Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Thankful Thursday December 22, 2022, Our mantle and family room

Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them.
Luke 1:68 NIV

Christmas Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this find you ready for the big day!  
Think we are there, finally, course, every time I think that, something else seems to pop up!!  lol
All in all it has been a good week for me,  I have felt
much better and more energetic, praise the Lord!!
So looking forward to the arrival of our kids from
SC tomorrow afternoon. They are already here in
Florida, and they are with her hubbies family
celebrating right now!  

Pictures today are from our family room

This year 2022.  Finally got to take 

some pictures.   lol


Thankful for a fun show we discovered on discovery +,It is called "HGTV Christmas at the White House," and it shows you all the decorating they do, and all the things they make, it's lovely and fun.....and they have years of them.  It was funny cause I was just saying to my hubby the day before I wish they had a program that showed people decorating for Christmas as it might be motivating for me.   lol

Mrs. Moose is new to our house this year.  My hubby saw one years ago at Burlington coat factory, when he was still working and just loved him cause he was sotall, skinny and just comical really. Tried to talk him into buying it for this office but he never did, but every time we would go into the store, he would look for him and after a few times he was gone and he was disappointed.  So we saw one this year at Bealls and made him get it!!  lol

So he told lil darling that this is our Moose on the Loose instead of the Elf on the Shelf

Just gotta love this face. 

 did you notice her on our hearth.


Thankful for our Son's help again,  We still had some furniture that needed moving again.  As we are getting rid of a futon in our office and the love seat that was in the living room is replacing it for now.


Thankful for a good day with lil darling on Friday. Had our usual breakfast she loves, made some Rolo Pretzel candies, Played restaurant a lot, watched The Christmas cookie baking challenge and did a lot of swinging, and she took a nap, she is fighting off something and feels okay but has a bad cough that keeps hanging on.

#4 and 5

Thankful for a lovely graduation party we attended on Sat. evening.  It was a college graduation for a young man we have known for years. We became friends with his Mom years ago, when she became a single parent, so they (along with his 2 sisters) have all been a part of our life for years now. He is such a great kid and we are so proud of him. He already has a new job lined up and will be moving to Texas in February. He got an engineering degree, and he is so excited.  We are thankful for him and that they actually live streamed the grad. service, so we got to see it.  Congratulations Allen! 


Thankful for another really great Christmas special on TBN called "All Heaven and Nature Sings" with the Bill Gaither and friends.  It was so good and so uplifting.  We so enjoyed it!


Thankful that we unexpectedly got to have lil darling for the day on Monday.  She has not been feeling super good, fighting off something. Taught her to wrap presents today, and she rested up quite a bit.  Which is good.


Thankful that I got a lot of wrapping done which is good since we had done no wrapping at all.  Hubby put snow (fiberfill) on our tree. Still trying to decide if I want to do more to it or not!!   lol  As I am not feeling the greatest myself.

Note:  Tuesday all wrapping is done........yea!! I did some. hubby did most of the rest, while I worked on cards.  Decided just to put a topper on our tree and leave the rest natural, and it still looks great.


Thankful for my sweet husband and all he has done to help me all this month.  He has truly been a life saver!  Could have never done it without him for sure.


Thankful all my family cards are made, and others sent out thru e-mail and  some addressed and mailed.  All done......


Thankful that the house is almost completely done.  Just have to finish cleaning our master bath tomorrow, and that's it.  Yea!

Note: all done


Thankful that our beef stew is all done for our traditional Christmas Eve Dinner. Tables are all planned and thankful my daughter will be here to help me cook on Christmas eve.


Thankful that we got to have lil darling for a good part of the day, and she and our Son wound up having dinner with us.


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

This is the right before Christmas Edition!!

Thanks for stopping in


Hope you and your family have an Amazing

and Joy Filled Christmas.

Love, Hugs and

Merry Christmas Blessings,


Sharing with:

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage

A Stroll thru Life

Shabby Art Boutique

Grammys Grid


  1. #1. Your decorating is beautiful too. I'm sure the president enjoys his being done by others, ha! Ha! The moose on the loose is cute!
    #2. I'm so glad hubby has the help of your son! We definitely need the younger these days to help assist us in our older years!
    #3. I'm praying she is feeing better now!
    #4 & #5. Yes indeed, congratulations to Allen!
    #6. I thoroughly enjoy the Gaithers' presentations! They have beautiful voices!
    #7. I'm sure she enjoyed the wrapping fun! I pray this cold weather doesn't make her worse!
    #8. Wrapping is a busy task, but a fun one!
    #9. Praise the LORD for both of you and your love for one another!
    #10. I only sent out a few. (Mainly to those who sent me one first)
    #11. I know you are glad all is done. I've been praying the LORD's strength to your back!
    #12. I know you will have a blessed time together!
    #13. We've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in our hearts to stay!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Everything looks so beautiful!
    Visiting today from Grammy’s Grid Unlimited 96.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie