Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Thankful Thursday March 31, 2022, And Chronicling My 70th Birthday


    I thank my God every time I remember you.
Phillipians 1:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends


Happy 70th Birthday to me!!  lol

I hope you indulge me on this post, 

 I am truly not trying to be braggadocios,

 just wanted to chronicle this in writing 

and pictures for later remembrance for

 myself, and my Sweet family, and knew

it would take you along for the

The header picture is of me and my sweet

 hubby and you will see the rest of our

family throughout the post.

Me,  My Daughter, DeeAnna, and  Granddaughter Brooklyn (AKA lil darling)

So on with my Thankfuls..............

#1 and 2

Thankful that our Daughter and Hubby 

were so sweet to drive here to celebrate

 my 70th Birthday with me this weekend,

 especially since we just left SC last Monday.

  Thankful They got in on Friday afternoon

 safe and sound, and back home safe

 and sound on Sunday evening.


Immensely, Thankful for all my family and

 all the sweet and encouraging things they 

did to make it so special for me.  You guys

rock......and I love you all too pieces!!


Thankful we could all get together on

Friday evening, and that we were able

to be outside on the porch as the weather

was perfect, and we ate and later played 

a game of "PIT".  If you have never played 

it, you should get a Pit game, it is so much

fun, a bit noisy but really fun.


Thankful that we had a lil time to have

breakfast and just hang out on Saturday.

Could not have had better weather, cause

Thursday it was storming really bad, and

we all love the opportunity to be outside.


Thankful for dinner out at a location of a

restaurant where we used to go all the time

when the kids were younger, not the same

restaurant anymore, but it was a nice blast 

from the past. The background in the picture

 is a tile mural of manatee's, (which has been 

there all those years ago)

 Manatee's are native to our area.  It's a neat 

place you have to go downstairs to get to it,

and pass by this lovely mural to get inside.

I had Risotto for the first time and really

liked it.  Liked everything but the scallops.

I think I will probably never order scallops

out again because they are not cooking them

the way they used to for some reason, as

they are translucent rather than white

inside.  This is the 2nd restaurant that

 has happened at, so I will cook my own

 from now on. lol

               Daughter and hubby on the left, hubby and I, and Son and lil darling on the right.


Thankful for a beautiful yellow cake with 

chocolate butter cream frosting made by

 the same gal that made lil darlings cake.

It was not just beautiful but sooo



Thankful that we have a beach vacation coming

up this Summer in honor of my Birthday.  That

was the only gift I asked for, as we have not 

done that in 9 years.


Thankful that they have fully equipped me for our

beach get-a-way with a hat, sunglasses, bathing suit

cover-up, sunscreen, Beach towel, sandals, rafts 

and pool noodles and an adorable beach bag to

 put it all in.  So thoughtful and creative.

So I am read to go!!

                                     My daughter dressed me up!  lol


Thankful for a beautiful silver bracelet from

all of them, and the bracelet is so pretty and

she got it from an etsy shop and the present-

ation was just amazing, (unfortunately since

 it's been opened I couldn't show you that.)

Wished I had thought to take a picture of

that.  So fun and So pretty.

Now every time I wear it I will think of

 this  Sweet and Special Birthday.   


So thankful for the special surprise of  a 

"Memory Box" that my Daughter made 

for me.  She contacted lots of friends 

passed and present to add their thoughts,

 comments, well wishes, or whatever they 

wanted to write to me for my 70th Birthday.

She typed them all up separately and put

them all in a beautiful silver box.

Wow, I have to say I was blown away.....

I feel so encouraged and loved , and

my cup is truly running over.

If you ever want to do something very

 special for someone on a very special

occasion I would highly recommend it.

We did it for my husbands 70th birthday

but we had it made into a book,  but

they aren't doing it anymore,  so she

got creative and decided to do the

Memory box instead.  I loved it!!


Thankful to all of the sweet folks who

took the time to bless me on my small way and big ways,

 it was all so appreciated and you will 

never know what it did for the soul and

spirit of this lady!!  I feel incredibly

blessed.....and pray the Lord blesses

each of you for your kindness to me.


Thankful that on my actual birthday,

which was yesterday (Tuesday) the

day was amazing too.  I had 4 people

call and sing to me, and a lot of birthday

 cards, text and facebook messages.  

What a fun and enjoyable day.......Just

 when I thought it couldn't get any better,

 it did. 

 Also had a great day with my hubby, 

 he wanted to take me out to do some-

thing fun but I was just content to be 

at home as we have been on the go

 quite a bit lately, so we got take out from

 a new to us, b-b-cue place we have never

 been too, and it was great, I actually

 loved their potato salad because it tastes 

like Mine (my Mom's recipe). Most of the

 time when I get Potato salad out it is too

sweet for me.  So we have found a new

restaurant to enjoy. So it was just a 

 happy and quiet yet enjoyable day

 spent with my honey.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

This is the Birthday Edition.  lol

Glad you could stop by 

and truly hope YOU

 have an incredibly blessed week.

Love, Hugs and 

End of March Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Imparting Grace

Between Naps on the Porch

April J Harris

A Stroll thru Life

Grammy's Grid

Karins Kottage


  1. Happy Birthday! And your granddaughter is getting so tall!

  2. Thank You Ellen,
    and yes, she has always been tall for her age, and there were times we would have to remind
    ourselves she is 6 and not 8 and so forth because of it. She's a lil sweetheart!!
    Thanks for coming by and hope you have a lovely day.

  3. Hi Nellie. Happy Birthday to you. You look wonderful. What a beautiful cake too. Your family is so sweet. Loved seeing their pictures with you. Hope your day was the best day ever! xoxo Kris

  4. Hi Kris,
    Thank you hon, and thank you for all your kind comments, they are well received for sure.
    So glad you enjoyed seeing my family and it truly was one of the Best birthdays ever!
    Thanks for coming by. Have a delightfully good weekend.
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. #1 & #2. Praise the LORD for such a wonderful visit!
    #3. Praise the LORD for His Presence in our family!!!
    #4. The joy of happy times together!
    #5. We have definitely had the spring storms this year!
    #6. Yes, I remember the place well. Years ago some teacher friends and I ate there! I do love the mural too!
    #7. The cake is beautiful! I bet it tasted as good as it looks!
    #8. Wonderful! I know you will greatly enjoy your beach trip!
    #9. Great gifts for a great day in the sun! I love your (decked out apparel) look, ha!!!
    #10. The bracelet will truly be a memory of your joyful day! Happy 70th!
    #11. What a wonderful keepsake for years to come!
    #12. The LORD is soooo good to us, Praise His Holy Name!
    #13. A wonderful day in indeed with the love of your life!!!
    Love you, Susan

  6. Your birthday celebration sounds absolutely lovely! Your sweet family loves you so much, and they did a great job of making you feel special and cherished on your big day. All your pictures are beautiful. YOU look amazing! Jim looks fantastic, too. You have both aged gracefully. DeeAnna and Scott are just older versions of the teens I remember them being. And that Brooklyn, what a sweetie!
    Your bracelet is gorgeous! What an awesome gift!
    I'm envious of your future beach trip. That will be loads of fun.
    I was humbled and thrilled that Dee asked me to be part of the celebration by writing a letter. What a joy to do that!

    Biggest blessings to you in this next decade of life.

    Love you,

  7. Thanks Susan,
    Yes indeed, the Lord is good to us all. He was exceedingly good to me this year, I have to say. Thanks for coming by,
    and have a good Sunday!!
    Love ya, Nellie

  8. Thank You Patti for all your sweet and encouraging comments hon. It was a day I will remember for a very long time, and thanks for being a part of it too, Did you get your Thank you note?? I think I emailed it or facebooked it, but don't remember exactly, so if you haven't checked those lately........make sure to check them. lol
    Thanks again for coming by, always love hearing from you hon.

    LOve and Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie