Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Easy almost Homemade Pizza Recipe (Delicious)


Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you and yours had a lovely but meaning-

ful, and safe day yesterday for Memorial Day.

 We had a very lazy but meaningful day.

 We had a pretty busy week, so we were just 

exhausted, so decided to just do nothing.....

We did run to the grocery store and make 

my fav, 1/2 pd. grass-fed beef Hamburgers

 on the grill, and then put them on Ciabatti

bread, with lettuce tomatoes and onions and 

they were soooo good, and later had brownie

Sundae's, so that made us happy campers

and we watched a "Walk thru History" on

 TBN which was really good, as it explained

a lot of information about the wars we as

a nation have been involved in all the way

from the Civil War up to now. It was

very interesting..........and of course, made

you realize once again that Freedom is

in NO Way Free!!

  Have had a few things

I have wanted to share so have been writing them down

so that maybe I can post them.  Today is one of those

days.  I know with prices rising all about us every day,

that many are looking for anything that might help

them save $$$, right!

Well, the last time we tried to order pizza from Domino's

the price of the pizza we normally order for $11-12 was

now $27.00 and that was with us picking it up!!

So I politely said what I paid for my last pizza and

she said did you have a special coupon? and I said NO,

and said if you look back at my order history you 

should be able to see it.  She said wel,l, I am not in the

office so I can't......so I politely declined the $27.00

pizza.  So now what do we do, right??

And I must confess that me and pizza dough do

not do well together.....I even tried pillsbury pizza

dough once, and I felt like I was in a Lucy and

Ethyl comedy.  I would stretch it all out on the

pan only to have it shrink back to the original

size,  so with that said.....

While on vacation last year we had gotten a pizza pack

 with personal size pizza's at Sams and we liked the

 brand.  So hubby ran to the store and got a large 4

 cheese frozen pizza by "Red Baron", (but of course you can

do it with a cheese pizza of your choice).  I already had 

 most of the ingredients on hand, but he needed to get

 roasted red peppers and black Olives. Once he brought

 it home and before we baked it, 

 I added Ham, onions or scallions, roasted red peppers,

 sliced black olives, and baby spinach.  Popped it in

 the oven for about 20-25 mins. and it was delicious!

(Just followed directions on the pizza box for oven

temp. and time)

I also sprinkled it with granulated garlic and

italian seasoning, and I have also done it without,

both ways are great!    

Some notes that might helps you:

We typically have Ham, onions or scallions and

baby spinanch on hand, but found a way to 

have the roasted red peppers and black olives on

hand as well.

I found that a bottle of roasted red peppers goes a

long way and can make up to 4-5 pizzas, but the

jar once opened only last about a week, so I found

a way to freeze them for future use and it has

worked perfectly.  Put some wax or parchment

paper on a cookie sheet then drain the peppers into

a colander and rinse, then lay them out separately

on the cookie sheet with some space between,

then put them in the freezer and freeze them.

I forget for how long, but just until you know they

look frozen.....once frozen put them in a ziplock

sandwich bag and put them in the freezer, Just

pull them out when needed and they are not a

big jumbled up mess since they were frozen


Now for the Olives....

In the Olive section of your store, they should

have "Lindsay Snack and go Olives,"  they are

in a red box and they have 4 lil containers of

sliced black olives with no juice. So you can just

keep them in the pantry, and you have enough

for 4 pizzas.  

Hope this might help you have a wonderful

pizza without breaking the bank, and of course,

there are many things people put on their pizza

that we don't, but you can see that if you want

to make it at home where there is a will there

is a way.  Also a large frozen pizza is about

$5-6 depending on where you buy them.

Happy Pizza Eating........

Oh and P.S. if you get the Red Baron do get

 the 4 cheese one, as we accidentally, got the cheese trio,

this week, and we did not like it as well.  Who would   

 thinkone less cheese would do that!!  lol

Love, Hugs and 

End of May Blessings,


Sharing with:

April J Harris

Between Naps on the Porch

Grammys Grid

Life as a Leo Wife

1 comment:

  1. Amazing looking and for sure something to try out so pinned this one.
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    We hope to meet you there virtually.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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