Friday, August 23, 2024

Thankful Thursday, August 22, 2024, and Pics that remind us of summer


Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
 his greatness no one can fathom.
Psalm 145:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds yall settling back into your new
school routine if you have kiddles still in school.
or hopeful that Fall might just be around the
corner for you. Been a great week here in spite
 of a few inconveniences. Come on......I will tell you
about it in my Thankful post.

Pictures today are to remind us that Summer is coming 
to a close soon. Sooner for some of you than for us here
 in Florida. It will be a few months yet for us, but
I will be decorating for Fall soon anyway.....
We sort of have to fake ourselves out, inside at
least!!  lol

Now on with my Thankfuls...............

Thankful for a great first Day of homeschool with lil darling. She did a great job on everything and worked reallly hard. It was a stressful week for her too, as she started 6th grade and actually goes to school 2 days a week, so there were a lot of changes this year, as it is with
 most children entering 6th grade.

Thankful hubby is continuing to do well,  4 days down 3 to go for resting and no bending over. Caught him bending over a few times hard to remember when you are feeling great!

Note:  It has been over his 7 days rest period, so he
is back to normal other than still putting some drops
in his eyes, and that he can't lift anything heavy for
another 3 weeks.

Thankful our Beauty Berries are starting to turn
purple.  I enjoy them so much every year cause
they are just the most beautiful shade of purple.

Thankful for getting to see 6 lil young Squirrels have 
a ball in our backyard, chasing each other, run and jumping like rabbits, and running up and down trees and through bushes.  So adorable,  and they came out of no where,
I was just wondering yesterday where have all our
 Squirrels gone, and thought it might be because it's too hot out, cause someone told me that about the birds, cause haven't seen many of them for a while either.
So it was an unexpected treat, as we love the
wild life here.......saw a black snake too! Yikes

Thankful to be able to be at church this week.
Loved the message by one of our younger
pastors about the Lord's blessings to us all.
Very Good.........and so true.

Thankful the Lord let us go to church, go to
lunch and then run to the store only to come
home and our car would not go into park,
only reverse, so we backed out of the garage
and then did the emergency break, and turned
the car off and it would not start again.
So we could have had this problem at anyone
 of those places in the blazing heat outside,
so we are so thankful if it had to happen, it
happened just as it did...........

Thankful we got our van safely towed to the dealership
 we use to be repaired, and thankful our emergency
car Insurance paid 3/4 of the charge. So that was
really nice.

Thankful our Daughter got in safe and sound
this afternoon from S. Carolina, and we have had 
a great time catching up.

Thankful anytime our Daughter gets to come visit us,
but it worked out that our Daughter just happened
 to be coming this week. (since our Van needed to
be repaired, so we didn't have to pay for a rental 
car, as hubby had a Dr. check up for his eye again,
 and we had to drive 20 miles to get the repaired Van. 
So we were able to use her car. Such a blessing!

Thankful to get our Van back from the shop, and
 thankful for God's provision, as it cost was way
more than we anticipated.

Thankful for the good time we have had with Dee, 
and that we all got to go shopping and out to dinner
to celebrate her birthday.  Always great to have her
 here even if it's for just a few days, but we all
sure hate to see her

Thankful for a good school day with lil darling,
as I know it was hard to stay focused and get her
work done with her Aunt Dina here, cause she  
absolutely adores Aunt Dina, but she did get some
time with her, for a few hours before schooling
started which was good and a few breaks.
But was proud of her for being able to stay
on task.   

That's All for cozy Place this week!!

Have a great last week of August.

Thanks for your visit.

Love, Hugs and Last of August
Blessings,  Nellie

Sharing with::

Karins Kottage

1 comment:

  1. #1. Praise the LORD for her learning!
    #2. I have been praying for the LORD's healing upon him everyday throughout the day.
    #3. I bet their are plenty of birds "sharing" them with you, ha!
    #4. Praise the LORD for His wildlife!
    #5. Praise the LORD for the service being on-line! My balance is not so good anymore!
    #6. Praise the LORD for His direction in our lives! I pray you can get it fixed!
    #7. THANK our Almighty GOD for His blessings!!!
    #8. Praise the LORD for His Love of family!
    #9. The Love of our LORD to us is so Great!
    #10. Praise our Father GOD for His provisions!
    #11. GOD is so Good for His Love within family!
    #12. Good for her!!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....