Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Broccoli Tots Recipe

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and happy!

Remember last week I told you I found
a new recipe and it was called Broccoli
Tots, and if it was good I would share
it with you.  Well, I was quite happy
with it, as they are a good snack or
a good side for din din as well.

I have been using ours as a snack.
I put them in a container and put
them in the fridge, so I can just grab 
one easily when the Hangries get 
the better of me. lol

I like them room temp. best and
hubby likes them warm, so if that
is your story you can just pop
them in the microwave for a
few seconds.

I found the recipe at "the two
bites club blog, and she has some
other pretty good looking recipes
as well.......it was my first time
to visit there..........

Click here to see recipe 

or type it in or copy and paste it for yourself.

Just for your Information:

 I used frozen chopped broccoli and did
 not cook it first, I just put it in a colander
and rinsed it with hot water, and let it 
drain, and made sure it was as dry as
possible, then just mixed it with the 
other ingredients, and I also used panko
bread crumbs eggbeaters and colby
 and monterey jack cheese, as I just
 used what I had on hand.

I also used this:

After it was all mixed up this cookie
scoop was perfect for putting it on a
 cookie sheet.  Once I scooped it up,
 I did sort of smash the mix down into
 the round scoop, and that helped
 them to stay together better!

Anyway, hope you try them out,
don't think you will be disappointed
and they are pretty quick to make.

Have a Blessed Day!!


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A Stroll thru Life

Saavy Southern Style

Walking on Sunshine Recipes

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Starfish Cottage 

Stone Gable


  1. WOW! I'll have to try this! It looks like and sounds much like my Spinach Balls, only with broccoli and a different cheese! I go grocery shopping tomorrow! I'll pick up the ingredients and try it! Love you all, Susan

  2. Nellie, I adore broccoli, so these look right down my alley. Thankyou! How are you anyway. This year has been frantic for me, so I haven't been around much. I do miss you though! My DD finishes school in just 14 school days. It's a bit of a headspin, I tell you! She starts her first part time job with L'Occitane the French toiletries chain, and then the tough wait for a University offer! I hope you are well there Sweetness. Love, Mimi xxx

  3. Hi Susan,
    Yea, they are similar but of course, taste more like broccoli......
    Think you will enjoy them tho.

    Thanks for stopping in,
    Love ya, Nellie

  4. Hi Mimi,
    So good to hear from you girly. Have missed hearing from you, but I know you probably
    have quite a full plate with your daughter graduating and all..........
    Yea, think he will enjoy the broccoli bites....we sure have.

    I am doing well. Still very tired at times, but still taking my Vit D and hoping for
    good results when they retest me in November. I did discover that I had not been taking
    enough........as somehow I thought the gummy Vits equalized 2000 mcg. or whatever it is but
    I was suppose to take 2 and I was only taking 1 and a half, thinking it was equally 3000 mcg
    that I was suppose to be taking......so am now taking 4,000 a day......but I am feeling
    better than I was but just tire out as the day goes on. Maybe it is just my age ...but
    taking lots of naps these days...........also letting my hair go natural. I went to using
    semi permanent color for awhile, then just started letting it grow out, that leaves
    me with no harsh lines and it looks fairly natural and is silver, so far, I haven't felt
    like I look horrible at least.......lol So the semi permanent is not leaving as quickly
    as I was hoping for.....cause all the permanent color has been gone awhile noww, so can't
    figure out why the semi is staying in so well........cause I scrub it everytime I wash
    my hair, I still have a lot of dark hair in the back tho, so I am looking more salt and
    pepper back there, but think I will like it once it grow out.

    Well, that is about all going on with me right now...........
    Congrats on your daughters new part time job, I have never heard of that Company before,
    will have to look it up online and see if I can find it. Sounds like a fun place to work
    tho, and will be praying for the right college for her as well.
    Take care hon, and thanks for coming by and catching me up on things with you. I haven't been hanging out in blog land all that much lately either.

    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  5. I am such a fan of broccoli. As a consequence, I am always looking for new recipes. I thought I had them all until I saw this. It looks so yummy. I'm going to make these this week. Thanks!

  6. Hi Pattie,
    So nice to hear from you hon. Glad you liked the Brocoli tots recipe, can't really take
    credit it for it, but they sure are good. I am always looking for a new way to get our
    Hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

    Take care and thanks so much for coming by and leaving a nice comment.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
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