For great is the LORD and most worthy
of praise; he is to be feared
above all gods.
1 Chronicles 16:25 NIV
Hello Sweet Friends,
Hope this week has been a blessing
to you and yours.
Ours has been mostly a blessing
to us, even tho, we hear bad news
at times, which keeps us praying,
If it wasn't for the Lord, His word,
and prayers going up, I am sure we
would all be in the pit of depression!
Pictures today are of Spring/Easter
decorating in our foyer and living room.
This picture below is the first thing
you see when you come in our door.
The wreath in the header picture
hangs in there too.
So on with my Thankfuls.....
Thankful for finding some chairs, finally, that I wantedto go with our new sofa we got back in early December. I wanted something a lil different and cute and not too wide, so as not to look so traditional and had been looking online for awhile now, but I was also concerned about
them being comfortable, and if you buy online, of course,you can't try them out either, so was perplexed and just figured I would keep checking around. Once again, we just happened on them at our new Bealls centric store. Haven't been there for months but we just went there really for something to do and thought we would just check and see if they had any thing we might like. Looked at all the chairs in the furniture dept, and saw nothing that would work for us, so decided to walk to the back of the store and look at the other home decor things, and as we rounded the corner there was 2 wicker rockers with a lil round table all for less than the one chair I saw online. We were amazed, no only are they so cute they were very comfortable, and came with chair cushions, they are sturdy as well. So they
came home with us last Thursday evening. Think we are gonna use the table as a stool, just need to
get a round pillow to top it with. The Lord
never ceases to amaze us....
Thankful that we also met a lovely hispanic
couple while we were there, and had quite
a fun time talking with them. We had a lot
in common with them altho they are about
30 yrs. younger than us. We always enjoy
talking with people when we are out.
Thankful for laughter. Little darling and I were
reading in one of her childrens books for school,
think it's called "The Moffats" Anyway, this lil
girl had a doll with a certain name.....It's not a bad name..... it is just a very unusually funny
name for a doll.... and it just tickled our funny bone, so now every time we hear it,
we bust out laughing.
Thankful that I got my linen pants hemmed
that I got for my birthday. Now I can finally
where them, cause they were very long. lol
Note: I wore them to church today and felt
so comfortable and good in them. Got a few
compliments as well, and it was just so nice
to have a new outfit, as it has been quite
some time, years really, as I just have a hard
time finding things I like and also that are
not made of polyester fabric, as it is just
way too hot for this girl, who has her own
personal Summers!! lol
Thankful that My Daughter and Son-in-love had
an opening at their beach house this weekend,
which rarely happens, (as it is a rental property),
so it was nice they could go their and relax
and enjoy themselves and get a change in scenery
as they have had a rough couples of weeks with
their doggie. His digestive problems seem to be
better and he seems to be back to normal as
far as the digestive issues go, but they still
don't know anything for sure yet,
about another serious issue the Vet found.
Thankful for a good day at church, and then for
having lunch after with our friends we haven't been able to go with for a couple of months now due to both our schedules. It was great to finally be able to catch up with them.
Thankful we went to Cracker Barrel, as we hadn't
been there for months either, so the food was great
as always, and we had a lot of fun looking around
in the gift shop before and after. They always
have the cutest things. Such a fun and
reasonably priced store!!
Thankful that my daughter went for a 2nd opinion
about their beloved doggie, and she got much more
hopeful news today. They are gonna recheck him
in 4-6 weeks. Which was their original plan but
one vet thought they should do it sooner, and the
Vet that did the 2nd opinion did an ultra sound
for free and the nodule has not grown at all, and
is much smaller than they were told as well.
#9 and 10
Thankful for God's word, the Bible, which
is His love letter to us and teaches us how
He wants us to live and more. Also, thankful
we still have the freedom to own a Bible
and read it anytime we want......
Thankful that I got started in my closet
today, a project I have been wanting
to work on for awhile. Which includes
trying on clothes to see what works
with what, and what doesn't fit any
more and what does. lol Planning
to just do a lil bit everyday since it
is a large project......Getting started
is always the hardest part for me.
Thankful to see lil darling for a few
hours and to visit crumbl cookie for
a treat today, since it will be our
last day to pick her up from school
for the year. She gets out in 2 wks.
So summer vacation begins............yahoo.
Isn't this the cutest pillow, it was a
birthday gift from my Daughter this
year. I just love it. Then flip it over
and you can just have it all white.
Really liked that feature too.
Well, That's all for this week!!
Thanks for visiting
Have a Beautiful rest of the week,
Love, Hugs and
End of April Blessings,
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