Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and
praise his name.
Psalm 100:4 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope you had a good day today!
Been a beautiful day here, very
sunny so got outside for a few
minutes to get some Vit D... but
did get some rain later. Also
Worked in the yard some this
morning, pulling weeds and
sunny so got outside for a few
minutes to get some Vit D... but
did get some rain later. Also
Worked in the yard some this
morning, pulling weeds and
trimming my rose bush back,
thought it had died, but after
trimming it back think it may
just survive after all. Have no
idea what happened to it, so
fertilized it good and hoping for
the best. Spent most of the rest
of the day talking with my sweet
daughter on the phone. Been awhile
since we had a marathon phone call,
so it was a nice way to spend the
day, as I can use my head set and
do some work at the same time.
thought it had died, but after
trimming it back think it may
just survive after all. Have no
idea what happened to it, so
fertilized it good and hoping for
the best. Spent most of the rest
of the day talking with my sweet
daughter on the phone. Been awhile
since we had a marathon phone call,
so it was a nice way to spend the
day, as I can use my head set and
do some work at the same time.
Pictures today are again scenes
from Fall's past. Now I will
get on with my Thankfuls....
from Fall's past. Now I will
get on with my Thankfuls....
for some fun games of Catch
Phrase with hubby. At our age
sometimes we have to describe
a word in order to get the word,
we want to describe the word
that is one the card, so it can
get pretty funny! lol
sometimes we have to describe
a word in order to get the word,
we want to describe the word
that is one the card, so it can
get pretty funny! lol
that we finally took a big limb
off one of our trees that was full
of grapevine, and I was concerned
it was gonna kill our tree if we
didn't get that limb off.....so it
is gone and so is the grapevine.
for a fun lunch out with some
church friends. The food was
pretty good, the service was
great and the company
was delightful.
for servers in restaurants that
do such a great job, when they
wait on us. Cause when you get
some that aren't so good or that
have an attitude it can definitely
impact your time out in a not
so good way and the reverse
is also true....when you get a
warm and friendly server it
makes your time there very
pretty good, the service was
great and the company
was delightful.
for servers in restaurants that
do such a great job, when they
wait on us. Cause when you get
some that aren't so good or that
have an attitude it can definitely
impact your time out in a not
so good way and the reverse
is also true....when you get a
warm and friendly server it
makes your time there very
that it looks like my daughter
and hubby will be here for
Christmas this year.
Makes this Mom a hap hap
happy Girl..........
for the delight in seeing a
long time friend and her son
on Sunday. I see her fairly
often, but have not seen her
son in years, and I have known
him since he was about 8 yrs.
old. He was a great kid and
now he is a great adult, he is
now married with 2 children
and has his own business, that
he started back when he was
a teenager, never seen a more
hardworking kid with such an
entreprenurial spirit.
for a precious story from light-
workers about a young boy who
has a disability and his new best
friend......very sweet!
and worth the watch..............
Click here to watch it or type it
in for yourself
for seeing some other longtime
friends that used to go to our
church years ago, while we were
out having dinner on Wed. It has
been years since we have seen
them and their son too, and his
girlfriend, she used to go to our
church as well, she was a child
the last time we saw her. We all
said lets get together soon, and
we would really love that. Our
daughter is best friends with their
daughter so we hear about each
other all the time as our girls talk
on the phone quite frequently.
that our Discover card fraud
prevention group discovered
what they thought might have
been fraudulent activity on our
card and cancelled our card and
is sending us new ones.........
Thank the Lord for his watch-
care over us.
for 2 really good movies we
saw this week. They are Hall-
mark hall of fame movies.
One was called "Dear Viola"
and the other one "At Home
in Mitford". They were both
really lovely movies and we
got them from the Feeln
chanel, which is now the
Hallmark chanel.
for all of you, Sweet Friends,
that come by; some on a daily
basis, some weekly, some every
once in awhile, those who leave
comments and those who don't.
It is always humbling to know
that someone is interested in
what you have to say!!
for God's word that keeps us
on track even when things
don't seem to make sense.

Hugs and Blessings,
P.S. Sorry for the wonky
print, tried to fix it but
it just wouldn't fix!! lol
Sharing with:
and hubby will be here for
Christmas this year.
Makes this Mom a hap hap
happy Girl..........
for the delight in seeing a
long time friend and her son
on Sunday. I see her fairly
often, but have not seen her
son in years, and I have known
him since he was about 8 yrs.
old. He was a great kid and
now he is a great adult, he is
now married with 2 children
and has his own business, that
he started back when he was
a teenager, never seen a more
hardworking kid with such an
entreprenurial spirit.
for a precious story from light-
workers about a young boy who
has a disability and his new best
friend......very sweet!
and worth the watch..............
