Thursday, April 13, 2023

Thankful Thursday April 13, 2023, More Spring Decorating in the Dining room

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
 In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living
 hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
1 Peter 1:3 NIV

                                     Greetings Sweet Friends,
          Hope you and yours had a lovely 
        Easter celebrating with your family 
       and/or friends.  We had a great time.
       and it's been a good week here.  We  
       have gotten quite a bit of rain, which  
       was definitely needed, nice to see our
            Yard looking so much greener!

            Pictures today are of more 
                   Spring Decorating in
Cozy Place Dining Room.

    Now....On with my Thankfuls

Thankful for a fun day and night
out.  Went to see the "Journey"
movie in the late afternoon, then
to Sams and Wally World to get
things we need for Easter Dinner.
Then out to dinner at Longhorns.

The scenery in the movie was
incredibly beautiful!!  As was
some of the music,  I am not
too into


Thankful for Benadryl cream....lil darling 

had to leave school early because she broke

out with some sort of itchy rash in several

places, so on the way to school her Mom

picked up some Bendadryl cream and it 

cleared it right up.....such a quick fix.    




Thankful to have lil darling today.

        We are schooling but having fun too,

when we take breaks.  

Thankful that our Daughter and Son-
in-love got  more good news about 
the situation they have been going
through, and we think it will all
be over within the next few weeks
hopefully.  We will all be singing
the Halleleujah chorus for sure.

Thankful for some very useful info
that we have learned this passed week.
That you can have all your credit bureaus
(Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union)
frozen, so they can not give out info
to anyone checking your credit info.
It is a great defense against identity
theft, and you can have them unfreeze
it anytime within a day or so, and it
does not affect your use of your
credit card. You can unfreeze it and 
then have them freeze it again from
what we understand. Thought this 
was great info to pass on.........
as we have done it and our other 
family members are doing it too. 
 Should you decide you would like
to do that be sure to check it out for 
yourself and ask all the pertinent 
questions so that you can be assured
 it would work for you. Just in case
we have misunderstood something,
altho, I don't think we have, but
you never know these days!

NOTE: We did find out we have to
 do it both for husband and wife 
if you have a joint account. So it's
was more time consuming since we  didn't know and had to do it twice.
Telling you just so you know to
do it all at once. Cause you have
to do it thru the automated
system, which is quite annoying

Thankful for a great time with the
family celebrating Easter.  Good
Vittles, Good Games and thankful
hearts for all our Savior has done
for us.  We always miss our
 Daughter and Son-in-love tho.

Thankful for a beautiful Easter Service
and then lunch after at Carrabbas
just hubby and me, since we had
the family over on Saturday.
and Now for a nap.

Thankful for Easter candies, jelly beans, malted milk balls, M&M's Plain and Peanut, they are not only yummy they are just the prettiest colors for Easter.

Thankful most of all that we serve
 a Saviour who died and rose from
the dead, or we would have no reason 
for faith or hope at all....
But He Has Risen!!

Thankful for new things we learn.
I just recently read somewhere about
the correct way to peel a banana, but
forgot to try it, then I was making a
smoothie while on the phone with
my Daughter recently, she told me
 about it and said it works, so I tried 
it and it works great.  They say it's
 the way monkeys peel banana's rather
 than peeling from the stem, peel from
 the bottom up and most all the strings
come off at the same time.  Cool!
Who says an old dog can't learn new
 tricks, as the old saying goes!! lol

The only thing I did in the kitchen this year!

Thankful for a wonderful dish
called "Beef Stroganoff", I was
introduced to it when I was 18
years old by my Mother-in-law
to be. It is my hubbies all time
favorite dish.  I made it for his
birthday but we only got to have
it once, as we gave it away as we
left for my Daughters the next day. 
 So had leftover London Broil 
from Easter, so guess what we
 made.  lol  Don't think I have
 ever shared it on my blog, 
so will have to do that soon.

Thankful that hopefully we have turned
a corner on what we think is a spider
bite on hubbies lower back. We have
been dressing it and using triple anti-
biotic cream and manuka honey. It
is looking like most of the infection
is clearing up now, and the area 
seems to be getting smaller, both
good signs...........
Also, thankful it has not been very
painful for him.

That's  All  Folks............

Hope you have a Wonderful
rest of the week.

Thanks for coming by

Love, Hugs,
and Mid April Blessings,

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1 comment:

  1. #1. Praise the LORD for your wonderful time together!
    #2. What a relief she must have had!
    #3. What a memory she will have with the time she spends with you!
    #4. Praise the LORD for His purposes and the blessings that come!
    #5. That's why I try and not use my credit cards anymore than I have to.
    #6. Yes indeed! Praise the LORD for His love to our family!
    #7. I know what you mean!
    #8. Yes! And, they're so tasty too!
    #9. He has Risen indeed! We one day will meet Him in the resurrection of His Rapture of us!
    #10. I'll have to try that!!!
    #11. Yes indeed! It is my favorite too! I remember when we were kids, we wouldn't eat it!!!
    #12. Wow! It has been a long time for the bite to have lasted this long!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: