Friday, October 27, 2017

Thankful Thursday October 26, 2017, scenes from Fall's past #5

Praise the LORD.
Blessed are those who fear the LORD, 
who find great delight in his commands.
Psalm 112:1

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a delightful day.

It has been wonderful here.....a nice
cool day starting at 58 degrees and
is now up to 78, but it was only
 suppose to go to 73, but most of the
 day has been cool for Florida, so
 it has been a very delightful and
beautiful day, with the windows
 open and I am loving it............

This week has been mostly about 
helping out with lil darling and
then resting

Pics today are more scenes from
Falls Past........hope you enjoy
them and my thankful post.

I am thankful

that we finally got our new Discover
cards, (because they were cancelled
 due to fradulent activity) they sent 
them but somehow they had the wrong
 address so Fed X couldn't deliver them, 
and then they sent them a 2nd time and
 the same thing happened because they 
were flagged to get a new address, any-
way one card finally arrived on Sat.,
and the other one to arrive this week.

for more work done in the yard
twice this week.

for a fun time with Scott, Megan
and lil darling and my SIL Susan
on Sunday.  They all came over 
for dinner and we had a really
good it has been awhile
since we have gotten together.

that we have food and water to
eat and drink available to us
at all times.......sometimes we
can really take these sort of
things for granted.......

that we have a home in which
to live and not just a home,
but a home totally suited to us,
and that we love..........

that God has always blessed 
my husband with a good jobs, and 
even in the times that he was laid 
off due to jobs closing or cutbacks, 
God has always taken amazing
 care of us.......we have never
had a bill go unpaid.....

that we live in a country that
has good medical care. 

that we live in the USA.......
even with all her problems I can't
think of anywhere else I would
rather live..........

to hear about some really fun news
that happened to Lucy over at the
Craftberry Bush, she has just the
 most delightful blog, and she made 
it to the cover of Romantic Homes
Christmas issue. What a fun treat
for her and us.
If you would like to see the post,
just click here

that Fall seems to have finally
arrived here in Florida.  It was
58 degrees here last night and
our high will be 73 today, which
is cool for us.........Yeaahhhhhhh!!
It actually turned out to be 78
degrees but it was still cooler!

that I got to see lil darling 3 times
 this week, Sunday, Monday and 
So that was a special treat!

for a really sweet movie from the
Hallmark chanel called "The Wedding
Dress" was really great!

Well, there you have it...

Thanks for coming today......
Happy you stopped by!!

Hope you have a 


Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs,

and end of October Blessings,


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Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

Oh My Heartsie Girl

Starfish Cottage

Life and Linda 


The Dedicated House


  1. #1. I hope you verified the new cards and your address with the company. Since you have lived with the same address for so many years, it's puzzling they would not have the correct address to begin with. I pray all is well with them and the LORD's protection is on your account.
    #2. I'm so glad Steve does all mine, praise the LORD!
    #3. I surely was blessed to be with all of you too!
    #4. Yes! I thank the LORD before I eat my meals AND snacks!
    #5. Amen! I'm so thankful for the LORD supplying all our needs of food, shelter, and protection! I thank him every day as a part of my thankful prayers.
    #6. GOD is so Good ALL THE TIME. I can't thank Him enough for supplying all our needs!
    #7. Amen! (Especially from the two falls I had several years ago!) Praise the LORD for His Goodness and blessings!
    #8. Yes, and I pray every day for our military personnel, policemen, firemen, medical respondents, and ALL the politicians, especially our President for GOD's wisdom to be in him.
    #9. WOW! Great for her! What a nice presentation!
    #10. Yes in deedy do! Savings on the electric bills too, lol!
    #11. I'm sure she enjoyed seeing you too!
    #12. I have really gotten into watching LIGHT tv! That channel really has great shows!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Oh yea, everything is taken care of finally....I think who ever ordered the new cards must have just written the wrong address for some it caused quite a mix up, but
    glad all is well now.

    Thanks for visiting and leaving all your nice comments.....and yes indeedy do, we get to
    open our windows too!

    Have a good day hon,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: