Thursday, March 10, 2022

17 Helpful and Practical Ideas for Getting thru this Crazy Life We are Living with our sanity still intact.

    Hello Sweet Friends,

This started out as my Thankful Thursday

Post, which was all done, but my opening,

 but as I was doing my opening it just 

morphed into something else that I really

 felt the Lord wanted me to share, cause

I think everyone could use right now.

So decided to do my usual Thankful

Thursday post tomorrow. 

 So here goes......

How are ya?? 

I know with all the things swirling around us: 

 the war on Ukrainian people, poor leadership,

 high prices at the pump, and high prices on

everything, issues with schools, and still 

struggling with covid restrictions in some

places, and I know for those up north all 

these winter storms, it can make us feel

pretty helpless some days, but just realize

we are not helpless and we are not hope-

less because there is a God who is still

on the throne and who knows what is 

happening and there are things we can

do.  Number 1, we can turn our hearts to

God, and we can pray like we have never

prayed before. Which I might add is the 

BEST thing you can do. Number 2, We can 

give to a good charity to be a help (We love

Samaritans Purse) cause they go all over

the world and they are ministering to the

Ukrainian people already. Number 3, you

can watch the news, so you do know what

 is going on but just don't camp there.  We 

have been watching the news on CBN,

 because it is from a christian perspective

and they only report the news not tell you 

what to think about the news, and we only

 watch it once a day!!

Number 4, start a Grateful or Thankful

journal and list some things every day,

or maybe go around the dinner table and

say something you are thankful for. This

helps give you perspective, that there are

still good things happening in our life and

the lives of others. Number 5, put on some

good Christian music and sing along or

maybe dance along...........

Number 6, which really could be inserted

anywhere in here, is read your bible,

especially the Psalms, and maybe read them

 out loud so you can see them, hear them, 

and say them. Number 7, Do something

intentionally nice for someone else, every

day, if possible. Maybe it's a phone call,

 a card or letter, a visit, a hug and I love you,

taking someone flowers or food or anything 

else you can think of. Just think of what you

would enjoy.  Number 8, Go out of your way

 to smile and be kind to strangers, as just

 about everyone is struggling these days.

 Number 9, Tell those that matter to

 you that you love them, and give them a 

hug, if you aren't used to that, it might

 seem awkward at first, but push yourself

to make it a habit, it's possible, as I didn't 

come from a background where that was

done, but it is such a habit with me now,

that I have even caught myself saying it to

 others that I don't even know, as I hang 

up the phone. lol  No one gets hurt from

 being told they are loved. Number 10,

Remind yourself how blessed you are to

live in the United States even tho we have

problems....we aren't being bombed and

having to leave our homes.  Number 11,

Do something creative:  Painting, floral

arranging, sewing, cooking or baking, or

decorating your home, gardening, land-

scaping, scrapbooking, card making, or

reading a book or magazine that inspires

you, or taking pictures, or blogging. Do

something you really enjoy.

God is a creative God and we are made

in His image, so these things make us

feel blessed (Happy).  Don't discard them

as being frivolous or useless. They might

just be the missing piece to finding more

joy in your life. Number 12, if possible,

sit out in the sun for a few minutes every

day or so, as it boost your melatonin levels.

I realize this is not gonna work for some

of you up north. Number 13, watch up-

lifting shows, movies, or comedians on TV.

Number 14, Be in touch with those you

love and care about as often as possible.

Now a days, it's easy to just send a text

or an email to say hello and brighten

their day, and yours!! 

Number 15, Make a Celebration out

of anything and everything you can think

of...I believe God is a God of celebration

and He loves when we celebrate good

things, ex; a birthday, a good report card,

a new job, a new dress, his creation,

someone else's having something good

happen to them, a new baby, and we

could go on and on. Number 16, put

verses from the bible or inspiring meme's

on your blog, facebook or instagram

accts., if you have them. Number 17

comes from another blogger "Create

with JOY", but I do this most of the

time as well, but forgot to mention it,

When you watch the news (like the

Ukrain situation) let it trigger you to

pray about it, rather than grousing

or complaining about it, which does

 no one any good.   

God's word say in Philippians 4:8-9 NIV

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, 
whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything 
is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Whatever you have learned or received
 or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. 
And the God of peace will be with you.

If we are consistent with thinking about and

 practicing the things on this list, I feel it's God's

 way of giving us a sense of empowerment and 

hope using practical ways to live out what the 

above verses in Philippians tells us.

Thanks for reading............and hope you

will take away at least one idea away

with you....if you aren't already doing

these things.

and I know there are lots more good and

great ideas out there, cause I keep adding

to my list,  so if you have a good idea

please share it with us, so we can add

it to our list of things we can do too.

Love and Hugs,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Imparting Grace

Southern House Designs

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

                                                                     Create with Joy


  1. Oh Nellie, I love your list. I aim to put these in practice every day. A good place to send money to help Ukraine is Medical Ambassadors International. They are set up to help the refugees in a neighboring country, I know a doctor who works with them. Yesterday out of the blue I sent a Christian card of encouragement to my 98 year old relative. As you said, pray like you've never prayed before.


  2. Hi Terra so nice to hear from you hon.
    and thanks so much for the encouragement.
    So neat that you are practicing these things as well. Good for you!
    I have never heard of Medical Ambassadors International. Thanks for sharing that, cause
    sometimes it is hard to know where it is safe to send money and to make sure it gets to
    where it's really gonna be used for the reason you have given it.
    Again great to hear from did something nice for me by coming by and leaving
    your sweet comment,
    Have a lovely day hon,

  3. Wonderful words, Nellie! One thing I do is pray to the LORD about 5 times an hour when the Holy Spirit prompts me!!! He has taught me to pray for those in distress (Ukrainians) that the LORD will lead many to His salvation that don't know Him; as well as prayer being lifted up for the LORD's guidance upon our leaders/military chiefs of staff/NATO leaders to seek His wisdom to do His will in these times of great need. It's amazing what and who the Holy Spirit leads me to pray for! Praise His Holy Name, no matter what we may think, Almighty GOD has all things in His control for His purposes. Love you, Susan

  4. This is beautiful, Nellie! I found myself saying "Amen" after every single one of your points. I especially realize the importance of not camping out on news sites. I truly feel the 24/7 cycle of news is not healthy for any of us. I even found myself thinking earlier this week that it was time to back away from Facebook for a time. Too much stuff of an ugly political nature coming through my feed right now.

    Love and hugs,

  5. Thanks Susan,
    Appreciate you coming by and your comments, and for sure the Lord leads us in who and what to pray.
    Love, Nellie

  6. Thanks Patti,
    Always good to hear from you hon, and thanks for your encouragement.
    Yea, I have found that at times too with facebook, so it is wise sometimes to back away
    from things that make us want to complain and stirs our emotions up. We know our political
    situation is far from the best, but complaining about it does no good, but can keep us in a state where we don't even feel like praying.
    How is Audrey doing??
    Love and Blessings,

  7. Wonderful tips Nellie - I incorporate many of these into my daily/weekly life and they truly make a difference! I try to avoid most news whenever possible (it is rarely good) - I try to stay in the Word as much as possible -I try to make as positive an impact in other people's life as possible - and I try to immerse myself in creative pursuits whenever possible!

    When I do follow the news (example, Ukraine), I pray about what's going on instead of grousing about it.

    SO appreciate your post. Congrats for being one of our Friends of the Week at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy! :-)

  8. Thank You create with Joy.......that's wonderful you are doing so many of these things too, and you are right it definitely makes quite a difference, and helps us not only have sanity but have joy as well. I do the same about the that you mentioned will have to add it to the list.
    Thanks so much for your encouragement and for choosing to highlight my post at Friendship Friday, that was a lovely surprise.
    Thanks again,
    Have a lovely day,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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