Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thankful Thursday August 15, 2024, and a birthday table from the past, for our Daughter


Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, 
who daily bears our burdens.
Psalm 68:19 NIV

         Back to School Greetings

Sweet Friends,

Are you adjusting to your new routine ??  Hope so.

I always had a love/hate relationship with back to school

each year when my kids were growing up.  I loved having

them home all summer and having no routine and just having

a lot of fun and time to do whatever.  It was wonderful, and

I hated to see them go back to school,  yet at the same time,

I was ready and looking forward to getting back into a routine

and accomplishing some things and also seeing and hearing

about their new year and new accomplishments as well.

This year with lil darling we love that we get to see here

more since we are homeschooling her again on Mondays

and Fridays.  So I get the best of both worlds.  lol

Pictures today are of a birthday table for our girl from years past.

She is turning 40 in a few days,  so thought this would be a fun

post with  maybe some  fun ideas in case you need a girly table for

some reason.  I rarely get to do a birthday table for her anymore, 

 since she lives in SC and  most of the time we aren't with her 

on her birthday and if she does come it's usually just a quick visit

before or after her birthday,  so we go out,  so we can just spend 

our time together and usually we go somewhere to eat that she

loves, but that they don't have in S Carolina.

If you would like to see the complete Post from the past.

click here

Now on with my Thankfuls.......


Thankful for another good day with lil darling.


Thankful to get my toes painted today by none other

than lil


Thankful for our Daughter in a gazillion ways but this week 

We are thankful that she is in the medical profession.  We 

 went to hubbies heart Dr. this week, and we got a lot of

 good news, but he also said he wanted to do a cat scan.

 Anyway, our Daughter either has info or will find out info

 from Drs. she knows, that always make us feel more at ease 

with things.  Not that we were overly concerned, but

 thinking if there was a problem, it could mean another open 

heart surgery,  but she wrote and said that most of the time

 they do that procedure similiar to heart catherization.

So that was a huge relief,  just to know that!! 


Thankful to see a video of our Vice Presidential  candidate

JD Vance, on u-tube talking about his faith. 

 It was very good and very encouraging.


Thankful once again that our church and other churches

do online streaming of their Sunday Services as we

are home again with colds........


Thankful for instacart.....we rarely use it but sometimes there are situations where it really comes in handy.

This is one of them....hubb6y having cataract surgery tomorrow and we are  recovering from a cold, so we are doing whatever we can to not   overdo. it.


Thankful that we were well enough to be able to keep the appt.

for hubbies cataract surgery, definitely an answer to prayer.

Thankful hubby is home, fed and napping after his cataract surgery.

It went well, 

Now just keeping him resting,  instilling eye drops around 

the clock and from bending over. lol

Note: He went for his post op appt. on Wed, and the

Dr. said all was well, and he couldn't even tell where

he had surgery.  That was from all the prayers from

so many church friends............


Thankful for so many who prayed for my hubbies surgery

 and recovery.  Such a Blessing!!


Thankful that our long time friends (the one who broke her

leg 3 times in the last years) have one of their Sons coming

to help them, as her hubby has to have his pacemaker changed

and she is really not in shape to take him for this procedure,

and their Son works in the heart field as well,  

So that is such a blessing to them as well.

Note; Our friends heart procedure went well too,

and he is home and resting.  PTL


Thankful that facebook is an easy and quick way to get

a prayer request out in a hurry.


Thankful for a picture I saw this morning of an old time built in

china hutch.  It brought back a flood of memories for me,  as

our very first apt. as a married couple had one that was built

into a corner, and I fell in love with it the moment I saw it

and that's what sold me on the apartment.  Loved that I could

display all my new wedding china in there as well.


Thankful that our Daughter and Son- in-love are having

a lil getaway for her upcoming birthday, near the beach

in North Carolina.

Well,  that's it for today at Cozy Place.

Thanks for coming by


Have a Spectacular rest of the week!

Love, Hugs and

Mid- August Blessings,



 Happy Happy 4oth Birthday

to our Sweet DeeAnna,

Love ya, Mom and Dad

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A Stroll thru Life

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Nap on the Porch

1 comment:

  1. #1. Bless the LORD for our loved ones!
    #2. I know she enjoyed it too!!!
    #3. I've been praying the LORD's blessing upon Jim! I'll continue to do so!
    #4. I'm praying for GOD's will to be done!
    #5. YES! Praise our LORD for on line service!
    #6. Thank the LORD for conveniences!
    #7. Praise the LORD for His blessings on Jim!
    #8. I'm thankful for the LORD's blessings of answered prayers!
    #9. Thank our Almighty LORD GOD for His blessings!
    #10. Amen!
    #11. Even furniture is a blessing from the LORD!
    #12. Good for them!!!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: