Friday, December 14, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 13, 2012

Scripture taken from the christmas story..... what Mary the
Mother of Jesus said upon meeting with her cousin after 
finding out she was miraculously pregnant with Baby Jesus:

My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God
my savior.  for he has been mindful of the humble state
of his servant.  From now on all generations will call me
blessed and the Mighty One has done great things for me. 
holy is his name.
Luke 1:46-49

 Greetings Sweet Folks,

So.....are you enjoying the Christmas
 Season?? I sure hope so............if not,
 make sure you break out your Christmas
 music as that always helps to keep me in
 the Christmas spirit.

Gonna start right in with my thankfuls since they sort of tell the
 story of my week already.  No reason to be redundant. lol
I will say all these thankfuls were written yesterday accept
for #12,  it was written this morning,  as I could not stand
to sit any longer last night!!  lol

I am thankful
for an absolutely precious and caring email
I rec'd from my son-in-love today!  What a
blessing.....................It was certainly the high-
light of my day.

Imagine seeing these adorable smilin' faces every morning at breakfast
that is what we I decided to put them on the kitchen
table for the first time ever, and have to say we are lovin' it too!!
They always make me smile, so Just thought I would include
 them in todays post cause they will probably make you smile too!!

I am thankful
for Animal Drs or Vets. - ours is a friend that used
to go to our church, and a very special and sweet 
man.  He had to put my SIL's dog to sleep today,
 and he did  so for our  sweet lil dog, zippy years ago,
 as well as taking good care of both of them for years.
It was hard for him too!

I am thankful
for a day of just resting and doing nothing else,
all day, and my back is feeling much better tonight.
Dr. thought I overdid it on Tuesday,  but I was feeling
so good never had any idea it was a problem,until
I got home and sat down to check my email.

. I read
up on tendinitis again, and realized I think I am not
taking it seriously enough.  Also realized I tend to
be a fast walker which is my normal gait, so think
I need to slow that down, which is very hard, and
requires a lot of thought to do.

I am thankful
that all my decorating  and shopping is done at
 long last.  lol   and now I can move on to other
things like wrapping, planning menus and
the table.  But more

I am thankful
that we took the time to rest and watched 3 
Christmas movies on Wed. night,  they were all
good.  They were called "Holiday Engagement"
"Holiday in Handcuffs,  and "Crazy for Christmas"
They were all good!  Holiday in Handcuffs had
a lil bit of l bad language but not much. The
others were clean as a whistle.

I am thankful
that there are so many wonderful Christmas
movies out there to watch.  They usually all
have such wonderfully relational themes,
Love that......cause I love good relationships
especially with those I love....................and 
their is some wisdom to be found in some 
of these movies.

I am thankful
for hearing from a dear friend of 40 years
by email today.  Altho her news wasn't good,
she seems to be doing as well as can be
expected and I was glad to know so I can
 pray for her now.  So thankful that her oldest
daughter was such a strong support to her. 

I am thankful
for a Hershey's  chocolate cheesecake hubby
bought  a few weeks ago.  We put them in the
 freezer and can have a piece whenever we want,
actually I had my first piece last night, drizzled
with caramel,  actually half a piece,  we split
it........too decadent and rich for a whole piece!
but absolutely  scrumptious and delicious!!
We found it at Sam's.....just in case I made
you hungry for

With posterized affect
I am thankful
for all those that spend their time practicing
and being in Christmas contata's and pageants
to make our christmas time special with the true
meaning of Christmas.  Last sunday we had
the Childrens pageant,  this Friday and Sat.
they are having a live nativity with the choir
singing,  and Sunday is the adult Christmas
contata...........that is a lot of work and a lot
of practices and giving of themselves.
May the Lord bless each one in a really
special way...........for this gift to others!

I am thankful
that almost everything I have ordered
online has been delivered accept for 2 1
items item......mailman just came!!  lol
which  is great!!

I am thankful
for the postman and UPS and Fed-X
drivers and what a service they provide
all year round,  but especially at Christmas
time.  One of our dearest friends used to
be a UPS driver, so we know what a
sacrifice and service they
is grueling folks,  they work about 12 hrs.or
more a day.....Mon. - Saturday until Christmas
is over!!  Certainly not a schedule I would
want to keep.

a lil blurry but thought it had sorta of a dreamy affect by accident.  lol

I am thankful
once again for my hubby,  as he has been doing 
so many things that I can't do or shouldn't do which 
 is causing a lot of extra work for him,  but he does
 it with such a sweet servant attitude.  Makes me
feel bad for him tho........cause I know he is tired
 after a long days work and 40 min. drive home 
and of course, he isn't as young as he used to

colored pencil affect!
So that is it........ for today!!  
Hope you have plenty of thankfuls on your list
too.............if not, think of some.......... it will
make you feel better..........................I promise!

Only 11 days till Christmas,  Wow this month
has really flown...............just realized tomorrow
would have been my Dad's 80th birthday, and
he has been in heaven for 18 yrs. now.
Wonder if they celebrate earthly birthdays
 in heaven??.So thankful he is in heaven
 and I can look forward to seeing him again 
one day when I get there.
 What a gift!!  All because of Jesus!!

Have a lovely lovely Friday and weekend,
and when you drop by be sure and say

Love,  Hugs and
Merry Christmas Blessings,



  1. #1. How sweet. I hadn't heard that expression before!
    #2. The LORD has surely blessed me to have a Christian vet. He has always been here for me. In 1998, he and his son came on a Sunday afternoon when Reggie turned for the worse and I had to have him put to sleep. Both dogs lovingly layed their heads in my arms and I comforted them to the end...tears and all. Praise GOD for His love. He gave them to me and back to Him I lovingly gave them though tears could not be held back.
    #3. Take care when you exercise so as not to aggravate it. Jim needs to put that icy/hot on it. I have found that really helps!
    #4. I still need to get started! I know...I shouldn't procrastinate!
    #5. I've been watching some on t.v. The Hallmark network has cute Christmas movies.
    #6. I also watch the movies of Christ's birth on the Christian networks.
    #7. I will pray for your friend too
    #8. You are soooo "bad!" lol!
    #9. Wasn't it just wonderful! I can hardly wait for this Sunday night's Adult contada!
    #10. You are doing GOOD!
    #11. What would we do without them!!! I think of this even with the men who pick up our garbage. GOD bless each and every one of them!
    #12. How blessed you are to have each other.

    YES, they celebrate birthdays in Heaven! Your dad is 18 years old! And, what he has learned in those 18 years can't amount to us even if we were to live to be 100 years!
    Love to you all, Susan

  2. As always, I enjoy hearing about the recent events in your life & your joyful spirit. I sure hope you begin to get some relief for your pain and can be back-to-normal soon.

    That cheesecake REALLY looks delicious. Sadly, I would just be getting started with 1/2 of one....

  3. Hi Nellie!
    Your thankful's were a blessing to me once again:) I love your snowmen...they are adorable! I am so sorry to hear about your son in law's dog:/ I know that has to be hard. Please take care of yourself now that you have all of your decorating and shopping done:) I think you should tune in to a couple more Christmas movies to rest your back:) I love the verses you included! Thank God for the greatest gift of all...Jesus:)
    Have a great weekend!

  4. What a wonderful list. I love all of them and can identify with many. I've had such a wonderful year myself. God is very great. Merry Christmas!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...