Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thankful Thursday November 19, 2015, Fall in Asheville 2015, Part 1

Blessed is the one who does not walk 
in step with the wicked or stand 
in the way that sinners take or
 sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted 
by streams

 of water, which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.
Psalm 1:1-3

Morning Sweet Friends,

Well, I am Late again!!  lol
Trying to catch up on things
around here since I am so 
behind from being under the
weather these last weeks,
but hope this finds you doing
well, and getting all ready for
Thanksgiving. Can't believe it 
will be here already next week.
Can You?

These are all pics from my
 daughter and son-in-loves
what a vision of loveliness it 
was, these pictures were all
 taken our first day there, and
as pretty as they are...nothing
can top seeing them in person.

As Floridians who had not
seen these Beautiful Fall
scenes in person, before the
last few years, they are a bit
 thrilling and fascinating for us.
So if you are from where you
see this every year, Please
  humor me!!  and Just in case
you don't know you might
want to click on one picture
and then they all enlarge,
as some are small due to
my cropping for a better
visual experience.  

My Thankfuls are already
done,  just need to do my
closing, so will get on 
with it since I am so late

I am thankful

that Dee and Jerry will get in by early
afternoon next Wed. and be here all
day Thanksgiving day until evening,
then they will go to Jerry's family 
home to spend the night and 
celebrate with his family on Friday.

for a new relationship that has come
 about, with a girl half my age, and in
whom I have so much in common,
 and she was looking for a mentor 
and prayer partner and she has such
 a teachable spirit, so feeling this 
relationship is a divine connection. 
So far, it is mostly by phone, but we
 have some really great conversations, 
which have been rather nice for me
lately with being sort of out of it
 physically the last 2 weeks. Such a 
blessing to be able to pass on things 
the Lord has taught me, in my almost
 36 yrs. of walking with HIM!  and like 
the verse in the bible that talks about
 the older women teaching the younger
 women. It is a wise person who seeks
out someone older that has been down
more roads than you have, and such
a blessing too, to have someone
 younger feel you have something to 
offer them.

for the convenience of having a washer
and dryer in our home. I remember the 
days when we had to go to the laundromat
 and also when we got our first home and 
we only had a washer because my in-laws
were so sweet to give us one as a house-
warming gift. I worked full time then,since
 we had no children yet, and was very 
happy and grateful we could do laundry
at home,  but I still spent all day on
Saturday doing laundry....hanging them
 up and taking them
Then a few years later, when I got 
pregnant with our son, Scott, my Dad 
was so thoughtful to buy us a dryer 
cause he knew I would be washing
 lots of baby clothes,  and he was
sooo right!   lol


that our lil darling is feeling so much
 better today, and has an appetite again.  
She was sick last week, and we thought
 she was over the worst of it, but just
still very tired, but then she started
vomiting again yesterday (Wed), but
it was only that once, and she was
 fine the rest of the day other than
just being very tired, 
Today, Thursday, she has already
 been eating a lot more.  So think
hopefully, she is on the mend.


that I am feeling pretty good this
week, altho I still get tired by the 
afternoon. The Lymph node or 
muscle problem I am having in my 
upper leg is way better, no pain with
 it now for 4 days, and the swelling
 seems to be going down, so hope-
fully, it will be gone soon. So finally
 I have been able to start doing some
things again this week, which is really 
great as I am so
Just have to pace myself, as I am
still getting pretty tired by the after-
noon.  I am sure hoping this silly
virus goes bye bye soon.

that I have my Thanksgiving 
 and grocery shopping list all done,
 so just got to get out there 
and shop now.

Update: Happy to report our grocery
shopping was all done by Sat. evening.

for a wonderful story I saw on
yahoo this morning that caught
my attention and just had to 
read it.  It was about a young
male special ed teacher who
tells his students positive things
daily to build their self esteem.
Hope this link takes you to it,
it's really wonderful .......

Click Here to go there or you
can type it yourself

Really nice to hear some good
news for a change.

This tree is right in front of their house,
 and there is a house directly across
 from them you just can't see it now.

to see lil darling talking more
 and more in sentences, it is
just such a riot.  Wed. I gave 
 her some old keys I had, and
 guess she thought of them as
 car keys, and I saw her talking 
to herself, and she was saying
 "Mommy comes, then daddy
 comes and I get to see Lola.....
(Lola her lil doggie)
So Precious!

Across the street, taken from their porch, you can
see some ot the trees are already starting to thin out.

that one of our Sunday School
class couples had a really adorable
idea, they are having a movie night 
in their backyard Friday for all the 
children and watching
 "Polar Express", 
so they invited the whole class  to
 bring snacks and lawn chairs and
 their kiddies.  Think they are even
 having snow and hot chocolate.......
Such a cute idea, just hoping it
it is cool and doesn't rain!

Taken from their porch

that hubby will be home all next
week.  He will be working the first 
3 days, but even that is nice as it
 adds 2 hrs. to our day, since he 
doesn't have to commute.

I think the leaves even look beautiful all over the ground.
We had to sweep all this off the walkways for the 
Trick or Treaters................

that I figured out what I am doing for
my thanksgiving table, and am happy
with it.............

We got there just in time to see the trees in full bloom, 
cause they started losing their leaves just days
 after we were there............and some were bare
before we left.............

for my sweet hubby picking up
din din from Carrabbas last night.
It was scrumptious!!

Well, there you have it folks......

Thanks for dropping by and 

Hope you have a really great

Love, Hugs,  and
Thanksgiving Preparation


Sharing over at:

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

StarFish Cottage with Kristy and Friends

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Dwelling with Cindy

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne


  1. Beautiful pictures! It's amazing how our eyes see the full beauty when in person!
    #1. I can hardly wait to see them! I have to call Steve/wife, they had Thanksgiving day down for clearing my fence! I didn't realize that until yesterday!
    #2. You go, Nellie! The LORD has brought your witness to her!
    #3. I remember when we lived in Virginia Beach (I was in 1st grade) there was a big field with clothes lines where the trailer park people hung out their clothes!
    #4. I pray she is back to normal!!
    #5. With age, I forgot to slow down! I think that was one message from the LORD with this past year's "activity."
    #6. I can hardly wait to fellowship with everyone around your table.
    #7. Today's children need that so much!
    #8. I was so excited when she called me Aunt Susie!!!
    #9. The LORD bless them with no rain or wind!
    #10. The less he has to commute, the better with all the accidents lately!
    #11. Your decorations are such a highlight of your home!
    #12. Isn't it great when you don't have to cook!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Thankful for your beautiful post. Well said.

  3. What gorgeous photos! Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: