Thursday, October 12, 2017

Thankful Thursday October 12, 2017, scenes of Falls's Past #3

Now, our God, we give you thanks,
    and praise your glorious name.
1 Chronicles 29:13 NIV

Hello there and
 Happy Thankful Thursday
 to you!

Hope you are having a week full
of things to be thankful about.

Honestly, I write this post to
remind myself of all the things
I have to be thankful for, and it
changes the way I look at my
Then hopefully all of you that 
read it will be reminded (if you
need to be) to look for those
 things in your life that make your
 heart grateful, because many times
 if we don't make a conscious effort
 to look for them, they will literally
 go right over our heads, sometimes
 it is just a small unexpected thing,
 and sometimes it is something 
expected and big, but I would be
willing to bet, if I was a betting
woman that mostly it is the small
simple things that bless our heart
the most.......and I think.....
 a grateful heart = a happy heart,
 so want to spread that around as
much as possible in these crazy 
days in which we live.

Pics today are of Falls Past
again..........hope you enjoy on with it....

I am thankful

for a new website birthed by Roma
 Downey.  She got so tired of all the
bad news and she was awake thinking
about it during the night and woke
up and told her husband we need to
make a good news website, so they did.
 They have all sorts of cool good news 
or just funny/positive things on there.

Here is one about the Las Vegas people are battling
hatred by giving back.

Click here  to see the video or
type it in yourself

What a wonderful and well needed
idea this was.....Thanks Roma!

for a sweet sleepover with lil
darling on Saturday night.
It has been quite awhile since
we have done one, and it was
pure joy.............

#3 and 4
once again for the Presidential
prayer team and for this wonderful
 testimony of God's love and grace
 from Steve Scaliese, that I saw in
their email on Sunday Morning.
  Very Encouraging!

Please Read is a very
good read............

Louisiana Congressman
 Steve Scaliese, 
who was shot at a baseball practice
 in mid-June, returned to Capitol Hill 
last week, praising God profusely for
 the many miracles and answered
 prayers since that day.
After walking in to sustained cheers
 and applause from House members,
 Scaliese gave a speech from the floor.
“As you can imagine, these last 
three-and-a-half months have been
 pretty challenging times for me and 
my family,” he said. And the outpouring
 of love, of warmth, of prayer, sustained 
him, he added. “And it starts with God,”
 he said to much applause.
“When I was laying out on that ball field,
 the first thing I did once I was down and 
couldn’t move anymore, is I just started
 to pray. And I will tell you it gave me an 
unbelievable sense of calm knowing that
 at that point it was in God’s hands.” 
He said he prayed for very specific
 things and “pretty much every one of
 those prayers were answered.”

Great Testimony!!  Don't we so
need to hear more of those stories
of God's moving in people's lives.

that Hurricane Nate did not do 
any really devastating damage,
and that those we know in those
areas are all fine.

to hear that Joel Osteen's church in 
Texas has opened it's door to letting a 
Jewish synagogue congregation whose
 church was flooded and unusable have
their services there at Lakewood
.  Very cool!

that we finally got our porch all
cleaned up and have started to
put things back in place.

for  beautiful sunny days this week
We have had a lot of rain and a lot
of overcast days it is
a joy to see the sun, even tho it is
coming and going at times.  Lots
of  cotton ball clouds out there. 

for another good news story from
 Fox News, it is about a lil girl 
finding out she is getting adopted.

Watch it for yourself it is so heart-
warming and you will probably
need your kleenex,  I did..........

Click here or type it in yourself

that Kirk Cameron and friends are
having another rally in theatres again
this year all across the U.S.  We went
last year and it was so encouraging!
So if you have a chance to go, don't
miss it.............
Check it out here.

for a new recipe I happened on, 
it is for broccoli bites, they would
go well with dinner or just for a
snack I would think.  Got the 
broccoli to make them,  if they
turn out well,  I will share it with

that I got all my porch chairs
cleaned and they are back on
the porch with cushions and all.
Only have a few more finishing
 touches and it will be back to
 normal but only

Just had to throw this in
since I came across it....
lil darling when she was
just almost 8 mo. old.
So sweet........and so 
hard to believe she is 
over 41/2  yrs. old now.

Well, that's our week at 
Cozy Place..............

Glad you could stop in......

Have a lovely rest of the week,

Love, Hugs,
and Pumpkin Blessings,


Sharing With:

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

The Craftberry Bush

Life with Lorelai

Starfish cottage


  1. #1. I watch the LIGHT TV Chanel and have seen her advertisement for it. I haven't gone there yet, but will check it out today!
    #2. With her getting older now, I bet it was really enjoying!
    #3 & 4. I'm so glad I am on their prayer team. It is not only "eye opening" to the many needs for GOD's people to pray for those in government, but it has their testimonies that are uplifting to us as well!
    #5. Praise the LORD for more answered prayers!
    #6. Another way of ministering about Christ to others.
    #7. I know you are glad that is finished!
    #8. Yes, and some heat still too! I'm thankful for air conditioning. I don't know how people made it through the heat in years past when there was no electricity!
    #9. There are so many today needing Christian homes too!
    #10. He is really a witness for the LORD! I keep expecting him to be the young guy of years ago, ha! He is definitely right about the LORD trying to awaken the people in this world!
    #11. Sounds great! Kinda like my Spinach bites!
    #12. Sounds like you are all ready for the cooler times of fall! Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by............Glad you checked out and like the lightworkers site.
    I have enjoyed it every time I have gone there. Like a breath of fresh air.

    Thanks for your encouraging comments.
    Have a good one,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: