Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thankful Thursday August 29, 2024, and whimsical Fall Images

Praise the Lord, How good it is to sing praises

to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!

Psalm 147:1 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you alive and well.  We have had 

a very slow quiet week this week.  We had rain 4

different times today.  Hubby keeps trying to get

out and mow our lawn but either it is wet from

rain or about to rain. Not fun mowing wet grass

as it stick to the mower and makes big clumps

in the yard which makes for more work.  Ugh!

But it will get done......eventually.  Actually it is

not as high as it would typically be which is

good news.  lol

Pictures today are of whimsical Fall images

thanks to Pixabay.  I love whimsical things,

and saw these and just couldn't not use them

cause somebody put a lot of work into doing

them.  So hope you enjoy them as much as

I do...........

On with my Thankfuls.........................


Thankful to be feeling so inspired today.  Think we really

 needed that visit from our Daughter, as she always

 inspires me....  and always good to have some changes

 in routine as well.


Thankful I am starting to feel Fallish, even tho it is still

 in the high 90's. We are having early signs of Fall.........the

 grapevine is changing to fall colors already, and our

 Beauty Berry is turning purple too.  None of that

 usually happens until September or later. So I am

 wanting to break out my Fall decor and get busy.


Thankful for blogs like the "Crowned Goat",

I just so relate to so many things she writes,

and it just speaks to me.....also love that she

leaves you a list of things to check out if

you want.....that are typically fun and helpful

to us.  Just read one that gave a list of 100

things you could do to improve your life.

Our life is good and I already practice many

of them, but I am always up for something

 that is good and meets with my value system. 

 Here's a link to both in case you are interested.

Click here for the Crowned Goat

Click here for the list of 100 things.


Thankful that our girl is having a great time

with her friend who just adopted a baby.

It's her first time to see the baby, and she

sent some pics he is adorable.


Thankful for a good day in the Lord's house,

and for a great service which ended with folks

giving testimonies of God's goodness.


Thankful to see a grown up girl, that we have

known since she was 4 or 5 yrs. old, and went

to our church till she married and moved

away to N. Georgia. We have always had a

great relationship with her, and she was

here visiting her in-laws and friends and

we got to see her and her lil girl.  We are

always delighted to see each other, She is

doing really well, as she had a long and hard

 bout of grief some years back when her wonderful

Mom passed away from cancer.  It is so good

to see her enjoying life again, and she is also

home schooling her adorable girl who is 

probably around 10 or 11 yrs. now. I know her

Mom would be so proud of her.


Thankful our Daughter made it home safely

 and uneventfully.


Thankful to read the good news that  Chick-fil-a

 is coming out with a new streaming service

with family friendly entertainment.  Not sure

when it will be starting tho. but so good to see

so many doing things to try to better our

families and country.


Thankful for another good school day with lil darling.

  She is so funny these days, she keeps us laughing.

She has always had a good sense of humor but as

she gets older, it is really coming out more.

She also had time to make a Fall card to put

in our shop.  Love it....


Thankful my Son and Daughter are feeling better.

They both came down with a virus or something

like what we had a few weeks back.  The first

few days you feel pretty bad, but then for about 

2 weeks after you just feel exhausted.  They are in

 the exhausted stage now, hoping it doesn't last as

 long for them, as it did for us. And we were

sooo happy when it finally left.....


Thankful that Dr. Phil did special interviews

with former Pres. Trump and JFK, and has offered

to do one with VP Harris, but hasn't heard back

from that yet.  They were good interviews.


Thankful that we know God has everything under

 control even when it doesn't look like it.  He is

the King of the Universe and nothing takes him

by surprise.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week.  

Happy you could come by


Hope you have a Fantastic

week ahead.

Love, Hugs and 

Last of August Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Ridge Haven Home

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

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Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: