Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Thankful Thursday December 18, 2022, and another Christmas table from the past

With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD: “He is good; his love toward Israel endures forever.” And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.
Ezra 3:11 NIV

Christmas Greetings Sweet Friends

Hope this finds you doing well, and pacing yourself, so that you are not to worn out by the big day!  Have to say I have been pacing myself out of necessity. lol I am finally nearing the end of my decorating, finally and !I am feeling quit a bit better this week, reading my bible and praying more, exercising, sitting in the sun, and listening to Christmas music more, Oh and drinking some eggnog (our usual Christmas tradition and it's non-alcoholic- lol)..... 

All..... of this has helped. and especially some that I know were praying for me as well.  PTL

I remember Joyce Meyers saying one time in her teaching, if you are in need of prayer, ask right away, don't wait until you are so bad it takes a truckload of  Christians to pray you out of it.  So True!!

You don't have to tell the whole world but a few friends who you know will pray, should take care of it.

Pictures today are of another Christmas Table from the past.  This was taken during the blue hour (a photography term) and with a different camera. 

So on with my Thankfuls..............


Thankful that even tho, I got up feeling emotionally ,spiritually and physically depleted on Sunday morning., and really didn't feel like going to church, I decided to go anyway, and I am so glad I did, cause it really turned out to be a great day after all. We really need that fellowship with other believers as well as the teaching and reminders from scripture, and to sing of God's glory.


Thankful for a lovely day at church and a nice lunch out to Texas Roadhouse with some other dear friends.

  Nice to get to catch up with them.


Thankful for our wonderful Christmas program on Sunday evening.  They are always good, but this one was exceptional and had lots of special affects, and was very clear about the real meaning of Christmas.


Thankful for a new quote I just saw on facebook that I really liked and think is so true. 

 "Prayer is the bridge between Panic and Peace"


Thankful the Lord helped me find my black tank top that was missing.  Was looking for it on Sunday morning and to no avail, then was looking again on Tuesday morning cause wanted to wear it tonight, and looked everywhere and prayed Lord where is it?? 

the thought to look in the back of the closet came to me, and there is was laying on top of a box.


Thankful for a lovely evening out with our Son and lil darling.  We went to see her in her school Christmas program, then went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse afterwards.


Thankful for the school lil darling attends and all the lovely Administration, teachers, students and parents she is surrounded by daily.


Thankful she is out of school for Christmas break so we can just have fun this Friday. 


Thankful for these digital cameras that make it so easy to take pictures and store them or print them if you want.  No film, no fuss, no having to get them printed unless you want to.      Awesome really!


Thankful for those who are using our Christmas flipcards to send out their Christmas greetings this year.  

Click here to go there in case you are interested.

You can put it in an email and send it to as many folks as you'd shopping, no postage, no fuss!

Just pick out your card or cards, purchase, and the link comes in your email inbox, and you can either print it or send the flipcard.  Any difficulty contact us by the email on our website and we will gladly give you a hand.


Thankful that some long time dear friends will get to be together with their whole family for Christmas this year. It will be the first time in they are very excited about it.  So happy for them!


Thankful that someone we know and love made it thru surgery yesterday for kidney stones. They got all the stones, so it was successful, so hope she will be feeling much better soon.

That's it for Cozy Place this week!

Thanks for coming by 


Hope you have a festive week ahead!

Love, Hugs and 

Merry Christmas Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique


  1. Always love your thankful Thursdays. I am excited that your family will be to your place soon. That is the best gift to have family together to share in the excitement and love. Happy Week. Glad you are taking it slow and easy to enjoy the holiday. xoxo Kris

  2. Thanks Kris for your sweet encouragement. Yea, we are getting very excited and so are they.
    Always great to have everyone together, just makes it so much more fun, otherwise it seems like something or someone rather is missing.
    Hope you have a Great week ahead too hon,
    I am resting up today.....and will get started in tomorrow again.

  3. #1. I did the same!!!! I got up thinking I wouldn't go to church, but I did and was blessed!
    #2. Praise the LORD for Christian friends!
    #3. I'm sorry I missed it! I forgot I could have on-lined it!
    #4. How true that saying is! Praise GOD for His Holy Spirit that points us to Him in time of need!
    #5. I lost my black cotton jacket some time ago and have never found it!
    #6. How enjoyable! I'm sure she did a great job in the program!
    #7. Yes, praise our LORD for His goodness to Sweetie Pie in those helping her at school!
    #8. This time of the year is a great time in sharing with family!
    #9. Cameras are a great convenience these days!
    #10. I'm sure those using your cards are greatly blessed!
    #11. I pray the LORD greatly bless their get-together!
    #12. I've been praying for her everyday and throughout the day! Praise You, LORD!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: