Friday, December 31, 2021

Funny Story.......Don't try this at home!!


Picture compliments of

Happy New Years Eve 

Sweet Friends,

I woke up laughing this morning thinking again

about a story I told my neighbor last night when

we ran into them at the grocery store.  Hadn't 

thought of this in years and years.  Anyway,

thought it might give someone out there a good

 laugh, so thought I would share it.

When our first Christmas together rolled around

we had only been married not quite 2 months,

and being new to the Suzie homemaker thing,

I decided to make my new hubbies favorite

cake, "A Red Velvet Cake", and I found these

aluminum pans that were Christmas tree shaped,

 so decided to make it "A Green Velvet Cake", 

so since Red Velvet cake uses 2 bottles of 

Red food coloring, I used 2 bottles of green 

food coloring for my tree shaped extravaganza.

  I was so pleased that it turned out so well

after I frosted it with cream cheese frosting 

with black walnuts.  Since we were going

 to my Dad and Step-moms for Christmas

 dinner, as well as my other step siblings,

we were of course, taking the cake with us.

After dinner, it was time for dessert and 

I just knew my Dad would be so proud of

my cake (Being a chef and restaruant

owner).  Anyway, we were all sitting at

the table eating my cake and everyone

said how good it was, and I was feeling so

great that it came so well, then as we sat

talking and eating our cake, we all began

to notice each others lips..... they were

 turning green, and it got worse with each

 bite, now our lips, teeth and tongue were all

 green.......and we were all dying laughing

 and running to find a mirror to see what

we looked like, it was too funny......

and as it turned out it actually affected 

everyone's whole entire digestive system

 in a very green way and everything was 

coming out green, for a few days, if you

 get my drift.

So needless to say, Green Velvet Cake was

 never ever on my menu again!  lol

But it sure made for a good story and I

sure got a lot of laughs and ribbing about

it for sure..........

Very thankful we didn't have cell phone 

cameras and face book back then, cause

my family would have made sure

 to post it.  lol

Anyway, that's my story and I am 

sticking to it........

Hugs and New Years Eve Blessings,


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Grammys Grid

Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphis's Monday

Karins kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Thankful Thursday December 30, 2021, Our Christmas table 2021


"Every good gift, every perfect gift, comes from above. 

These gifts come down from the Father, the creator 

of the heavenly lights, in whose character there 

is no change at all." — James 1:17

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy and

recuperating from all the Christmas

Season Celebrations and looking forward

 to New Years!  Been a fairly quiet week here

since Christmas day,  so we have just been

taking it easy and enjoying our still decorated

for Christmas home, we are not ones for

taking our things down till after the New 

Year or after 3 Kings day (which is Jan.

the 6th) or some call it Ephiphany, that

is a celebration of when the wise men

 went to visit baby Jesus.  (Just in case you

never hear of it..... I had never heard of that

 until I started blogging and found that some

 of our Catholic friends celebrate that,  and I 

thought that was really neat, and then thought 

maybe that's why I never like to take my decor

down early. Instinctive maybe!!  lol

Pictures today are of our Christmas table 202l.

 Do you see my Oops in the background??  lol


Thankful for a really lovely Christmas, it was about as 

perfect as it could get this side of heaven, and with

 part of the family missing.......since our daughter and

Son-in-love couldn't come this year, but we did 

get to talk, with them of course.  We got to enjoy it 

with our Son, lil darling and my Sister-in law 

Susan, on Christmas Eve due to schedules.........


Thankful for a nice breakfast on Christmas day with

all the same people as on Christmas Eve.  So we

had a nice morning and we were tired out after

Christmas eve anyway,  so it turned out to be

a restful day,  which was just fine.....


Thankful for all the lovely cards and gifts we 

received from our family and others.


Thankful we were able to be back in church

this Sunday.  Pastor gave a great message

that was  probably quite helpful to a lot of 

people, I would think......was  a nice reminder

for this girl.............

#5 and 6

Thankful for a nice lunch out at Olive Garden

just hubby and I.....and it was quite delicious.

Our friends couldn't go cause they weren't here

as they were traveling back from South Florida.

So we missed seeing them,  but looking forward 

to when we can get together again.

Also Thankful for the warm, polite, respectful

 young man who was our server,  he was just so nice 

and really stands out in a crowd and was as cute as 

could be, and he sent us both home with a bowl 

of soup for lunch the next day. Needless to say

he got a good


Thankful that we might get to see our long time

 friends this week.  (She is the one who broke both legs) 

and they are supposed to be in the Orlando area this 

week,  so hopefully we can connect.  

That would be great!

Note:  unfortunately that didn't happen,  as

she wound up not feeling well,  her legs were

hurting her a lot,  probably overdid it a bit

as they went away to her Sons for Christmas.

We are gonna try again maybe the end of 

January, so thankful for that.


Thankful I was inspired to do a New Years

card today, to send to family and friends.

I have never done that before,  but since

 I didn't send some Christmas cards,  I thought

 this would be a nice unexpected greeting.


Thankful that our Son and lil darling got to

 leave for a camping trip today (Monday)

since he is off work all this week, and she is 

still out of school. Looks like a very nice 

camp ground too!  Hope they have an 

awesome time.

Note:  They return today after 3  days 

of camping....can't wait to hear about it.


Thankful that we got to have a long time friend

over for breakfast on Tuesday. It was a really a

Sweet time of fellowship and  lovely time of 

catching up in each others lives.


Thankful for this enchanting Christmas home video

 I came across this morning (Wed.)  I just loved it......

You know if you have been reading my blog for

long that we love Christmas at our house.

It transported me right back to Christmas.

The music and her doggie really helps to make

 it so magical.   Click here to see it.

Make sure to scroll down just a lil to where it 

says Christmas Home Video.....


Thankful for all the Christmas movies

 we have watched on "Up Faith,  and also

 "The Christmas Cookie Challenges" they

 had on the Discovery Channel.  They

were so much fun!  It has been a really

delightful Christmas Season over here

even tho we were under the weather for

part of it.............

Well, that's it for Cozy Place th is week

  This is Christmas Edition #5.

Thanks for Visiting 


Have a Safe and happy New Years Eve!

Love, Hugs and

New Years 2022 Blessings!


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Between Naps on the Porch

Grammys Grid

A Stroll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphis's Monday

Karins kottage

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday 

Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today!

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.   
Today in the town of David 
a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 
This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths 
                     and lying in a manger.”                      
Luke 2:10-12  NIV

Christmas Blessings,

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Thursday, December 23, 2021

A Christmas Card for You and Yours


Merry Christmas

Sweet Friends......

Here's a card for You!

Christmas Blessings,


Click the link below for the entire greeting.  Then follow
the arrows.

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Thankful Thursday December 23, 2021,

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host
 appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth
 peace to those on whom his favor rests.” 
Luke 2:13-14 NIV

Christmas Greetings

Sweet Friends,

Well, we are just a few days away

from our Favorite Celebration. Wow,

December has flown by, but we are

ready, all that is left to do is finish 

my tablescapes and cooking, and to

take cards/gifts to our neighbors.

 It;s been a pretty peaceful Christmas

 season for us, and I hope it has been

 the same for each of you, too.

Pictures today are from our gussied up 

for Christmas family room 2021.

Now On with my Thankfuls....................


Thankful to hear about a sister-in-christ who used

 to attend our church years ago, and who's Son and 

Daughter in love are one of our pastorate families

now, and she is starting to come out of a sort 

of coma I guess you would say.

She had a stroke and a brain bleed, and was not

responding for days.  Today there were some

good signs of progress as she is waking up.

PTL, that is great news.  So happy for them!


Thankful that hubby got most of our wrapping

done while I worked on  cards for our family

and neighbors.


Thankful this little snowman worked this

year, we thought he was broken for good,

last year and lil darling loves him, so as hubby

was trying to work on him, I said a quick

prayer that God would let him work, and

 guess what he is working again.  So we were

 all happy, As he sings and moves and lights up

to a verse of "Let it snow, let it snow" and

 "jingle bell rock" and "Have a holly jolly

 Christmas".  My SIL Susan gave it to us

 about 7 or 8 Christmas's ago so Brooklyn

 could enjoy him, and enjoy him she has, and

was a lil disappointed he was broken last 

year and thinking he was done in this year too,

  but God and Grampy got him running again.

#4 and 5

Thankful that our church live streams our 

Sunday Service so we can at least watch it

 on TV since we, especially hubby were still 

coughing, we couldn't go again today, but I am 

also thankful that we have the freedom and

 ability (when we aren't sick) to go there in 

person, cause watching it is definitely no 

where near as good as being there and 

hearing the whole congregation singing 

together, and greeting, talking and hugging

 those you love before/and after service.

One day we may not have that gift any

longer, so want to be there when we can.


Thankful that we have been getting 

plenty of rest this last week and a half.

Since hubby has been sick and because

I think I am fighting off what hubby has, 

cause we have both been really tired.

  We feel good tho,  which is great.....

just wear out fast!  In fact, hubby feels

much better than he sounds!!  lol

Note: We are feeling much better now

and not so tired.  So Thankful for that.


Thankful that we really don't have much

left to do,  just running to the store, 

and to Sams, and I need to plan a few

tables, and cooking of course, but we

planned a simple yet should be delicious

meal.  Beef Brisket in the crock pot

(Got this from Yvonne over at Stone

Gable- this will be our first time to try

it but I trust her exquiste taste and am

sure it will be delectable), Mashed Sweet

Potates with some sour cream added,

(makes them really good) and a recipe

from better homes and Gardens called

Succotash Salad (Click here to see my

rendition of it) and rolls and dessert.

Hoping that will be Red Velvet Cheese

cake from Sams,  if we can ever

make it to the store this week!  lol

Note: They didn't have the Red Velvet

cheese cake, (poo) but they had a box

 of cheesecake bites (which are 3 

different types of cheesecake) that

 I have always wanted to try.  So hope-

fully we will enjoy those......

#8 and 9

Thankful we were able to finally get out 
and finish up last minute shopping that we 
had to do (armed with lots of cough drops 
for hubby. lol)  His coughing has gotten 
better but it not totally gone yet, but the
 cough drops did the trick, so we are
very thankful for cough drops to 
soothe his throat as well.


Thankful for dinner out at Longhorn

steakhouse.  It was especially good

since we haven't been out for awhile.


Thankful that we were able to send flipcards 

via email......out of our card shop for last minute 

Christmas cards that came in.....cause had we 

snail mailed them, they would not have been

 rec'd until after Christmas. We already

got a great response back, and we just

sent them.


Thankful that the Lord gave me a 

realization about the fact I was caring

some pain from some situations where

 I was hurt.  Wow, that was eye opening 

news to me.....and that came after my

asking HIM what He wanted from me

for Christmas, so think He was telling

me He wanted that pain, So I prayed

 and gave it to HIM!

Love how He can heal our hearts,

in just making us realize something

and giving it to HIM,  but then some-

times it takes working through. but

this time I think it is just in the 


Feeling surprised, enlightened

 Grateful, and Joyful!  He

is so good, and He knows us much

better than we know ourselves.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week, this is the our

4th Christmas edition. lol

Thanks for stopping in


Have a Merry Merry Christmas,

Love, Hugs, and

Christmas Blessings,


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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning

Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today!!

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 
An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 
This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” 
 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 
 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” 

Luke 2:8-14  NIV

Ah, the birth of Jesus......
He is truly the Hope of the World!

Now more than Ever!

Hugs and Hopeful Blessings,

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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...