Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thankful Thursday May 8, 2024, and Pics of my Daughter's guest bedroom

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice

 of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

Hebrews 13:15 NIV

August Greetings Sweet Friends

Good Morning to ya,

Hope you are all doing fine and if you live in Florida,

Georgia, or South Carolina hope you have no ill affects

 from TS Debby.

We still have a lil bit of breeze and we live in mid Florida.

She was one very large Tropical Storm I have to say.

In August another thing I always think about is my

Daughter's birthday, so came across another post I did

some years back of her guest bedroom, and  since then, she

decided to redo it...............So.........

Pictures today are a before and after's of my Daughter's

Guest bedroom, that we get to enjoy when we visit.

Here are a few Before Shots......

See original Post here, if you'd like.

This is the Ikat side, so pretty and boho chic.

This is the other side of the quilt............I am not even a fish person

but just loved this!!  Wish I had a picture of it on the is 

so cute, but you can get an idea from below.

Now on with my Thankfuls......


Thankful we got to have lil darling yesterday, cause didn't think

we were gonna get to see her for another week,  so that was nice.

Had a good time as always.  It was great to see her after 2 weeks.


Thankful lil darling and her Dad had such a great time with Our

Daughter and her hubby, and had a safe trip there and back.

She's really into the white and natural wood and cane look,

and painted the walls a pretty green which made for a very

soothing and inviting room, and it looks and feels roomier too.


Thankful for a really sweet good news story I read this week.

  It was about a 7 yr. old boy who saw an elderly lady

eating by herself, and he asked her if he could eat with her, 

so he did and they spent a half hour talking and eating together.

Turns out the lady had lost her husband and it was her first

 time back at this burger place her and her husband used to go to....

So the Lord put this lil angel there to be a blessing to her! 



Thankful I have completed another step on my ever-so-slowly closet

 organization project.  Today I organized my purses.  I needed

 another container to put them now they don't fall on my

head when I pull one out!!  lol

Loving that change already.....

Thankful that in the process of cleaning in the closet,I came across a
sweet and encouraging letter from my precious long time friend who passed away from ovarian cancer about 3 yrs. ago. Made me
cry, as I really miss her, but the letter was such a blessing........
Even tho she lived in Tenn. and we didn't get to see each other as 
much as we would have liked, we always just picked up where
we left if we'd never been apart.

Thankful for Arlene's life and what a Loving and encouraging 
Person and Friend she was to me and many others.  Friends
like that are so rare.


Thankful that the Tropical storm is passing by our area

 of Florida, but all we got was some heavy rain for a bit. 

Course, we are on the East side of Florida.

 Praying the panhandle fairs well since it will hit as a Cat 1. 

 Then we have to be concerned about our Daughter and 

Son-in- love in South Carolina, especially about flooding.

Wow, we were amazed by how much flooding  there was

along the west side of Florida.  Praying for those folks,


Thankful we got to have lil darling again this week. 

 Had a fun day.....will be starting homeschool  again

next week.  So we will be seeing her twice a week again.

We have all had a break and are ready to go again.

Thankful for another good Sunday at church, then ran by Wally World to get a few things, then out to lunch, just the 2 of us.
 We were supposed to go with our friends, but she wasn't 
feeling well, so they stayed home. Hoping she feels better
real soon.

Thankful for our A/C  Company, they came and did our 
annual check up.  Found some thing that could be a potential 
problem soon, so replaced that, and we are good to go for
another year hopefully.

Thankful for Hormel pork roasts,  they are always so good.  They
are the best out there,  as I have tried others but never like them.

Thankful that TS Debby has finally passed our kids
in South Carolina and they are fine.  PTL


Well, that's it for Cozy Place Today.....

Glad you could drop by....

Have a Lovely rest of the week,

Love, Hugs and 
First of August Blessings!

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Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: