Thursday, February 23, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - February 23, 2012

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,
since as members of one body you were
called to peace, and be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

Hello Sweet Peas,

Hope this finds you well and happy
 as we are getting to the end of the week.

Finally I am back problems, no headaches,
so that makes me a happy girl!  So guess that would
definitely be my number one Thankful!!

I am thankful
for a new book we are reading,  and so far, it is really 
good.  It is Tim Tebow's book, "Through my eyes".
  In case you don't know who he is he is a Christian
 NFL quarterback with the Denver Broncos, and he
 is one neat kid,  guess I  should say young man.  It is 
really neat hearing about his life growing up.
We highly recommend it!

I am thankful
that I got both of my florals done for the porch,
and that I really like how they came out, yet
they were so easy.  Now I can start putting my
porch  back together for spring.  I want the porch
 to at least look like spring (since we still have our
 winter look inside the house) when our company 
comes, so they can enjoy it, since they are from
 Ohio and are here to beat the cold weather.

I am thankful
for a really neat spiritual incite that the Lord gave
 me this week.  He never ceases to amaze me.

I am thankful
for my hubby and what a great guy he is,
  and how sweet he can be............
I wouldn't trade him for anything.

I am thankful
that a lady that goes to our church has been able to 
make it to church the last 2 Sundays,  we have really been
 praying for her, as she is fighting panic attacks and all kinds
 of stuff, but she is determined!!
God Bless Her Sweet Heart.....

I am thankful
for an idea that came to me............
making chicken tacos with rotisserie chicken.
 So easy, and so delicious!
All you need is some Taco Bell hard taco shells,
 cut up or shredded Rotisserie chicken, shredded
 cheese, chopped lettuce and tomatoes, lite sour
 cream, and Wholly guacamole, and salsa, if you like.
  At least that is what we put on ours, and they were
 delicious. You can put whatever your lil heart desires,
and I would advise making double what you think you
 will eat on all the veggies, cause you  just might want to
 have them again for lunch the next day!!  lol

I am thankful
for all the spring cleaning I accomplished in the last
few days.  Love that feeling of everything being so
nice and clean.  Not finished yet,  but love that I
am getting a lil more done daily.

I am thankful
that hubby was able to hook up our laptop to our
TV,  so I can once again get the worship network.
If you have never heard it, first read what is below
the "click here" first ........then  Click here!
Once you go to to the sight go all the way to the top
 of the screen on the right hand side where it says
 "Watch Live" and click there.

I used to watch it on TV all the time,  but now they
only have it on during the middle of the night for some
 strange reason.  They have the most gorgeous scenery
set to music,  and every so often they put verses on
the screen,  it really is such a lovely and peaceful
program to watch.

I am thankful
for public servants like the mail carriers, trash and 
recycle collectors, as they make life much easier
for me......can't imagine having to run all the way
to the post office every day to get my mail or 
having to take my trash and stuff all the way to
the dump every few days.

I am thankful
for God's word and that it truly is a lamp unto
my feet because it is so true and trustworthy.

I am thankful
that a friend that I gave the "Jesus Calling" book
 to, is really being blessed by it.  Always
 a blessing influencing someone's life.

Thought I would just wet your appetite
 for Spring with my pictures...............
I can hear the birds out there singing 
like crazy as I am typing this.... I think
 they already think it is spring cause of
 our warm weather here in Florida.

Thanks for your visit,  always great 
to hear from you!

Love, Hugs, and
 Bright Floral Blessings to you,


  1. Hooked the computer up to the TV? Very smart. Glad you're able to enjoy your TV Channel! The tacos with the chicken sounds really good! Hope you had a nice day!

  2. #1. Thank the LORD for you feeling better. I'm feeling fine, but Dr. Quinn's office called me and said my cholesterol is up again :-(
    #2. I'm thankful for the young adults who are standing up for the LORD.
    #3. Martha Stewart had a neat project that had you making cloth pom poms out of tee shirts, then creating flowers out of them! It was really cute!
    #4. The LORD gave me insite this morning (when I was doing my daily devotions) to the fact of "Make sure I take on the advice I give others." Sometimes advice is so freely given without truly thinking if it would be something one would do themself.
    #5. "It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Gen. 2:18
    #6. I pray for a lady in my Bible study class that has many difficulties of this kind in her life as well.
    #7. Sounds delicious. I guess I'll go back to eating meat only twice a week (like I was before retiring.) I guess the flavored milk I have been putting in my decaf coffee has to go too! Why does all of the stuff that tastes so good is so bad for you?
    #8. I'm ready to pay someone to come in and clean! It's too much for me by myself.
    #9. I have an imput on my tv that has a pc hook up. I've not ever tried it.
    #10. Don't you know it! When I was in Israel, many of the poor areas just dumped their garbage out their back doors and down the hills behind their houses!! I'm so glad neighbors don't do that here!
    #11. Every morning before I begin my study, I just hug my Bible thanking GOD for giving us His WORD and to teach me more.
    #12. It is a part of my study every morning!
    Love to you, Jim and all of your family, Susan

  3. Hi Nellie

    What a wonderful list of thanks.

    I love winter here because I love the rain BUT I am ready for the beauty of spring (not the allergies tho)

    We have been studying the Holy Spirit through Charles Stanleys book and then we saw him on TV. I really enjoy listening and learning from him.

    I am glad that you are feeling better too. Take care of yourself.

    Blessings & Love


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: