Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Fun things to use for Fall Decorating. #2

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope the day has been smiling on you~!

I have had my lil darling most of the day,
and she always puts a smile on my face.
Here is what I was gonna post

I am using my living room today
to show you more fun things you
can use or do with your Fall

Here is an overall look of  mostly what
 you will be seeing.  Don't forget you
can click on one pic and it will enlarge
all of them.............

Item #9

Use Tablecloths to drape over a
 chair to add color and texture. 

Or as a throw to add some
pattern to a solid color chair,
sofa or chaise lounge.
Of course, you can always
use it on a table too!

Items  #10

Use Ribbons, Tags, and Tassels

You can't see the tassels super well here,
but there are gold tassels hanging off
the white pitcher above, just for color
and uniqueness.

Cute tag from my Friend Becky
from over at TimeWashed some
years back......they can be hung
pretty much anywhere, off a lamp 
switch, on a topiary, on pitcher or
on a shelf, or sometimes just 
standing on their own.

just draping burlap ribbon to add 
some texture with all that white
porcelain and glass shelves, and
of course, you can use any kind
or color of your choosing.

Add some ribbon or bows to your
topiaries to dress them up a bit.

or to your throw pillows.

Item #11

Enjoy using natural elements that
you can find outside in your yard
or neighborhood.

Here I used acorns and acorn caps
palm seeds, and cinamon sticks,

and then Pine cones are always 
a favorite thing to use for Fall
to add a woodsy look and some
deep contrasting color, and

Love how that deep brown of the pine
 cones contrasts so well with my white
 pitchers but also goes wonderfully
well with the traditional Fall colors

Item #12

Magazines or Book about the

They are not only fun to look at, but they
are just a fun addition to the room that
adds more the flavor of Fall to the room.
Also when I have them handy in a nice
comfy spot like this I am more likely to
sit and  browse them more....they seem
to beckon you to sit here a spell......

Here's a lovely book I have had
for a number of years now and
love reading it every year this
time......It is called
 "Give Thanks"
by a lady named Karla Dornacher
If you would like you can visit
her if you
Just click here  or type it in for

She is an artist and author, and
she has many delightful books.

The book is colorful, whimsical
and charming and a great coffee
table blessing.

Well,  I have more ideas to come,
but will stop here for today.

If you missed part one, and would
like to see it - just click here!


Hope you had a fun time and
picked up some ideas maybe.
Hope so......

Have a Blessed Week,

Love, Hugs, and
Happy October Blessings,


  1. Hi, Nellie.
    I love tassels. They always feel so soft!

    I one time had a kindergartner bring a pine cone in for show and tell. It was absolutely the largest pine cone I had ever seen!!! It was much bigger than my hand! The tree must have been huge! I remember collecting some of the small pine cones from the trees when I was a child in the Florida Keys. I don't know whatever happened to them. They probably got thrown out, ha!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    I love decorating with pine cones and have had all of mine for years.....and I am surprised
    they have held up so well...since Hurricane charlie took all our pine trees away years back I have not been able to pick them up in my yard anymore.. lol I miss that..........
    I don't remember ever seeing pine cones in the keys course I do remember seeing those big
    Austrailian pines, so maybe they came off

    Have a good day,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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