Friday, October 15, 2021

Thankful Thursday October 14, 2021, Our Family room all dressed up for Fall.....2021

For God is the King of all the earth;
 sing to him a psalm of praise. 
God reigns over the nations; 
God is seated on his holy throne.
Psalm 47:7-8 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you week is going well, our's

has been productive and a little 

worrisome.  We found out on

Monday that our Son was sick

and feeling awful, and he thought

it might just be the flu since his

covid at home test said negative

but on Tuesday, he decided to do 

another one and it read positive

for Covid, so we've of course, 

been a bit worried about him.

He seems to be doing a lil bit

better daily, and is very tired,

which of course, goes along

with Covid. So if you feel so

led please pray for him,  as

 he is feeling pretty punk still,

and we would be ever so 

thankful for your prayers.

We are thankful he seems to

be moving in the right direction

at least, feeling a lil bit better

daily, but think it takes quite

awhile from what we hear to

get back to normal.

Pictures today are of our family

room, all gussied up for Fall in 2021.

Actually this room has been done

for awhile, just didn't have time

to do pictures.

So on with my Thankfuls......


Thankful for a fun day with lil darling last Friday, we got to have her all day with no school work, just a fun day, as she was out on Fall break, so we did all sorts of things, had a Smallmart shop, had a fun nail salon time, made pumpkin bread, Painted a pot to put her markers in for her desk,  had a dance recital, played 'Sorry", matching game, Mother may I, and the ungame ( a really old but great game to get kids talking), read some, and even took a short nap and rested, also had breakfast and a late lunch. It was a great day!


Thankful for this sweet and precious lil girl......she just totally amazes us all the time. She is such a precious gift from God to all of us.  Course, I am sure you probably feel the same about your's too.

Am still loving my window.


Thankful for dinner out at Olive Garden and being able to find what we thought was  a nice jewelry craft set, for our Christmas  Toy Box ministry  @ church. Still need to find a skate board for a boy.

#4 and 5

Thankful that Sat. was just a much needed down day for us, we were tired today. Talked to our big girl, our daughter for awhile, and did some online Christmas shopping.  So thankful that I have pretty much finished lil darling up.


Thankful for a good morning at church, and seeing a young gal again, we met some months back. A lot has happened to her in the last months, and it was good to see her, and think we are gonna keep in touch. Also thankful for lunch at Cracker Barrel with our friends, and leftovers for lunch tomorrow.


Thankful that we decided to try Freshly prepared dinners.  We had sort of wanted to try them, but thought it would definitely make things easier for my SIL Susan, so ordered for both of us, as it made it a lil less expensive. They arrived, so can't wait to try them,  she has already had one and said it was delish.

Note: I had Pork carnitas and they were very good, hubby had peppered steak and liked it but wasn't thrilled with it. Susan has liked most all hers so far. For some reason the 2 I had, have not set well on my tummy, so don't know if I have a touch of a bug or something maybe. Hubby had no problems with his. So just decided to try 2 new ones this week,and see how that


Thankful our Daughter and hubby had a nice getaway for their 10th Anniversary, Enjoying their old stomping grounds in Asheville, N.C., where they used to live about 5 yrs. ago.I Have to say I have missed's a really neat place, and we have very fond memories from when they lived there.


Thankful to have made 3 new cards this week.  It's been awhile. Their Anniversary was the inspiration that made me get going again.

This was how it started out,  then decided to tweak it,  which you will see below and also in the header picture.


Thankful that we get to have lil darling for a sleepover tonight. (Thursday) We had a fun time as always, we took her out to Texas Roadhouse, she loves that place, and we don't get to take her out too often.


Thankful that Susan continues to do well.  She is getting stronger all the time. 


Thankful that I have finally finished

my Fall decorating, not a minute

too soon I might add.  Now just

have to pack it away and enjoy.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place

 this week!

Glad you could stop in


Have a great weekend.

Love, Hugs and

Mid October Blessings,


Sharing with:

Grammy's Grid

Shabby Art Boutique

Modern on Monticello

A Stroll thru Life

April J Harris

Lou Lou Girls

Karins Kottage


  1. Hope you had a good week. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs. Kris

  2. #1. You are making times she will always remember!
    #2. You are greatly blessed by the LORD in her!
    #3. Thank the LORD for this blessing to others from our church!
    #4 & #5. It's great when we can accomplish our goals!
    #6. Praise our LORD for our friendships!
    #7. They are GREAT! I so appreciate you ordering them for me!!! I have liked them all but one that had seasonings a little too strong for me! I ate it anyway, ha!
    #8. Good for them! I pray for them everyday!
    #9. Things can become "backlogged!" I'm just now getting caught up on you log!
    #10. What an enjoyable time for you all!
    #11. Yes, Praise the LORD for His goodness and healing!
    #12. Yea!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: