Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Fall Coffee Table 2017

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a nice weekend and

We had some nice cool and cold
weather over those days so that makes 
this girl happy.........also went out and 
checked out BJ's Wholesale club, went
 to din din at Long Horns, watched a
 movie that was good in some ways
but we couldn't quite figure it out in
others..... So it wouldn't be a movie
I would recommend really.  lol
Did some more work in the yard, 
talked a lot about the poem in my last 
post - (See it here if you so desire)
 as we prepared for Sunday school, 
 then our usual Sunday School and 
church, and out for lunch at Perkins,
took a nap, then watched our Pastors 
on TV in the evening.  Monday was
my usual household routine and I
started some Blueberry Vinegar, and
 worked on this post some......lol 
 So it was a nice weekend and
 Monday.......and hope your's 
was too......

Have had these pics from our family
room for awhile now so decided to
post some of them today.

You will notice I threw in some
pics with photo affects just for
the fun of it...........

This is our family room 
coffee table.............

As I go thru this room in posts
to come, and in this post.....
I will highlight many of the items
 I talked about in several posts
in the last month, about fun
 items to use for Fall.

If you are interested in seeing 
those posts.

Just click here for Part 1

Here for Part 2


Here for Part 3

Seasonal Sprinkles
These are metallic Fall leaves

Pumpkins of any kind, real or faux,
fabric, metal, resin or whatever.....

Seasonal magazines or books

Soft omni affect

Colored pencil affect

 Candles with Fall colors.

Soft Omin affect

Photocopy Affect

Glad you stopped in and hope
you had fun..........

We are looking forward to seeing
the cute lil trick or treaters tonight.....
We never have too many anymore for 
some reason. Probably cause there 
are now more lit up neighborhoods
where they can go......so can't
blame them.......

How about you....do you enjoy 
the Trick or Treaters??

Hugs and Safe
Halloween Blessings,


  1. Love the fall decorations the pumpkins especially, Nellie, we don't have trick or treaters anymore most folks take their children to neighboring housing development. You should see the cars lined up in these neighborhoods. Sounds like you had a great weekend, very productive. We rarely go to movies anymore, how ever there are a few Christian movies I would love to see, Sean Hannity has produced a new one that I would love to see.
    Have a blessed week,

  2. Thanks Sue..........
    I was a lil disappointed last night cause we only had 2 groups of trick or treaters, and none
    of them had cute costumes.......and they were all older kids, but they were all really sweet.
    Have tons of candy leftover, should have stuck with the 2 bags I had....but also concerned
    I will run out.......next year it's 2 bags!! I think like you that most of the kids are
    taken to the neighboring housing developments that have lots of street lights. Yea, I imagine those housing developments are swamped.....those folks probably need candy donations....lol

    We are like you we rarely go to the movies either, why spend all that money when you can
    get good movies at home. We want to see that new movie too, (I think it is called "into
    the light", I have seen some trailers of it and seen Kevin Sorbo and his wife being inter-
    viewed about it. We could probably rent it on Amazon I bet.......course, it might be awhile tho....

    Hope you have a wonderful week hon, thanks for coming by, I always love your comments.

    Love and Blessings,

  3. Hi Sue,
    Got the name of the movie wrong before.....it is "Let there be light"

    Just wanted to clarify as there is another movie with the other name, but not the one we are
    talking about........lol

    Have a great day,

  4. This was a really great read, appreciation for taking the time to put it together! Touched on some very good... bloom tattoos

  5. I just love pumpkins! When I used to teach, I always bought several big pumpkins and really got tickled with the kids cleaning them out with their fingers! The goo got a lot of happy reactions from them lol! I would then let them sit and watch me carve out the faces on them to make the pumpkins become jack-o-lanterns! I always put a candle in them and place them up high on top of the cabinet where it could not be knocked over, When we turned off the lights they would glow and reflect the face on the wall! Too, this is the season I love pumpkin pies!
    Love you all, Susan

  6. Hi again, Fashion style,

    I tried to come by and visit your blog but there wasn't anything there but your name banner.
    Thanks for coming by again and for your encouraging comments.


  7. Morning Susan,

    Yea, I really love pumpkins too, but now most of mine or faux pumpkins and I have a few real baby boo ones.....but we haven't carved one in quite some time, and our kids really enjoyed it. I actually never carved a pumpkin till we moved here 36 yrs ago, and my step brother George used to do it with his kids, and he got us started doing it too.

    Yea, I love pumpkin and sweet potato pies.........definitely a Fall must have......

    Have a great day,

    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: