Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Manna - Stories of God's Goodness #2 -Dee & Jerry's Reception

Good Monday Morning to you,
Sweet Friends,

So how was your weekend and how is
 your Monday shaping up???

It is raining and dreary here this morning, but
 there is sonshine in my soul.
We are still basking in the glory of how well the
 reception went..............and all the answers to 
prayer that we saw over any and all concerns
that we had,  how everything got done that
needed to get done,  and the ideas the Lord
 gave me, and the ideas and help from others,
was just such a blessing.
The peace we had through it all, cause this
 was a real stretch for me.  I can be very shy in
 a group of people when I don't know them, and
 basically, I did not know 10 of them at all, and
 only 2 had we met once, but the Lord enabled
 me to be more gregarious even than normal,
 which was so surprising to me..........
and such a blessing.

We kept Dee and Jerry in the bedroom till
everyone arrived and then announced them 
as Mr. and Mrs.
Our Dee looked so beautiful in her gown,
and Jerry so handsome in his suit. We just
 had to blow some bubbles on them, to 
that they are now, Husband & Wife. They
threw rose petals on them in St. Lucia.

All of Jerry's family said how nice they thought
it was, and how much they enjoyed it, they were
all very sweet, nice and encouraging.  It was so
 nice to meet them all.

 The wedding video was way beyond what we
 even imagined or expected, and the videographer
 did such a good job with the music he added to it,
 as well, and it is such fun to be able to watch it 
all together.  Also nice to have it and the pics
so we can see them anytime we want.

The photographer we had for the reception
 took lots of neat pictures of each family with
 Dee and Jerry, and then lots of candid shots,
am hoping he got some good ones of the
tables, cause I took some,  but they weren't
complete, as I added embellishments and
rose petals afterwards and forgot to take a
picture of them. Don't know when we will
get those back yet.

It was mostly all family, with just a few
friends that were able to make it, as my
guest list was limited since we were doing
it in our home, but it was a truly a most 
delightful evening.
Memories that will last a lifetime.

Other than the issue with the  cakes and 
the flowers for her and Jerry, wich I was
able to fix, thankfully!!

 Things really could not have gone any
 better than they did. About as perfect
as it's gonna get this side of heaven.
So we are so gratetful to God, and to
all of you who felt led to lift this event
and us up to the Lord in prayer.

  He heard our prayers...........
 and answered them exceedingly, abundantly,
more than we could ever think, hope or ask!
That is the Lord we serve..........
All praise goes to Him who loves us so 
graciously and lavishly!!

Started not to share about the disappointments,
cause didn't want to take away from what all
the Lord did,  cause he moved in a mighty way,
  but just keeping it real folks. Things do happen,
 we just have to choose not to let them ruin
 things for us!!  Cause the enemy also wants
to disappoint and steal our joy,  it is our
job not to let him do that to us!!

Was going to share some pictures today,
  but forgot to ask Dee and Jerry if it was okay, 
 so once I get their approval, hopefully, I
will be sharing them. 

Come back tomorrow and I will share some
sort of pictures whether it be from the
reception progress or the wedding.

Thanks for coming by, appreciate your
visit and your comments as always,

Love,  Hugs,
and Praise Worthy Blessings,

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 27, 20ll

This is same vignette but with new flowers pretty yellow
 and orange Mums with a few Sunflowers left over!

Take delight in the LORD
 and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

Evening Sweet Peas,

How in the world are you???

 I am busy..... getting ready still. 
Have done as much as I can early, 
 so seems like everything is running
 along pretty well, and sure hope it
 stays that way.  lol

I am gonna give you a snap shot of
my week again, thru my thankfuls.......

I am thankful
for faithful friends of many years, and my new bloggy 
friends who have prayed for us during this exciting time,
as well as the time during hubbies lay off.  You guys
are all wonderful and so appreciated.
We are feeling those prayers for the reception and so 
please don't quit,  not until after the 29th!!  lol
I am sure that is why things are going so well.....

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry got home safe and sound
and had a wonderful honeymoon in St. Lucia,
where they got married, and in Puerto Rico.

I am thankful
that their Wedding Video came out so nicely,
as well,  as the pictures.  They really had a very
good photographer.  Hopefully,  next week I
might be able to show you some of them.

I am thankful
to be able to enjoy hearing about them
feathering their new nest,  they are just so
excited,  and it thrills a Mom and Dad's
heart,  and we can't wait to see what they
have done to the new apartment since
we were there last,  but this is their last
week off,  so we want to give them
 their space!!  

I am thankful
that I found all the roses I needed today
to make the floral arrangements.  I was
concerned about that,  and only had to
go to 2 Publix stores!!
 Ask and ye shall receive....................

I am thankful
that I did not take a fall today when I was
out.  The floor was uneven in the dollar store
and my flip flop type sandal caught the edge
of the floor and it tripped me pretty hard,
but praise the Lord I did not fall or even
hurt my toesies!!  lol

I am thankful
that I found some battery operated twinkle
lights at Target today for just #1.99 each.
I wanted to either put candles along the
edges of the screened porch or put some
light in a faux tree we have out there.
Hubby was not in favor of the candles,
he would like to avoid burning the house
down!  lol   Personally,  I  thought it would be 
fine,  but after  almost 41 years of marriage I
have learned to listen to my hubby.  So this
was another answer to prayer.

I am thankful
that our friend Becky from over at Junk to Joy
offered to come and help me tomorrow,  if
need be..............I am not a good delegator,
so will have to see what I have left tomorrow,
and if I can delegate something!!  lol
and am thankful and  thrilled she and hubby are
 going to come to the reception as well.

I am thankful
that next week I can relax a little and not work
so much every day......but I am so glad I have
been able to do that,  cause I think the end
is gonna be more pressure free,  at least,
I am
and I love these times cause it tends to make
you get things done that needed doing anyway

I am thankful
for leftover chicken and dumplings, chili I had
frozen,  and steamed shrimp and potato salad
from Publix,  cause haven't been doing a lot
of cooking this week,  cause we have been
trying to work in the yard in the evening,  and
I have been out there some mornings.

I am thankful
for "OFF" mosquito repellent, for if it was not for
OFF,  we would not have been able to work out
there,  they are horrendous and voraciously
hungry for humans and animals it seems!! 
and I am not kidding or exaggerating either.

I am thankful
for a sweet card I got from another bloggy
friend,  Janet over at Janet and Marvins life.
It came in the snail mail today,  and was so
sweet and encouraging.  Such a blessing!!

Well,  that is my list,  and as 
you can see, I have been rather 
one track................
but that has been my week,
and it is a great track!!  lol

Hope you have a Wonderful
 Wonderful Weekend!!

Love,  Hugs, and 
 Happy Celebration Blessings,

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

White Wednesday - of my white room

Hello Sweet Friends,

So what are you up to these days???

You already know what I'm up to
Have a whole lot on my to do list,  and it seems to just
keep growing and
But have gotten a lot more done the last few days!!

Have to tell you I am a bit perplexed and insensed.....
because we have been looking for a new set of flatware,
and Oh My can not find anything
that is made in the USA.  Most of it is made in China,
found Oneida's is either from Indonesia, Viet Nam, 
 and mostly China, and at Market Store, not the whole
name, as I can't recall it right now,  they had some
made mostly in china and some from India, but did not
 say what it was made of.
Most of the flatware now is made with only Chromium
and no nickel,  which gives it the shine and the weight
from what I read.  Did find a few sets with Chromium
 and nickel but didn't like them, I had read several reviews
 on theWalmart site about the Better Homes and Gardens
flatware and had purchased a set I liked but once
I got it home realized, it was only made of Chromium 
and was made in China. Had forgotten to research
before I went looking the first time,  but after looking
in 8 stores, I haven't found anything I like as well as
that one,  and if we do find one we like it is made
with only chromiun and from china as well,  so guess
I am just gonna have to go with it.  No wonder there
is so much unemployment in our country,  this out
sourcing is just ridiculous.
 Will step off my soap box now!  lol

and on with White Wednesday!!

Will just show you my etagere shelf for today,  
and hopefully do the rest next week..........
We have had this shelving for over 34 years, and
I still love it today as much as the day I bought it.
When you walk in our front door it is practically 
the first thing you see..................

This is the bottom shelf on the left.
This adorable lil pumpkin you see here and that was in my
header picture was made by Becky over at Junk to Joy!
Made with plaster of paris,  and embellished with all the
cutest of Becky's creativity.  Just love it!

Picture taken from above.  Just in case you don't know,
you can click on any pic to enlarge it!!

Here's an even better picture of it,  love the leaf too!

This is done in a gradient map affect!

2nd shelf,  love this blue print pitcher,  on of my fav
finds from some years back,  and love this lil demitasse
cup,  I put a candle in it.................

More of my favs.....white creamers

Done with a posterized affect!

The whole shelf and nothing but the shelf!!  lol

Decided it needs some texture and happened to come up
on this lovely burlappy ribbon at Michael's and thought
it fit the bill nicely.  This pic loaded out of sequence,  it
was suppose to do the normal pic first.  Anyway,  it
looks great Posterized!

Here is what it looks like normally.  

and here,  great ribbon,  I really liked it,  so I went back
and got more,  as you will see next week.

This is the 3rd shelf on first side.
This is a seasoned birdhouse I got many moons
ago at a yard sale,  and it had an ugly finish on it,
so I sprayed it white,  and it gave it a great rustic
type finish.  It used to be embellished with pastel
dried flowers and ribbon,  but decided to take it
off last year,  for a change.  The birdie and nest
 was a gift from Becky as well.

Notice the lighting is different,  this is the real color
of the wall behind it.  One pic was taking with
flash the other no flash!

Liked the texture of the wire basket with the candle
That was a gift form my SIL Susan.

This is the top shelf on the right side.

Roses from my bouquet at Scott and Megans wedding.

Another pumpkin from Miss Becky,  this was from
last year,  love it too!

Gradient map affect,  I am really liking this affect!!

This is from the bottom shelves on the right side

A lil bit blurry,  like the reflection from the glass shelf.

White and pale pink potpourri, and some letter from an
old boggle game with the truth,  cause
Jesus does love you!!

Well,  hope you enjoyed some scenes from my new
white room, guess you can say I am not really Shabby Chic,
 I am more Modern Chic. More to come next Wednesday
 hopefully, have to say I have really been
 enjoying the new look.
Cause I really Love White!!!!

Hope you are having a joyful day,
  I am..........
heard from son today, and  my girl 
and her new hubby,  they are home,
 and coming over tonight,  
can hardly wait to see them. 
 She said it was like a dream........
so sounds like it must have been
 a very good time.............
can't wait to hear the details.

Thanks for stopping in....................
Always makes my day more Fun,
 when I hear from you!!

Oh yea, and I am linking up to
 Faded charm Cottage.
If you want to see lots more
Wonderful Whites just click here!

Hugs, Luvs,
and White Room Blessings,

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - October 20, 2011

Happy Thankful Thursday Sweet Peas,

So what is going on your corner 
of the world???
Some good things....I hope!

Been a good week thus far, so anticipating the same
 for the rest of the week.  Once again I will sort of tell
 you what I have been up to via my thankfuls.............

I am thankful
that we got a text message from Dee and Jerry
and they are at their next destination.  So was
very happy to know that!!  When they return
I will tell you where they went...............

I am thankful
for what a glorious and cool day it was today.
It was a great day to be out.........and I was.....
First, I went to bible study,  then shopping for
 stuff I still needed for reception and then some
grocery stuff too.

I am thankful
for all the sweet ladies that are in the bible study and how
they all go out of their way to make me feel welcome and
apart of things.

I am thankful
for wonderful memories,  this Fall table vignette
you see above..... holds lots of treasured memories
for me and hubby.

I am thankful
that we had the priviledge of living in Germany when we were
 just barely over a year married.  This Thomas Kincaide
picture so reminds me of Germany.  We lived their 40
years ago,  and it was an absolutely wonderful and 
fascinating experience for us both.

I am thankful
for this sort of beat up hummel music box,
my hubby brought me way back then.  Course,
it wasn't beat up when he brought it to me,
  but it has had a lot of wear and tear since.
  It plays our theme song from the first movie
 we saw together as a blind date.  

I am thankful
for this Hummel with the bunnies as well.
Another gift from hubby when we were living
over there.  I drag all of these out every
year in the fall,  cause they match the colors,
and they bring up great memories right
before our Anniversary in November.
So guess that is what prompted a lot
of this post!!  lol


I am thankful
for a fun day out shopping.  I really do have
such fun cause I don't go out shopping by
myself as much as I used to,  so I have to
say I  am enjoying my own company!!  lol

I am thankful
for the Thomas Kincaide, and what a gifted
 artist he is,  I simply adore all his work, and
also a book by him called "Simple Life" for
the prose is as beautiful as the paintings.
I especially like this picture that hangs in
my hallway, actually it is a puzzle that was
done years ago by our bible study kids,
who each did a lil bit and we didn't have the
heart to just stuff it back in the box,  so found
a nice frame at Good Will and framed it.
The bible study started with hubby just trying
to teach my son,  then his friend David joined
them,  and then it just mushroomed from
there, so most of them are my sons age, and
 now married having or have families of their own.
Those were so good times!!
Something about this time of year makes
me so nostalgic.........don't really know why!!

I am thankful
I have been able to get so much done this
week as the big event is approaching quickly,
so the more done now,  the less stress next
week,  and the more I can enjoy it.

I am thankful
for the really fun time we had with Scott and Megan
last Saturday,  we visited, had dinner and played
a game called Apples to Apples.  

I am thankful
that I found the things I needed to make a cute, yet
inexpensive door decoration, that I saw online for the 
reception.  I will be sure to take a picture of it once it is up!
Probably want put it up till the night before.

I am thankful
I was able to get a hair appt. for tomorrow,  which
was amazing since I have not been to her in such
a long time.  Another thing out of the way,  as I am
trying to clear the deck as much as possible for
next week,  cause you know, you always think you
have everything done then many things spring up
at the end that you forget about.  Am sure hoping
not many!!  lol

I am thankful
(Just had to throw this in too) for friends that are
so sweet to pray for us when we need it.  We had
a distressing relational situation happen this week, 
 and I called or wrote a number of my friends and asked
 them to please pray for us and the upcoming event.
What a treasure that is...................

Well girlies,  I am a tired woman, been busy
all week,  and out all day,  so I am gonna go 
chill out for a bit!!

Oh yea,  have to tell you about a really great
movie we watched last night called" Not
easily broken".  It is a story about a family
that got their priorities out of wack,  and
all that really is a great
movie,  we highly recommend it,  another
movie from Netflix.

Thanks for your visit,  and I 
hope you have a lovely weekend, 
 with family and/or friends and
 furry friends.  lol
Love hearing from you ..............

Love, Hugs, and
Nostalgic Blessings to you!


Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie