Thursday, March 3, 2022

Thankful Thursday, March 3, 2022, Last Winter Table to celebrate 3 Birthdays

                   The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! 

Exalted be God my Savior!

Psalm 18:46 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and at Peace,

with all that is going on in our world

and around the world.  We are living

in unprecedented times for sure, but

we know that God is still on His throne

and nothing is taking Him by surprise,

and if you know anything about Bible

prophecy you may understand what

is happening.

Our Job is to do our best to keep our

eyes on Him and to tell everyone about

 Him, who is the only true Peace Giver, 

 Jesus!  and I feel a sense of urgency

to tell you.....If you don't know Him yet,

Please don't put it off any longer!!

Salvation comes only from Him, and

he can change your Fear into Peace.

Now with that said......

On a lighter note, Pictures today are from 

our Birthday Celebration last weekend.

  Our house is still decorated for Winter,

 in the family and dining room, so just

 decided to carry on the Winter theme

 for their Birthdays as well.  I typically

do a Spring

So on with my Thankfuls...........


Thankful that we have pretty much worked out

plans for Susan, lil darling and Hubbies birthday

celebrations.  Hard, but fun too,  when there is

 3 birthdays within a week.


Thankful for a sweet day with lil darling, as always.

We had no school work today as she is out on

break,  so we just had fun all day, and she got

to have her lil friend next door over late in the

afternoon, and they both so enjoyed it.


Thankful we finally had some time to get outside

and water our plants, as we have had very little

rain lately. Maybe light showers that last like

5 mins. if that long.


Thankful that most of my dinner cooking is

done for Sundays birthday celebration in

 our family, next is to work on a pretttable

 and to make Banana Pudding.


Thankful for a sweet instant message from

a kid who used to go to our church but who

is all grown up now, and married with 3 kids.

We were able to write back and forth and it

was so good to hear how he and his family

are doing.  His parents are still go to our

 churcand when we see them we always

 ask about him, cause we have always had

 a good relationship with him and his wife.

We haven't know her as long as we have

him, as he grew up in our church and we

just met her once they started dating and

we got to attend their lovely wedding as 

well.  Such a blessing to hear from him.

Thanks Daniel


Thankful for a lovely time with the family

celebrating all the birthdays this week.

I made yummy cuban food, and Banana

Pudding, the favorite dessert for all of

them.  Had fun talking, eating and

 opening gifts and playing some 

Wii bowling.  Fun time!


Thankful that I got 2 - St. Patrick's Day 

cards done, along with a number of 

Birthday cards for the family, and

several printables. 


Thankful for a creative week.

I love that!


Thankful that after 3 days and a number

of phone calls I was finally able to get

thru to our Ins. company.  Anybody 

else just love automated calls!!!  lol


Thankful we are planning a trip

to the beach for a week with our

kids and lil darling this Summer.

We are all so looking forward to it.

Course, if the Lord comes we might

not get to go, but don't think any of

us will


Thankful for a roof over our heads, 

food to eat, clothes to wear, and a

cozy bed to sleep in, and God blessing

us with the ability to pay for said things,


Thankful for our personal and religious

 freedoms and the country we live in.

Even with all the problems we have in

America, it is still the best place on earth

to live. We are so blessed and spoiled

 and take all these things so for granted

 at times, and some can't even see how

 blessed they are.


Thankful for the Bible and right now

especially for the book of Revelation,

(The last book in the Bible)

 which covers Bible prophecy, and 

which explains what we see happening

in our world today.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for dropping by,


hope you have a good rest of the week!!

Keep your light shining brightly!!

Love, Hugs and
First of March Blessings,

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

South House Design

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage

April J Harris

Imparting Grace


  1. Have a wonderful Thursday. xoxo Kris

  2. Thanks Kris,
    You too, hon........

  3. Yes, indeed, the Book of Revelation gives great insight into what is going on right now! Before I get on to your thanks, I just have to say how lovely your table looks. Everything about it is gorgeous, but I am a green girl, so I am swooning over those goblets.

    A beach trip with the family sounds fabulous! I SO miss the beach. Living in a landlocked state, I haven't seen the ocean in way too long!

    Banana pudding! Yum! That is one of our favorites too...especially Garrett.
    Creative days are great. So glad you got some!
    Reconnecting with someone from the past is such a joy. How fun that you got to talk with that young man.

    Okay, have a wonderful day.

  4. Hi Patti,
    Always a joy to hear from you hon. I love using green in the Winter or Spring, It is just such a fresh and pleasant color. It has been 9 yrs. since we have done a beach trip, cause the place we used to go can now only rent monthly, and most of our vacays' are at Dee and Jerrys.
    Our home away from home and the place we most want to be besides home, so this will be fun doing it with the whole family.
    Banana Pudding is so easy to make, I really could make it more, but I save it for special occasions cause it is so well loved by all.

    Yea, creativity and connecting with others.......2 of my fav things in the world.
    Thanks for coming by and for all your encouraging and sweet words. Have a great weekend.

    Love and Blessings,

  5. #1. Thank you so much! It was a wonderful time together! Not to mention, your birthday is also in March (at the end)!!!
    #2. Praise our LORD for His blessings on our family!!!
    #3. It's amazing how we HAD so much rain this winter, and now that Spring is almost here, we hardly have any! I'm praising our LORD for no March storms like we have had in the past!!!
    #4. It's great to get needed things done and then to enjoy it!
    #5. Isn't the passing of time amazing! Even though my body has the "common" aches and pains of being 70, my brain continues to be amazed at the passing of years!
    #6. Yes indeed! You are a great cook! Our time together is always joyful, praise our LORD!
    #7. I thank you for my beautiful birthday card you made for me!
    #8. Praise our LORD for His creativeness in us!
    #9. It's almost impossible anymore to talk to a person. I hate all the steps you have to go through with automated phone calls!!! It ought to be illegal, ha!
    #10. Isn't it great to be retired!!! Go anywhere, do anything at our own leisure!
    #11. GOD's provisions for us is beyond words to be able to thank Him for His goodness to us.
    #12. Yes, praise our GOD's goodness to us! I pray His Holy Spirit will convict those who need to know His salvation through our own thanks to Him in our living our lives for Him.
    #13. We are a blessed generation to see the Bible's prophecies coming to pass!!! Praise His Holy Name to also know from His Word what He has instore for us throughout all eternity with Him in all of His glory! Come, LORD Jesus, rapture Your Church, Amen!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Such a great reminder of who is in charge down here.  Have a lovely Sunday. Hugs, Nellie