Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thankful Thursday May 11, 2023, and Various Nature pictures

Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel,

 from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen.

Psalm 41:13 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How's YOU???

Hope you are doing well, and holding on to your Joy!

That's is one of the main reasons I do this post, is to

help me hold onto my Joy and maybe encourage you

in your Joy, as well.  Have had a quiet week, but

did get to talk with my Daughter a bit, and we got

to see lil darling this afternoon.  Today was her

last day of school, but they weren't doing anything

but Field day, so she didn't want to go.  Glad

she didn't cause we got to spend time with her,

as we want see her at all next week, as she is going

on a trip to see her Aunt Deena, and Uncle Jerry,

 Our Daughter and Son-in-love.

So they will all have a blast......

Today's pictures are various Nature Pictures

compliments of

So on with my Thankfuls...............


Thankful for a nice day and evening on Thursday.

We were able to get lil darling from school and have

her for a few hours,  then we went out to run some

take back errands, went toHome Goods, Marshalls 

and Home Sense and looked around.  Looking

 for a round pillow to put on a lil table turned stool. 

 You can hardly find any round pillows anywhere.

 Might have to break out the sewing machine soon 

and make one.  Brought some Taco Bell home 

with us.....cause we rarely get that cause our 

Taco Bell is mobbed all the time, so we really

 enjoyed it, even tho it was missing some key

 components!!  lol


Thankful for all the lovely friends and readers

of my blog for the last 14 years, Just remembered

 last night that my Blogaversary was on May 4th.

So wanted to say, Thank You to all of you

 in blogland who have helped make that possible - 

you have all shared your hearts, 

given encouragement and inspiration by your

comments and your own blog posts, some have become

friends, some have prayed for us/or others over 

different situations, some have shared your spiritual

 insights and wisdom, and shared your wonderful

and inspiring creativity by showing us how to

make our homes more Warm and Charming, and

how to make floral arrangements and an array

of other things, like painting furniture to making

wreaths, gardening and cooking over the years, 

So Thank You.....You have Blessed me

and many others, and I surely hope my blog

has Blessed you, as well.

I have always liked writing letters my whole life,

 so blogging has brought great Joy to my life

In the writing of it, and in the virtual meeting

of all of you,  So Again Thank You!


Thankful, once again for my Mr. Fix It, Hubby.

We have an acrylic sink in our kitchen, and have loved

it as it is pretty and has been easy to clean, with

 no scrubbing.  It  is called a Thermocast sink,

and we have had it for about 20 yrs.  Right after

 covid, we started getting stains in it for some reason

 that would not come out.

So we started to look for a new one, but we could

not find any thermocast sinks anywhere, so actually

called the Thermocast Co. and they had a supply

shortage and eventually went out of business. So we

did find an idea.........and used that, and it worked

for awhile (It involved applying car wax to it,

once I used bleach to get the stains out) and it did

work for awhile, so we tried again to find a thermocast

sink but to no avail.  Anyway, hubby looked online

and found that there was a way to buff the stains

and scratches out, so he did that and my sink looks

awesome once again!   So hoping this is a lasting

fix,  will see..........


Thankful for the beauty of the sun streaming through

 our woods in the backyard in the early morning hours.

It's like God saying, " Good Morning!!"


Thankful for a good day at church.  We had a Haitan band with us this morning.  Our Music Minister is from Haiti,  so they are friends of his.  They were really good.....and one man played the "Via Dolorosa" on the Saxophone and was truly amazing! It is such a beautiful song. Then after church, a quick trip to Sams and lunch out at Olive Garden. I have been getting their appetizer lately with a salad. It's called "Miso Shrimp"and it is so good, and had plenty left over to bring home and put in the air fryer for tomorrow.  Yea!!  It's sort of shocking to find good seafood in an Italian Restaurant, that is better than some Seafood Restaurants.  lol


Thankful for my new hot pink pumps, I wore them to church for

 the 2nd time, and they just make my heart happy for some reason.

I think cause they are such a pretty color and also cause

 my thoughtful Daughter got them for me, for my birthday this year,

 cause she knows her Mom is sometimes too practical for her own

 good!!  lol

#7 and 8

Thankful once again for the "Better Together" Show

on TBN every week day.  This week is all about

being a Mom. Something someone said made me feel

convicted by the fact, that over the last 10 years, I have

 prayed almost every time I watch lil darling for strength,

 energy, and a patient and a loving spirit, and for a good

 day with her, and the Lord almost always blesses 

our day, but I have rarely hought to thank

Him for it!  

I was 60-61 yrs. old when I started watching her.

So Thank You Lord !!


Thankful for an answer to prayer..... we got a positive

 response back on something we thought was very important,

but was not sure how it might be received.


Thankful that we finally got to meet hubbies new Cardiologist. 

 Our Dr. of 18 yrs. left the practice, so we now have a new Dr.

We really liked him, he is probably about 40-45 yrs. old,

very nice, thorough and a very good communicator. 

 We have heard nothing but good things about him. 

 Loved his nurse as well,  she was such a sweet and 

vivacious young woman who puts you right at ease.


Thankful that I was able to find some things, I really liked

 for 2 young ladies that are turning Sweet 16 this week.  I hope

 they will really like what we got and I really think they will.

I am sort of our of touch with that age group to some degree.  lol

Note: They both seem to really enjoy their gifts.


Thankful that hubby was able to easily get a black snake out of our

garage Wed. morning.  I keep my scale in the garage and

went out there to weigh this morning and when I did I saw

a black snake on the move cause he heard me coming.  He was

fortunately, right near our side garage door,  so hubby just

opened it and took a broom and he just slithered on outta here!

Thank The Lord!!! 

We were afraid he was gonna try and hide, and get behind

stuff and make it a real fiasco.  So happy that was not the case.

Well, Thats' it,  for Cozy Palce this week.

Thanks for coming by and bearing with my

 long windedness this week.............

Have a Terrific Rest of the Week!

Love, Hugs, and

First of May Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

1 comment:

  1. #1. Wow! You do stay busy! Ha!
    #2. Thank you for getting me started in blogging!!!
    #3. Praying that it works!
    #4. Yes indeed! I see it every morning when I go into the bird's room and open the blinds!
    #5. Yes! Praise our LORD for His talented believers!
    #6. I'm glad you didn't have to "wear them in" so you wouldn't get blisters!
    #7 & #8. Yes! And I praise the LORD for His witness of salvation through you to her!
    #9. Praise our LORD! He is so good!
    #10. Praise our LORD again! I know what you mean! My family Dr. I have had since the '80's retired and praise the LORD for Dr. Gil who took over my care!
    #11. Wonderful! I'm happy they enjoyed your gifts to them!
    #12. Thank the LORD for it moving on its way with help from the broom, ha! I've heard non-poisonous snakes keep the poisonous snakes away!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...