Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thankful Thursday August 1 2024, and watermelon fun.....

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.
Hebrews 13:15 NIV

 Welcome to August and

Thankful Thursday Sweet Peas,

Hope you are all doing well,

and know some of you are having

your last flings before school starts.

Been a fairly quiet week here, not

much going on and we are thankful

the tropics are quiet, NO signs of

hurricanes - Yeah!!

Pictures today are of fun watermelon images. I always think of Watermelon in August cause it is soo hot!!

So Thought this would be fun!!

On with my Thankfuls...................


Thankful for a long chat with my Daughter today which is always fun, and makes my day.


Thankful that my friend who we thought broke her hip a few months ago is going to she her family up in Georgia next week. She is still having pain, but doing well otherwise. Nothing like getting to see your kids to perk you up!


Thankful for my lovely cozy bed. I saw something on facebook that said when you make your bed it is like unwrapping a present at the end of the day.  Love that!


Thankful that lil darling and my Son are going to visit her Aunt Dina/his sister, for a few days and they are all looking forward to it.


Thankful that they have a show back on called "Doc",  it has a country singer in it.  It is really a good show,  we have watched the whole series before,  but it was probably 6 yrs. or so ago,  So fun to watch it again.


Thankful for the fun of watching about 45-50 Ibis birds in an eating frenzy in our front yard.  It started with about 7 then another 8 flew in, and then over the course of 20 mins. more and more flew in till we lost count at 45 or so. Hubby hadjust mowed this afternoon then itrained, so they were having a great time feasting.!!  lol  We saw what we thought might be a Sr. bird because he was a grayish brown with a longer beak, and oranger legs and beak, and the other birds seemed to follow him once he flew in.


Thankful for our new Children's church coordinator.  She is a sweetie, and really handles the children very well.  We got to work in there with her yesterday, and I am wondering if she is a trained teacher.  She certainly seems like it.


Thankful for a lovely Sunday after church, we ran to Sam's mainly cause we needed to take something back, but then got some things we needed as well.  Then out to a nice lunch just the 2 of us,  and stopped for  frozen yogurt on the way home. Then a nice afternoon nap.


Thankful to hear our Women's gymnastics team and others won the gold at the Olympics. Didn't see it just read about it.


Thankful I was able to get another dental appt. so quickly, as I had to cancel mine last week cause I wasn't feeling well. So called today and going tomorrow, that is defintely an answer to prayer cause our dentist office is packed, as we have the best dentist in the area, or at least I think so.........Plus she has won dentist of the year for a number of years.


Thankful for a good report at the dentist. Fun having my old hygenist back, as well.  Such a lovely girl.


Thankful for a fun time browsing thru Home Goods,  after my dental appt., Then a nice late lunch with hubby to Carrabbas, then a quick run to our Publix grocery store. Was a nice way to get out of the house for a bit.

Anybody hungry for Watermelon now???  lol  I sure am!!

Well,  that's it for Cozy Place this week!!

Thanks for droppin' in......

Have a awesome rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and 
Watermelon Blessings,

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1 comment:

  1. #1. Praise our LORD for family time!
    #2. I pray the LORD to heal her pain.
    #3. It is definitely a gift to have (especially in the older years, ha!)
    #4. Good for them! I know their joy is overflowing!
    #5. I enjoy watching shows again and again!!
    #6. Praise the LORD for His provisions for His wildlife!
    #7. Praise the LORD for His provisions in our church!
    #8. I praise the LORD for our Church having its service on-line since I can't get around that well anymore!
    #9. Praise the LORD for their victory and witness!
    #10. Thank the LORD!
    #11. Praise the LORD!
    #12. I'm so glad Publix is so close to us!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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