Friday, March 11, 2016

Thankful Thursday March 10, 2016, Whimsical King and Princess Table #2 w/ photo affects

The LORD is my strength and
my defense;he has become my salvation.  
He is my God, and I will Praise him,
my father's God, and I will exalt him.
Exodus 15:2

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Gosh, can't believe we are
headed into another weekend
already..........where does the
time go???

Hope it has been a good week
for you,  it has been for us.

Showing you some more pics
from Tuesday's post, but most
of them have Photoshop affects
this time just for the fun of it.

It has been sunny and 80 degrees
here most of the week,  I am con-
cerned we are gonna have an early
 summer......not to keen about that 
I have to say, but we are loving the
 sunshine, but think we are gonna
 start having some rain on Sunday, 
 so am sure hoping that will mean 
cooler day time temps again!!

Well, on with Thankful Thursday!

I am thankful....

with posterized affect

# 1
that when I dropped a full glass on
sunday morning that it was plastic
and not glass and that it was only
water not something sticky like
coke or lemonaide.  At least it 
made clean up easier especially
 because I was half asleep!  lol

that the mattress place refunded our 
money quite promptly tho it didn't seem
 like it at first, and we were wondering, 
 but the problem was a technicality at
 American it has been
 taken care of now, so and we can
 move on with our bedding search.

With soft omni affect

that the Mattress Co. also had a very
good attitude about the whole situation
as well......cause sometimes that is not
always the case..........

with cutout affect

for a really fun time celebrating
hubby and lil darlings birthday
on Sunday with the family. We
 all enjoyed it.....Made lil darling
her fav....pumpkin pie, but after 
a few bites of  Grampy's favorite
 "Banana Pudding" , she decided
she liked Grampy's fav the best!
lol, can't say I blame her.......

that my daughter had such a
good time with 3 of her friends
that came to visit her this past
weekend, one of them, her old
room mate got to come at the
last minute and surprised her,
and she was delighted.  Her
hubby was such a good sport
about it all too, so that makes
it nice as well.............

with lens flare affect

for the wonderful fragrance of
fresh strawberries we got.....
they seriously smell divine!!
I could sit and sniff them all
day long they smell so good.

for "Bear Naked" - Maple-icious
Pecan Granola.  Truthfully, I am
 not a huge granola fan, but this
 granola tastes awesome, probably
the reason we are having trouble
 finding it lately.  lol  We eat it on
 "Oikos, Toasted coconut vanilla
 greek yogurt and it makes
for a quick, easy, nutritious and
 delicious breakfast or snack.

photocopy affect

for the fun of making a bird's
nest with sycamore ball... bird 
eggs Yesterday with lil darling,
she just loved it!  We saved it
 on the driveway so her Mommy
 could see it. Reminded me of
sweet times with my son when
he was little.

Equalized & lens flare affect

to get to watch my son playing 
with lil darling the way he does. 
He found out we had one of his
 old toys, a discovery toy, marble
 racetrack, so we got it out and he
 put it together for her, and they had 
such a fun time while here for her
 and Grampy's birthday celebration
I adore watching Dad's having a
great time with their kiddles...
especially this Dad!!  lol

Pinch and Twirl Affect, I call
 it the Alice in Wonderland

that my daughter finally had the
courage to tell a good friend (not
one that was visiting - lol) some
things she really needed to hear.
Very hard for Dee, but in the end
I think, hopefully,  it is gonna be
 a gift to her friend once she has
 some time to think about it.

Paint daubs affect

that we have been exercising
every Thursday for awhile now,
it just makes you feel so much
better.....but we need to bump
it up another day, then another.
At least we are working on it.
So that is progress!

for a really fun new song I  
recently discovered on an ecard,
but I had only heard part of it, 
 then this week we were watching
"TheVoice" TV show, as Traci's
 son, Jonathan from over at "Beneath
 my heart blog" is going to be a con-
testant, and the first contestant on
Monday night sang, the song, it
is called "Happy",  anyway, it was
Pharell Williams song,  and I didn't
know who Pharell was until Mon.
night, and was so surprised he was
a coach on "The Voice".
Anyway, lil darling and I love
the song it is very fun and catchy
and makes us smile every time,
hard to get the song out of your
head too!!


Well, here's to another week at
Cozy Place

Just in case you would like 
to see Part 1, Click here

Hope you have a Wonderful

and Winsome Weekend!

Oh....and don't forget to Spring
Forward Saturday night
March 12th......


  1. Love that...Pinch and Twirl...Looks like great FUN! Aloha.

  2. Aloha to you too.
    Thanks for coming by and for your nice comments.
    I like to use those odd affects at times, I find
    them interesting!

    Have a great weekend,

  3. A birthday! Love to play with different photo edits too:) Happy weekend to you!

  4. Hi Jeannette,

    Actually, it was 2 birthdays.......hubbies and grandaughter!!

    Thank you for coming by and for your nice comments.
    Yea, the photo affects can be really neat. Gotta
    find just the right one for the right picture for
    them to really be great.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. You've been having some fun with the photo affects! Love the first picture with the light shining through the tiara! Looks like it was a nice party- birthdays are always something to celebrate!

  6. Hi Liz,
    Nice to have you come by..............and thanks for your warm comments hon,
    and yes, I get a kick out of playing with the photo affects every now and
    again......and have to say we did have a nice time and we are very into
    celebrating and dragging out birthdays around here for as long as we
    Have a great week ahead,
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. Very pretty and the photo effects are fun!

  8. Hi Sandra,
    Glad you came by and hope this finds you doing well.....
    also thanks for the sweet comments.

    Blessings, Nellie

  9. #1. I'm glad I'm not the only one to drop things, ha!
    #2. It always feels great when situations are finally corrected!
    #3. That is what gives them a good rating!
    #4. A dessert for a sweet family!
    #5. Good for them all! Friends forever!
    #6. I love to sprinkle sugar over them and let it bring out their taste!
    #7. I'll have to get some!
    $8. I remember when each spring we a had wren lay her eggs in a hanging plant in the foyer. From eggs to flight we would watch every day.
    #9. Such a blessing to witness!
    #10. So good to hear for them both!
    #11. I need to exercise. That may be another reason I'm so tired.
    #12. Another way to make a joyful praise to the LORD.
    I love you all, Susan

  10. Hi Susan,
    Nice to hear from you and glad you are feeling some better.
    Thanks for your list of comments as always. Hope you can find the
    Bare Naked Maple -icious, sometimes we can find it at our Publix but
    not always.

    Have a good day hon,
    Love ya, Nellie

  11. Nellie, I have featured this sweet post at Five Star Frou-Frou this week. Much love to you...Mimi xxx

  12. Oh Hi Mimi,
    Wonderful to hear from you as always and thank you so much for featuring my
    post, so sweet of you hon.

    Hope you are feeling much better these days.
    blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie