Thursday, April 11, 2024

Thankful Thursday, April 11, 2024, and Belated Easter Decorations

 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God
 a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly
 profess his name.
Hebrews 13:15 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,
How are you doing today??  Hope you and your
family are doing well and haven't been negatively
affected by all these Winter storms.  
We had one come through today that looked to
be was very windy and we were supposed
to get a lot of rain, but we didn't really get that
much, and the winds have died down and think
it has passed us already,  So Thankful for that.

Pictures today are of more Easter Decorations,
since I didn't have much time to have them up
before Easter and will be taking them down 
probably next week or so, and making it 
look more Springy!!

Now on with my Thankfuls....

Thankful for a good day at of our younger Pastors preached today.  Always enjoy hearing him.

Thankful for a fun sleep over with lil darling. 
Since she is now a preteen, we are in a new season of life, easier in some ways, but harder in others. So we are
trying to figure out a new normal, if there is such a thing.  lol

Thankful that we got all new cards displayed on our
website today, since Easter is over and Mother's day is coming May the 12th. We decided to just make them all Mother's Day cards, but we have an assortment of cards.
So check us out since we have decided to make all
our cards FREE......

Thankful for green "cotton candy" grapes.  They are so delicious and refreshing.

I had some help too...........
Lil darling did this whole vignette

Thankful that my friend who took a fall last week,
only bruised her ribs rather than broke them.
Still very painful tho......
She and I were both prayed for by the Elders
in our church on Sunday, and we are both
feeling much better, not completely there yet
but definitely on our way.

Thankful that we think we have the date for hubbies
cataract surgery.  We didn't know it has to be approved by his cardiologist, so that might further delay it, as Dr. is
new to us, and has only seen us once, so may have to
go see him first.  Will see.....
Takes a long while to get these hoping not!!

Thankful that we put 4 new cards in our card shop 
this week.

Thankful that we found out our Publix grocery store
makes fresh sour dough bread, which is supposed to
be good for you.  So far, we like it......I do find the
crust to be a lil bit

Thankful for new Zebra markers and highlighters
for lil darling and I to color with.  Her Dad got
her a new adult like coloring book with verses
and drawings, for Easter, so saw the news markers
at Sam's and decided to get some different markers
than we already have.  

Thankful that we have had some cooler days earlier
this week, and it is just so beautiful out with the
clear blue skies and all the trees full of those fresh
pea green leaves.  Gorgeous!!

She did this shelf too.

#11 and 12
Thankful hubby cut my hair into a bob that is the same length all the way around. I love it.....and Thankful
 our daughter gave me a hair dryer that is like a big brush that blows air for my birthday, and I was finally able to use it for the first time, cause had to wait on my arm to heal after my fall 3 weeks ago. Makes doing my hair so much easier and faster.  Love that too!

And the bunny on the bike as well.
She has some great ideas......

Well,  that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad you could stop in,
Hope you have a Fantastic Friday and  Weekend.

Love, Hugs, and
First of April Blessings,


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  1. #1. Our church is truly blessed with all the pastors we have!
    #2. Praise the LORD for her growth in His salvation!
    #3. A wonderful blessing upon all the mothers!
    #4. I haven't heard of them before!
    #5. We definitely have to watch our every step in our older years!
    #6. My prayers are for him! Remember me in prayer. I go Wednesday to have laser surgery on my right eye to clear away a membrane that is causing blurry vision.
    #7. Praise the LORD!
    #8. I'll have to try it!
    #9. I pray the LORD blesses her enjoyment!
    #10. Amen!
    #11 & #12. Great! Do you cut his hair?
    Love you, Susan

  2. Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 305. See you again next week at
    Yes we only have to look around us and appreciate all we have and be thankful for it. We sometimes tend to not see it.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...