Thursday, February 9, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 9, 2012

Praise the Lord,
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant, and fitting to praise him.
Psalm 147:1

Evening Sweet Peas,

So how are you??? 
 Doing well,  I hope!!

It has been a good, energetic and productive week
 for me, I have to say.....which would lead me to
my first thankful......

I am thankful

for coconut oil or whatever has been making
me feel like the energizer bunny this week,
it is awesome............

I am thankful
that we are having company in early
February,  same sweet folks we had on
the spur of the moment last year,  so we
are really looking forward to it.

I am thankful
that Scott and Megan made it home
from their trip Safe and Sound on Monday.

I am thankful
that Dee and Jerry got to come over on
Sunday to visit,  and they brought Rosie
along as well..............

I am thankful
for a new white pitcher I found at the Hospice
resale shop,  as it goes nicely with my pitcher
collection and will be something new for spring.

I am thankful
for dark chocolate,  cause we have really grown
to love it and it is very heart healthy....not that 
you can eat tons and tons are anything but, a few
 pcs. a day is great,  and I find that because it is
 rich,  less is quite satisfying.

I am thankful
that I got the closet in our guest bedroom
straightened up,  so it looks nicer for our
company,  not that they would care!!  lol
But I did need to move some stuff so they
will have room to put their things.

I am thankful
that we got to work in the yard again
yesterday,  so we are making more progress
and that is always a good thing.

I am thankful

for all the great recipes we can find online, 
and especially thankful for a email I get from
 Kraft foods,  that have really easy and good
to great recipes.  They make my life a lot easier.

I am thankful
that a young lady that used to be in ourcollege/career
 bible studies years ago, is feeling better, this gal is such a 
sweetheart and she has been sick with an envirionmental 
illness for about 8-10 years now, as she is allergic to every-
thing under the sun.  so it is so great to hear of any progress
 at all.  In that time tho, she has written 3 books,  1 has been
published, and is a great book for anyone suffering with any
 kind of illness, it has been an encouragement to me many
times when I was having problems with my neck and back.
The book is called "Grace in Time of Need", Encouragement
 for those who are suffering, by Joanna K. Harris.
One of her other books is on the bible character Job, 
 and I forgot the name of the other one.  Hopefully,
  the last 2 are published now,  and maybe her sickness
 will come to an end, am certainly praying this would
 be so. She has really been through a lot, but has had
 an amazing attitude thru it all.  She is certainly 
an inspiration to all who know her.

I am thankful
for the gift of music and for the way it can
encourage and lift your spirit, even when you
don't even need it.............

which leads me to

I am thankful
that we had the pleasure and the privilege of
 going to a concert at our church tonight. It was
 by a family called "the Collingsworth family",
and they were just amazing!!  They have 4
children, 3 girls....13, 20, and 22,  and a 17
yr. old son.  The Mom is a singer and concert
 pianist and oh my, how she can play that piano,
  it is amazing to hear and see,  truly!!  All 3 of the
 girls sing, and Two of the girls play the violin and
 the fiddle, the son sings and runs the tech. system
and the Dad sings, plays the trumpet, leads music
 and introduces and announces everything!
What gifted and loving folks.
 It was like going to a Gaither Homecoming !!
Truly a Joyous experience!!

That's my week of Thankfuls!!

Thanks for stopping by, 
 always good to hear from you.

Hope you have a lovely,
 lovely weekend.


  1. Coconut oil? Is that the secret! I'll have to try it. Have a wonderful Valentine 's Day too!

  2. Glad you enjoyed your concert! And your week sounds lovely. I need to do some reorganizing in our guest room. I've been using it lately for my online garage sale site I've been participating in through Facebook and the room is really out of control! Love all the photos on your post. They're really pretty. Post of picture of your pitcher collection!! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. #1. I found I got a good "pick me up" after I went out and ate a good meal. Alice and I went to Grams Kitchen. They really have good food!
    #2. Is that when we are suppose to have the near freezing weather again?!
    #3. I'm thankful Megan's job lets her travel with Scott.
    #4. I was able to visit with some friends I hadn't seen in a few months.
    #5. White is so pretty. I don't know why you are not suppose to wear it until after May(?)
    #6. I can't have it because of the caffine in it. I can eat it and sure enough 4 or 5 hours later I'll have some valve fluttering!
    #7. It seems we always have enough to keep us busy!
    #8. Mine is looking like a dead desert in some areas. The dogs run over the dead grass in some areas and it soon becomes a sandy "run!" I'll be glad when the rains start again. It will fill back in!
    #9. I've got some great new recipes lately off the blog. It's just making myself get the ingredience and take the time to fix it, ha!
    #10. Maybe this is the why of her ailment. The LORD blesses when we strive to continue in His Name. I pray the LORD will Heal her completely. I have come across many of these testimonies in my readings of Stanley's writings, Daily Bread, and other books I have included in my daily Bible study.
    #11. The Holy Spirit leads in many worshipful ways with music. It's a blessing in its own.
    #12. That's why I love to watch concerts too. My favorite is the sing-a-long with the Gaither Hour! I have some of their DVD's too.
    Blessings, joy, and love to you all

  4. Happy Saturday, my sweet friend. I haven't visited in forever...I am really struggling with the usual winter issues, which makes doing anything difficult.

    I have fond memories of church conerts back in the mid-to-late 90's. They always brought in a group from Toccoa Falls College.

    How wonderful that the musical family can travel and perform together. Sounds like a lovely evening.

    I love discovering treasures like your new pitcher at the thrift store. I haven't had much luck in the thrift store department for many months. It's hit or miss, and mostly it's been miss lately.

    So glad your newlyweds are all doing good.

    Have a wonderful day.


  5. Hi Nellie

    I have to learn how to comment when I read your post instead of waiting.
    What a wonderful list of thankfuls. I am not a dark choclate fan. I really like white and milk.
    You inspire me so with your decorating and yard work. I am busy decorating but I don't like yard work.
    I hope you are having a good week.
    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: