  2. Hi Kris,
    I did post late but I posted Friday night about 6:45, so that is still strange that you don't get it till Saturday...........
    Well, hope you have a great weekend too, hon.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: