Thursday, December 16, 2021

Thankful Thursday December 16, 2021, more Christmas in the livingroom 2021

You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you,

 God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.

Psalm 59:17 NIV

Christmas time Greetings

Sweet Friends,

Wow, It is only 9 days away, the time is

 flying by, can hardly believe it.  Hope you

and yours are enjoying this wonderful

Season of the year. We are as best as

we can since hubby is feeling under the

weather, so just getting lots of rest these 

last 4 days or so.

Pictures today are from the Etagere' 

shelves in our living room this year.

So on with my Thankfuls


Thankful for a lovely evening out with our Son

and lil darling.  We went to her School Christmas

program, then out to dinner at Olive Garden and

then over to see their Christmas Decorations.


Thankful for so many great things that are happening

for our dear friend of 40 yrs.  who broke both her

legs 10 1/2 mos. ago.  She just had cataract surgery

which went really well........not only can she see better

but she can see colors again, they were able to go

on a trip to the mountains a month or so ago and 

then to her Son's house for Thanksgiving who lives 

about 6 hrs. or so away,  and had a great time,

and her boys took care of everything, she is about

to get rid of her wheel chair and her hospital bed,

as she hasn't used the wheel chair for a long time,

 as she is just using a walker now,  but she is 

continuing to progress, (and we are all praying

 for a full recovery for her).  She is also learning to

 walkup stairs now, and is doing good, but still

 practicing, and then they will be going to her 

other Sons house for Christmas and will be able

 to see all of her Son's and their family.  That will

also entail some long travel time too, and getting

up and down stairs  So we are so rejoicing with

 she and her hubby at all these wonderful events

 in their lives, given all they have been through 

this year, and of course, adding all the other

 things going on in our country these last 2 years.


Thankful that things are continuing to go well

with our daughter and the house she is working on.

Mostly others doing the work inside right now,

but she is having to oversee and check on things 

to make sure the work is getting done and 

she and hubby have put some things together,

and trying to get it in some what of shape

as the owners are coming to do some work

in there too, after Christmas! Then once they are

gone,  she will be able to get in there and do

what she loves best.....the decorating and 

finishing touches. I think they are gonna

be very pleased.

Thankful there are so many great Pastors online
to listen to since we stayed home today this Sunday
cause hubby was feeling like he was coming down
with a cold, so not feeling horrible but didn't want
to risk giving it to anyone. 

Thankful they live streamed our Christmas
Program at our church so we got to see it
on Sunday Evening.  It was really lovely.

Thankful that all of our friends that we
checked on, that live in the areas were all
those tornadoes hit were all fine.  Praying
for all these dear folks who were in the 
path of those storms. Just such a terrible
storm,  unprecedented for sure.

Thankful for a fun day with lil darling
on Thursday.  She is out of school so we
could just have a fun day. We had break
fast, then she painted my Toe and fingers,
(which is a newly acquired skill for her, 
and the look really pretty I might add, 
 then we watched "The Christmas cookie 
challenge" on TV for inspiration,  then
we made cookies with our cookie press,
(Grammy is totally out of practice as I
haven't used that thing in 20yrs. or 
more.  lol) so let's put it this way....we
will not be asked to be a participant
on the Christmas cookie challenge!! lol
But we did have fun and ate a lot of
spritz cookies (I think they are really
butter cookies, myself) even tho we didn't
 have the cute lil cookies they were
 supposed to be they did taste pretty
good, then we played school for awhile,
and made some candies, and did a
 dance recital (and Brooklyn insisted
Grammy needed to dance too....well, I
can tell I am majorly out of shape...........
and needs to get with the program. lol
and there was also some e-card looking,
we have done this since she was 2 or
so.  You can check out ecards on a lot
of sights, and some are pretty cute and
funny...........Hubby was not feeling good
so tried to stay away from her as much
as he could as to not make her sick,
and we had aired out the house, and
sprayed with lysol, and changed the
A/C filter as well.....
So we had a great day!

Thankful for this candy recipe, it is the
easiest I have ever seen, and anytime
I take them somewhere everyone wants
to know how to make them and every
single one is eaten.

Hard to really even call it a recipe really....
.only 3 ingedients and super simple.
Oh.... you will have to scroll down on
that post a bit to see it.

the snowmen were needed somewhere else
so had to move them and replace with the Santa.  lol

Thankful that altho hubby is not feeling 
great and is very tired (he has a cold
but no fever) he is not down in the bed
type of sick, and he is usually one for 
running a high fever and doesn't want
to do anything but sleep. So at least 
none of that is happening.

Thankful that so far, I am okay.....I had
a headache one day,  but think it was
allergy related cause took some tylenol
sinus and have been fine every since,
other than being a lil tired.

Thankful for our first pot of Chili this week.
I only make it in the Winter time.  Course,
it is more like Fall weather here right now,
( at night anyway) but it was good as always.

Thankful my Daughter had some time to 
talk today and we've been texting back and
forth a lot all day.  She's been showing me
things she is putting in the house she is
 working on,  which is fun for both of us.
We only wish we could be together in real
time to do that.........but we will take what we
can  Thankful for phones and 
phone pictures.

That's it for Cozy Place this week. 
 This is the 3rd Christmas Edition.

Glad you could come by 
Hope you have a lovely rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and 
Merry Christmas Blessings,

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  1. I needed this today Nellie! I am thankful for you and the reminder to look for all the good things instead of dwelling on the bad! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. Great thankful list. Hope your hubby feels better. Have a great Friday today and wonderful weekend. xoxo Kris

  3. Thank You Denise for your kind comments and encouragement, so nice of you to come by and to take the time to comment. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas as well, hon and again thanks for coming by.
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Hi Kris,
    Always good to hear from you and thanks for your encouragement as well. Hubby is feeling quite a bit better, but sounds way worse than he feels, thank goodness......
    This stuff just seems to hang on for awhile it seems. Hope you have a great day and a lovely weekend. Wow, only 8 days away.
    Love and blessings my friend,

  5. #1. What a wonderful time to be together!
    #2. Praise the LORD! I have been praying for her recovery every day!
    #3. What a busy time for them!
    #4. Praise the LORD for them! I watch our church on-line stream every Sunday.
    #5. I didn't realize they streamed the Christmas program or I would have watched it!!!
    #6. Praise the LORD they are as well as can be. I pray every day for the recovery and cleanup.
    #7. What a fun day for you both! I'm praying for Jim to get well!
    #8. I like simple things, ha!
    #9. I'm praying for him to regain his strength.
    #10. You have also been in my prayers for the LORD to not allow you to come down with it!
    #11. Another favorite for me is HOT CHOCOLATE during cold days!
    #12. YES, thank the LORD for easy communication with our texting!
    Love you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: