Friday, November 13, 2015

Thankful Thursday November 12, 2015, First Fall Table Part 2

 I will give thanks to the LORD
 because of his righteousness and
 will sing praise to the
 name of the LORD Most High.
Psalm 7:17

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you all well and 
happy and still enjoying the
 Fall Season!

I know many are moving on to
Christmas, and I am having some
 thoughts of Christmas too, but not
 too many. I truly like to take one
 event at a time as much as I can,
so I can be fully present in the
moment.  I keeps me from being
stressed  I do have
to say it is much easier as you
get older and are not responsible
 for children anymore, cause now
 they are grown ups responsible
 for their own child and Christmas
and we just get to enjoy it a lot
 more..........course, we still have
 plenty to do!!  lol

I am feeling quite a bit better this
morning, thank heavens........
Guess I have just a silly virus of
some kind I guess......but have
to say it could be far worse, but
I have just been so tired and 
achy and haven't gotta a lot
this week, which is a bummer!!
Here I thought I would come
home and be a dynamo of
activity after our R and R...
Oh, the best laid plans of
mice and men!!  lol
Guess that is why the Lord
tells us to say I will do thus
and so, if the Lord is willing.

Here is Part 2 of my first
Fall Table for 2015, along
with my Thankful Post.

If you would like to see
Part 1, just click here.

Just gonna get on with it....

I am Thankful.........

that we had a safe trip up to Asheville
 and back.  Also thankful for our Van,
as it makes our travels easier.

that we had such a great time while we
 were up there.

that our kitty Molly did so well while 
we were there and also in the car both ways.  
She was really a good house guest!!  lol

that I got all my bloodwork and Pap
results back from my previous Drs. visits
before we left. All is well, always such
a good feeling to have that over with.
Now gotta get a few others test done
now that we back...............

for chicken gnucci soup from Olive Garden,
We had that for din din Mon. night and it
was sooooooo good.

With Cutout Affect

for a nice chat with Dee on Tuesday.........
she is feeling much better,  as she had
this same thing last week, so am hoping
her virus really has run it's course.

for skype and facetime,  as we got to see
 and talk to lil darling and Scott and Megan as 
well.  Very nice to have that option with the
 baby especially.  She seems to like it.

for the priviledge and Joy of being called
Ourl lil darling just started calling me 
that recently.
What a Joy that is to hear her say that
in her sweet lil voice........

for the decorum, civility and respectfulness
of the last Republican Debate.  What a 
difference between it and the one before.
The moderator's did a great job, my only
complaint would be that they should have
 had a talk during the break with the one 
candidate who kept interjecting and
 being rude, when he wasn't suppose to.
That would have made for a perfect
debate.  Nice to be able to hear the
candidates and what they had to say.

With Posterized Affect

For the nice weather we have had since 
we returned, it has been fairly cool
 and sunny.

for a great idea that came to me yesterday
that I have been praying about.  I wanted
to do a lil something for each of our SS
class participates, so now I have the
answer, and it is something hubby and
I can do together as well.  Fun!

for the opportunity to listen, talk and
pray with a young lady Thurs. morning 
who really needed someone to listen
 and encourage her.
  Love those opportunities, especially

with those who are open to hearing
the truth...............


Well, there you have it Sweet Peas,
another week at Cozy Place

Happy you could drop by...................

Have a great Friday and Weekend,
See ya next week,

and Don't forget.............

no matter what you are going 
through....good times or bad times,
He loves us all the time!

Hugs and Autumn Blessings,

Sharing over at:

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

StarFish Cottage with Kristy and Friends

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Shoestring Elegance with Theresa


  1. #1. I prayed for you and praised the LORD for protecting your journey home!
    #2. It'd so good to enjoy our time away, but "There's no place like home!"
    #3. Good for her. She was in my prayers too!
    #4. I will reschedule mine after the New Year. They have no "self-pay!"
    #5. I have gotten on a "kick" with Campbell's Chicken and wild rice!
    #6. When you're out and around so many people, it's easier to catch, or like me I had built up an immunity, but mom would then catch it from me!
    #7. I've never gotten on it. In fact, I have taped paper over the spot, ha!
    #8. How joyful! When I taught, the kids would have a slip of the tongue and call me mom! Then the slip started being gramma, ha!
    #9. I often wonder how this country chose back in the days when there was no radio or t.v.
    $10. The weather has been beautiful! Bright blue skies!
    #11. Each year I have done something for the ladies Bible study. One year I sent Christian book markers in their birthday cards. Another year I sent refrigerator magnets I made with a Christian theme.
    #12. It is great to have a mentor!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. What a lovely Thanksgiving table, Nellie! The centerpiece pumpkin is so pretty.

  3. As a 'Nanna', I hear you on the babies calling you that for the first time. How special to be a Grammy. And how special your gratitude lists always are Nellie. I look forward to them enormously. Thankyou for visiting my lil party at Five Star Frou-Frou gorgeousness. Love, Mimi xxx

  4. Hi Nellie
    Im guilty of starting Christmas early! I do love Thanksgiving though it's one of my favorites. It's such a special time.

    I see you've been sick! I hope you feel better. Most blogs I've visited recently mention being sick this week and that kind of makes me worry about having the boys out and about...hopefully you will be feeling much better for Thanksgiving.

    I too am so very thankful for Skype! Definitely a blessing to have when Cade is working away in North Dakota.

    Wishing you and your sweet family a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  5. So pretty special!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...