Friday, November 27, 2015

Thankful Thursday November 26, 2015, Fall in Asheville part 2

Came across this gorgeous and free Printable
below from Lucy over at Craftberry Bush this
 morning so needed a verse for my Thankful
 Post so decided to use this lovely pic below.
Thanks Lucy!

for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a really wonderful 
Thanksgiving Day...........with
 Thankful Hearts, Great Fellowship
with Family/and or Friends, Yummy
 Food and Goodies, with Lots of Love
 poured on top of it all!

Have to say we really had a wonderful day,
that included all of that...........
It lasted all day, from 9:00 A.M. - 8: P.M.
Started off with breakfast/brunch at Scott
and Megan's, and spent the morning and 
part of the afternoon there, and the weather
was really glorious, so we got to sit out on
the porch some and visit and enjoy their
 beautiful breezy back yard, then we came
back to our house to start getting ready
 for dinner,  minus Scott, Megan and lil 
darling as they, of course, needed to 
spend time with her family as well.
Had a nice dinner around 5:00, and 
spent some more time yakking and then
sent Dee and Jerry on their way to see
his family. They are celebrating Thanks-
giving today, so that their whole family
can be together............ 

I am thankful

for a make ahead gravy recipe I found 
about 10 years ago.  The most stressful part
 of making Thanksgiving dinner to me, used to
be doing the gravy once the Turkey was out of 
the oven, and since I don't make gravy often
I am not the best gravy maker, but thanks to
 this great tasting recipe I can make the gravy
 ahead and freeze it, then just thaw it in the
 fridge and warm it up on Thanksgiving Day.
 Love it!!!  
Delicious and No Stress for Me!  
Whoo Hoo!!

Love the header pic and this one, that I caught in the late afternoon
as the sun was going down.  So Pretty I think!

for take out Mexican food from Chili's 
while I am doing all the prep for
 Thanksgiving company and dinner.

See the green tree right behind the first pink tree........

for my sweet understanding hubby who has
 no problem with getting take out or eating 
sandwiches at times like this.
He is just so easy and helpful...............
such a blessing!

 After we were there a week this is what
it looked like..............such a quick and
amazing transformation,  and it was almost
bare by the time we

that the house is all spic and spam
and ready for Dee and Jerry, and
the rest of the family.  Don't you
just love it when you have just
cleaned your house and it looks
so great!  I sure do!!

See how sparse the trees are now,  that happened
by our 2nd week there.  Now you can see the
houses across the street

that the gravy and stuffing is all made.
Have to say that the stuffing and gravy
are two of my fav parts of 
Thanksgiving dinner.

that Dee and Jerry arrived safe and sound,
a few hours later than they were suppose
to, but just happy they made!

for the fun evening we had on Wed. nite
after Dee and Jerry arrived, celebrating
 Megans Birthday.  We were a little early
on her birthday this year, but her twin
brother is here for her actual birthday
 on Sunday, and of course, she would
like to spend it with him, as she doesn't
 get that opportunity often, so we figured 
we would surprise her and do it while
the whole family was together on
Wednesday.  Due to Thanksgiving
and so much going on at once we
just got some great Take out from
an Italian Restaurant, and think we
all really enjoyed it.

These yellow trees look amazing when they are in full leaf.,
As you can see they have already lost a lot of leaves.

for a really fun and relaxing Thanksgiving.
Scott and Megan did an awesome job on
the brunch, and it was so nice that the whole
 family could be together again this year.  
We didn't really expect that to happen, 
 so it was a extra special blessing...............

Now you can see this lil garden area at the top of their 
street now that the trees are all bare.

that all my food came out well, cause we
changed up a few things this year, we made
a fried Turkey Breast hubby found at Sam's
and it was already cooked and we only had
to warm it, and they all liked that.  Then I 
changed up my brocoli casserole, and instead
 of using cream of mushroom soup, I used 
cheesy brocoli soup, as Jerry does not like
 mushroom soup, and neither do I really, and
 it was a great change we all liked it better,
 then I used scallions in my 24 hr. salad, since
 the last few times I have made it the onions
 have been so strong it sort of permeated the
 salad,  so we liked that change too............
so it was such an enjoyable dinner, and we
 can't wait to do it over again as leftovers! lol

Looking more like Winter now.............

that Dee will be back on Saturday some-
time and will get to stay until Monday......
Unfortunately, Jerry has to be back for 
work before then, so he is graciously kind
 to share her with us for a few more days.

even with all the bare trees there are still some full of Fall

for my family, my friends in everyday life 
and online, my home and yard, that my 
hubby loves his job, for all the trips we
have gotten to take to Asheville over the
last few years, for our church home and
church family, and for so many wonder-
ful gifts that Lord has blessed us with
that as my Dad used to say,  that you
can' tack a dollar bill too!  and they are
many and varied,  even in trials,  God is
good...........which leads me to my next
and last Thankful..........

These  pic and the one below I took for
the Holly Trees,  thought they were just 
so pretty!  would love to have one of these.

First and Foremost, and maybe last but certainly 
no where near least on my list is for Jesus,  and 
that he was willing to go to the cross to save me
 and everyone from our sin debt that we are all
 born with..............and to bring us into newness
of life and to give us the great gifts of His
spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,
Goodness, Gentleness and Self Control.
He never leaves us or forsakes us, and is
always there for us, He is the best friend
we could ever have!

These 2 pictures (the one above and below)
I took because they  reminded me so much
 of Germany when we lived there, 40+ years
 ago. Dismal overcast skies and misting rain
were a norm, and in our area houses were
 built on hills and mountains like this, and 
even the houses look the same from the
distance, and of course, the bare trees in
These were taken for old times sake!  lol

Thought this one below looks so funny  cause you
see all these bare trees and then here is the yellow
one just full of leaves.

Well, there you have it our ............
Thanksgiving Edition!  lol

Wonderful that you could stop by for a visit.

If you missed Part 1 of Fall in Asheville
and would like to view it, Click here.

Hope all is well in your next of the woods.

Love, Hugs,
and Last of November Blessings,

Can you believe next Tuesday is
December 1st??   Think we might put
up our tree today,  as we are not black


  1. So happy all of your family were able to be together for Thanksgiving! Beautiful photos Nellie.
    Thanks for sharing at AMAZE MONDAY!

  2. I love your thankfulness posts and your photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: