Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Encouragement for Today

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

Hope you are doing okay today,
I know there are so many bad
things going on in our country
lately, and the latest is the horrible
shooting in Las Vegas. In the last
 months it has been one shocking 
event after another.....

I had a different post prepared for
today, but in light of all that has
 happened in Las Vegas I just felt
 this nudging inside to try and
 offer a word of encouragement 
to whomever might need it and
as an encouragement and 
reminder to myself, as well.

I think it is safe to say that we
 are all grieved, shocked and even
 maybe fearful, which is totally
normal in the aftermath of such
evilness. but please don't let fear
 and discouragement take you 
over.....these times are a call to 
prayer and a time for us to call
 on God, on behalf of our families,
friends,  and our nation.  If we
give into fear and depression,
who is gonna pray.....and there
is so much to pray for......

Let's ask God to fill us to over-
flowing with his power, love 
and a sound mind, according
to 2 Timothy 1:7.  He says if
we ask anything in accordance
with His will,  he will do it and
I believe it is His will for us to
have power, love and a sound

  Honestly God is our only hope, 
and our only safety in this 
treacherous world in which we
 are living.Which brings me back
 to the promises of my Sunday
 scripture for this passed week.
 Isaiah 41:10 NIV

Do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed,
for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you:
I will uphold you with my 
righteous right hand.

Also Psalm 91 is a very good
read for encouragement as well.

Hope this is helpful to someone
today, as it was very heavy on my
heart to write it.............

Have a Praying Day!

Love, Hugs,
and Blessings,

I will post the one for today....

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  1. Dear Nellie,
    You have said what I'm sure many of us all feel! Thank you for your encouraging witness for our LORD and our prayers going up for those families who have lost loved ones or had loved ones harmed in this senseless act. "Trust in the LORD and lean not to our own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all we do and He will guide our path." Prov. 3:5-6 Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: