Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Playing and Practing - a simple Fall table for dessert and coffee............

Happy Tuesday
Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having the
 beginnings of a great week!

Altho, I am a bit tired today, I had 
very different Monday.....as I spent
 most of the day at Scott and Megan's
 home yesterday taking care of lil
darling as Mommy was waylayed
by some minor surgery. I had a nice
 day and we all got to visit some as
well, as playing with lil darling, so
it was a nice break from my 
normal rountine..........

A Few weeks back I found some
new and fun Pumpkin salad/
dessert plates you see here below.

Have been wanting some for years
but any I saw that I liked were just
too pricey for a seasonal item, for
me anyway......so as I was out and
about I happened on these at 
Wally World at a great price!

The least expensive I had seen were
almost $8-10 a plate.....I found all 4 of
these for $10, so decided they should
come home with me.....lol

           With Equalized Affect

Already had the centerpiece on
the table so just decided to see how the 
new plates would look in an actual

 so just threw this together
just for fun....and thought
it would work well for dessert
 or breakfast.

and these whims are always a 
good time to practice camera
and photoshop affects too,
as you will see throughout
the rest of the post..........

Can't believe these white baby Boo
 pumpkins have lasted since last year!

The only change is they yellowed
some..............but they are in perfect
condition otherwise.  Maybe because
they have been in Air conditioning
the whole time.  Cause I just left
them out in the kitchen area  with
some other faux fruit every since
 last Fall.............so that was a
nice surpise..........

 Cut Out affect

 Posterized Affect

An Overview

Polar Coordinates - I get a kick
out of this affect,  I call it my
Alice in Wonderland affect.

Make sure to Click on it or any pic
if you would like to get a better
view point...........

Omni Affect

All the affects were done on Photoshop

Love this soft affect!

 Paint Daubs affect

Polar Coordinates Affect

This one always seems like a type
of modern art affect.........


Thanks for visiting with me today,
Glad you came by.....and hope
you enjoyed your time here.

Have a lovely week
Keep your light shining

Love, Hugs and
last week of  Fall Blessings,


Can you believe only 7 more days
of October???  Guess I better get
out and buy some candy for those
trick or treaters......lol

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  1. Hi Nellie! Looks great! I love the plates. They are super cute. I can't believe the pumpkins lasted for a whole year. We went on vacation in Florida early October and had a great time. We've already got our Christmas vacation booked. I can't seem to stay away from the beach! :) My Dad is doing phenomenal. His cardiologist cannot believe he's back to 100%. He's now getting off all the medication one at a time. Praise the Lord for this incredible miracle. I can't believe I even worried about this. I should have known God would take care of it all.
    Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful Halloween with your cute little pumpkin GrandDaughter.
    lots of hugs,

  2. Hi, Nellie.
    I loved your pumpkin plates. I hated to cover them up with food, ha! Have a great day. Love you all, Susan

  3. Hi Caroline,
    So great to hear from you, I have been wondering if you are okay and was about to come
    leave a comment to see if you were okay. Glad to hear you were just having fun in the sun. lol So where did yall go in Florida this time?? and sounds like you are gonna have fun in
    the sun again for christmas, that's great! So glad to hear your Dad is doing so well, that
    is awesome....He sounds like my hubby.....course, he still takes meds but he is doing great.
    I am sure it is all the prayers that went up in their behalf and also them being wise enough
    to obey Drs. orders. My hubby was their star patient. lol Bet your Dad is with his Drs.
    too. That is just super news. So how are things with you??
    Lil darling should be getting up here in a minute so gonna finish up. She is gonna be
    rapunzel for Halloween. lol Can not believe this child is just over 41/2 but she just
    had her pic taken at school and she looks like she is in first grade. She is just big
    for her age and smart as a whip, and has such a great sense of humor, she really cracks me up.....wish I could put a book on her head to slow her down tho.......lol

    Thanks so much for coming by and for your sweet comments.
    Take care,
    Love and Blessings,

  4. Love your tablescape, Nellie, with your new pumpkin plates. I also like the small candles at each place setting. I am not very good at photoshopping photos, have a blessed week,

  5. Morning Sue,
    Thank You for your kind comments. Well, I am not good at the typical photoshopping some
    people do where they purposely take things out or add things in.......what I use is photo
    affects and all you do is click on them and they automatically change the picture, some
    I like and some I don't.....so if I like it I keep it and if I don't I remove it and keep
    looking till I find one I like.........so it is pretty easy, altho it does take a lil time.

    Hope you are having a great week, it is very cool here right now, and feels like Fall has
    finally arrived for us here in Florida.....I am beyond thrilled.....lol I think our high
    is suppose to be 73, which is cool for us.......lol

    You take care hon, and thanks for coming by............

  6. I like your new plates and your table is sweet and cozy

  7. Thanks, Carol
    So nice to hear from you and hope this finds you well.
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday January 30, 2025, and pictures of Winter decor

For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosper  you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future....