Click here to watch it or type it
in for yourself
for seeing some other longtime
friends that used to go to our
church years ago, while we were
out having dinner on Wed. It has
been years since we have seen
them and their son too, and his
girlfriend, she used to go to our
church as well, she was a child
the last time we saw her. We all
said lets get together soon, and
we would really love that. Our
daughter is best friends with their
daughter so we hear about each
other all the time as our girls talk
on the phone quite frequently.
that our Discover card fraud
prevention group discovered
what they thought might have
been fraudulent activity on our
card and cancelled our card and
is sending us new ones.........
Thank the Lord for his watch-
care over us.
for 2 really good movies we
saw this week. They are Hall-
mark hall of fame movies.
One was called "Dear Viola"
and the other one "At Home
in Mitford". They were both
really lovely movies and we
got them from the Feeln
chanel, which is now the
Hallmark chanel.
that come by; some on a daily
basis, some weekly, some every
once in awhile, those who leave
comments and those who don't.
It is always humbling to know
that someone is interested in
what you have to say!!
for God's word that keeps us
on track even when things
don't seem to make sense.
and that's all folks................
Glad you could stop by today.....
Always happy to know you
came by.............
Have a Great Weekend,
and Keep your light
shining brightly!

Hugs and Blessings,
P.S. Sorry for the wonky
print, tried to fix it but
it just wouldn't fix!! lol
Sharing with:
Walking on Sunshine Recipes
Shabby Art Boutique
Life with Lorelai
Starfish Cottage
Stone Gable
A Stroll thru Life
Oh My Heartsie Girl
Southern Saavy Style
Life with Lorelai
Starfish Cottage
Stone Gable
A Stroll thru Life
Oh My Heartsie Girl
Southern Saavy Style
#1. It helps the memory for our older years, ha! I find myself sometimes wanting to use a specific word and I can't come up with it! Then as soon as I stop thinking "so hard about it" is comes to me, lol!
ReplyDelete#2. That grapevine can really be a pain when it gets started! I'm so glad Steve got all of it pulled off about 50 feet of my fence last year. It is starting again, however.
#3. Isn't it great. We ladies at church do it every Wednesday after Bible Study.
#4. Yes, and I have seen it happen in reverse with some of the customers! I feel so bad for the server when that happens!
#5. Yea, for all the family too!!!
#6. Praise the LORD!
#7. Thank you for directing me to this great website!
#8. The years pass so quickly, especially when seeing friends from the past! It seems their children should be the same age as when we saw them last, ha! My friend I have brunch with each month has 2 children and 3 grandchildren. I can't believe when I see them as adults!!!
#9. This happened to me about a year ago with my Chevron card! They did the same thing, cancelled the old card and issued me a new one! I'm glad they keep such great check on our cards!
#10. I have been watching so much of the "LIGHT TV" channel! They have great movies too!
#11. Yes!! I have no comments anymore, but last week I had 164 visiting from Russia and 129 from the U.S.A!
#12. Amen! I pray His Word is reaching those around the world that visit my blog which I share GOD's Word with!
The print on mine does that sometimes, but mine always goes to the largest print rather than the smallest, LOL! Love you all, Susan
Enjoyed your thankful Thursday list, So happy for you that your daughter and family will be home for Christmas, I never know for sure f our will be here until a few weeks before Christmas.
ReplyDeleteI agree having nice servers is always a pleasant experience, but am sorry to say , that is not always the way it happens.
I also think that one of God's greatest gifts is friends, and it seems you and your dh have many blessings.
Have a blessed weekend, Nellie.
What a lovely list of thankfulness. It was like a breath of fresh air in a world so full of negativity.
Hi Susan,
ReplyDeleteand yes, grapevine.....it is like the unending story....as hard as you try you can never
permanently get rid of it or so it seems anyway.....lol
Great you are getting so many visits to your blog and I am sure many are edified by it.
Thanks for coming by and for all your comments,
Love and Blessings,
Hello Sue,
ReplyDeleteThanks for coming to visit and for all your sweet and encouraging comments, they always bless
my heart. Hope you get good news about your children being home for Christmas too, always such a special time but extra special when we have all the chicks back in the nest at the same time........lol
I agree friends are such a precious gift and we are truly very blessed with the friends we have, most of them are long time friends which makes it even better....
You take care and have a wonderful week ahead,
Love and blessings,
Dear Joyful Chaos.
ReplyDeleteSo very nice to meet you here in blogland as I think this is the first time out paths have
crossed. I came over to your blog as I wanted to see who these sweet and encouraging
comments were originating from............wow, I read a few of your posts, and you are a
very talented and gifted writer.....very easy reading but very intriguing I must say. Very
much enjoyed it so will be by again soon, and you keep up the good work....
Thanks so much for your visit and come again soon.
Blessings, Nellie