Friday, March 29, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - March 28, 2013

Good Friday Greetings to you all.............

Hope you have had a good week and that you are 
looking forward to Easter Sunday............for all the
right reasons.  It is Friday........but Sunday is coming!

It has been a good week here and we are looking
forward to a great weekend ahead............
Hope the same for you.  I did a bit of a different 
format today,  due to lack of time, didn't think
you would mind.

so guess I will get started now.........

I am thankful that today (Good Friday) is my birthday,

 I am thankful to be 61 years old today and still in pretty

I am thankful for all the sweet well wishes I have
 already recieved via phone, cards, ecards and facebook.
I tell you facebook really makes you feel like a celebrity
on your birthday.

I am thankful that I am gonna get to go visit our lil 
darling here in an hour or so.  She is the best birthday
gift there could ever be.

I am thankful that I get to celebrate with Dee and
Jerry tonight and then with the whole family on 
Easter Sunday!

I am thankful for my life and thankful for my
sweet husband, children and in love children,
Sister in law, and now our precious lil baby 

I am incredibly thankful for what the Lord Jesus Christ 
did on the cross for me,  and for all who believe in Him,
and what He did for us! Since we are all born sinners
in need of a Savior,  I asked Him,  to be my Savior, and
Lord, and my life has never been the same.........
only better than I could have ever dreamed it would be.
Oh, not that I don't have any problems,  but I have
someone to walk through those problems with me.

I am thankful that through what he did on the cross He
saved me from Hell................

I am thankful that thru what he did on the cross,  I
became a child of God and now have eternal life,
and when I die I will reside in heaven with Him.

I am thankful that he saved my marriage when we
were at the 10 year mark,  and it has gotten better
year after year,  and we are working on 43 years.

I am thankful that Jesus saved me from myself,
 and my selfish ways,  and changed my wantor,
He has changed my heart to not want to do some
of the things I used to, and also changed my heart
to want to do the things He would have me do.
He has made me a joyful, thankful, happy,  patient,
 loving person.  Oh I still have plenty of faults, but 
the Lord is always working on those........
so I am not as good as I am gonna be, but I sure
 am nothing like I used to be..........
All christians, as I am sure you probably know
 are not perfect, but we are a work in progress!
Thank the Lord!!

I am thankful that Jesus isn't just my Savior, and Lord but
 He is also my Healer and Friend.  He has healed me many 
times, from different issues, physically and emotionally. 
 He is also my Best Friend in the whole world, I can share
 all my joys and delights with him, all my sorrows or
 problems,  and really anything that is on my heart or mind.
He is always there 24/7............

I am thankful that the offer of eternal life is not just for
me and those I love,  but it is open to any and everyone,
who ever shall come to Him, he will in no way cast out.  
What a Savior and What a God!
Jesus is truly the Hope of the World!!

I hope on this Easter Sunday Weekend,  you will
think about who Jesus is.........and what He has done
for you,  and if you don't know Him as Savior and
Lord,  that you might think about what it might mean
to your life if you open the door to embracing Him!
It will forever change you for the better,  I can
promise and I can also tell you that you will never 
regret that choice..................
If you would like more 
information,  you can always go to my sidebar
where it says contact me,  and I would happily
answer your email.

Thanks for stopping in,

Always great to hear from you


May you have a Wonderfully Blest Easter
all because of HIM!!

Love and Hugs,

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blissful White Wednesday - Spring Decorations

Greeting Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well
 and happy!

I am doing well, just got stuff going
 on, but figured I could download
 pics that I already had taken,  since
 we all love
to see fun decorating stuff..............

Did you recognize my sneak peek photo from yesterdays
Table top Tuesday post?? 
 Well, here is the rest of the vignette!

We bought this poster at old time pottery back in February 
in anticipation of Spring, since it was like Spring here 
already.  lol  Put it in a black poster frame,  and wanted to
 use it on our mantle, and was very happy it worked...............

Sort of hard to get a good pic of pictures on the mantle
 especially if they have glass,  cause there always seems
 to be a glare some where.............I usually move my white
 ware to the family room in the Spring as it shows up so
 nicely on the firecplace,  however never had the pitchers
 on the mantle before, only on the hearth, so
this was a nice new look.

Had just the pitches up there at first,  but it just didn't
 quite look right,  and missed the pic light over the picture, 
 just doesn't fit on this thin poster,  so thought it definitely
 needs some candlelight, but larger candle cups just didn't
 look right, so took these lil dip dishes and put tea light
 candles in them, and used a tiny cream pitcher I had,  
and threw in a cute lil bunny that was Dee's as
when she was a lil girl.

colored pencil affect.

After a few days I decided I wasn't thrilled with the bunny, 
 so decided to drag out my egg cups and put some 
colored eggs in them, and I thought it completed the look.

I have enjoyed adding more white to my room,  and also
 giving it a bit more of a modern look for a change.

Posterized affect

This vignette is on the sofa table, right behind the sofa
 as you can

Have had this spiral candlestick for years, and thought
 oh yea, you should light the candle. lol  The artichoke you
probably remember from January when I took down all
 the christmas stuff,  my inspiration find.

This lil casserole dish I recently found at the Christmas
 tree store for $4, and just loved the shape and design of it,
 also found these 2 wonderful off white textured towels,
 as well, for just $1 a piece.  Used the other one in the
tray on the coffee table in yesterdays post.
Click Here if you'd like to see!

and now you can see where Mr. Bunny
 (from yesterdays post too)
 has been hanging out.............

Thanks for stoppin' in..............
always great to hear from you.

Am linking up to Becky over at
TimeWashed,  so if you want to
see lots more pretty whites,
Just Click Here!

Love, Hugs and 
Special Easter Blessings,


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Table Top Tuesday - A few Easter Decorations

Happy Easter Week....Sweet Friends

Know some of you are enjoying wonderful Spring 
weather but some of you don't believe it really 
is Spring,......
My condolences on that!!  But all in all, 
hope  you are doing quite well...................

Thought I would do a fun post today!  Will show 
you some of my Easter Decorations,  before Easter
 passes, it came so quickly this year................
so didn't quite do as much as usual with
 so much going on here.

Just have to show

 you my New

 and Most Favorite

of all times, 

Easter decoration.


Here she is.............

Brooklyn is 2 weeks and 5 days here
She was 3 weeks old yesterday.  Seems
like so much longer ago than that!! 
She's Grammy lil darling, that is for sure.

Am gonna link up to Table Top Tuesday today,
Here's my coffee table with some lovely pink
hydrangeas, unfortunately, not real ones!!  lol
I do love hydrangeas,  they are such a beautiful

this was a sign I made last year with printmaster!

Some fun lil a tray
with a giant tulip (at least they think it is giant)

and love these so real looking easter eggs,  love
the colors......................

This is with the flash

This is without the flash,  like it much better!

Sweet bunny under the sofa table.

This is my new poster I told you about some weeks back,  am loving
it on our mantle......and sort of went for a more modern look for a nice

This is just a sneak peek,  as I am saving the
others for blissful white Wednesday.  Hopefully
this be sure to stop
by again tomorrow, and hopefully I will have them 
posted.  Depends on if Megan needs me tomorrow

Anyway,  have a wonderful day 
where ever you are today.

Thanks for coming by,

Can't wait to hear from you........

Oh and don't forget to go over
 to Marty's at a Stroll thru life
 and see all the other fun
Table tops.

Mr. and Mrs. Bunny and I,
 a Hearty Hello
and Happy Easter to YOU!

Love,  Hugs
and Easter Blessings to you and yours,

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday - March 21, 2013

Helloooooooooo Sweet Friends,

Seems like ages since I have posted,course, 
it has only been a week really, and while I was 
taking a break.......... It turned Spring.
Can hardly believe is a gorgeous day 
outside, albeit, a lil bit chilly, still 68 degrees,
 and a lil breezy.  Very nice!

Hope you are all doing quite well.  It has 
been a fun, yet busy week here again as you
will see.....................

I am thankful
that I get to baby sit Brooklyn again today.
So looking forward to it,  as I haven't seen
her since Monday.  Most of the time she
is sleeping anyway,  but still love to hold
her, look at her and talk to her.

and also her Mommy is doing so much
better, not quite a 100% yet, but sure
headed in the right direction, so very
happy about that.

I am thankful
that our friends from Tennessee were here
 to visit again for a day and a half.
We always have so much fun.

Most pictures are compliments of

I am thankful
for the cards, sweet well wishes, and
a lovely Grandmothers memory book,
and children's bible that we rec'd to
 Congratulate us on our new
  little bundle.

I am thankful
that I was able to order some cookies
for Easter from Tate's bakery.  Thought
I might have waited too long...........
but they should arrive by next Tuesday
in plenty of time.

I am thankful
that I was able to order a brand new Graco
pack and play for Brooklyn from Sam's and it
 was just a few dollars more than they have
them for at the consignment shops.  It should
be delivered by Friday.

Yea, it just arrived, so glad it was now before
I left for Scott and Megans.

I am thankful
we are having our first family get together with the
 Baby on Saturday in honor of hubbies birthday, so
 that should be fun.....and we are really looking 
forward to it.

I am thankful
that the things I ordered from Bealls last week
worked out,  all but one anyway,  so I have
a nice new Spring/Easter outfit.......
Very happy about that................

I am thankful
that my lil neice who broke her leg 5 weeks
ago,  is doing very well,  and healing very well.

I am thankful
that we will get to see Dee and Jerry this
weekend  cause it seems like it has been ages.

I am thankful
that a Calif. teenager I read about in the news was 
protected and safe and sound after 3 guys broke in 
and ransacked her home while she was alone. She 
quickly grabbed a phone and ran into her parents big
 walk in closet, and called 911,  the intruders were
apprehended as they came out of the house, and
once she identified the items as coming from her
home they were escorted to jail.  She was one
brave young lady.

I am thankful
that a friend seemed to do well on her stress test,
and was very peaceful thru it,  and I know she will 
be even more peaceful once she gets the
official results.

I am thankful
for some really neat things the Lord is teaching me
thru the Andy Stanley videos we have been showing
in our Sunday School class.  He has some really
good videos folks, on marriage, but  also just on
just living life. 

If you are interested check out his site.
On the right side you will see a list and choose
utube channel.............

If you are in the Atlanta, Ga. area and would
like to know more about his church,
go here,

and no, I don't get any kickbacks for saying
this,  just think he is a great Pastors and
teacher and we have learned a lot from him.

Just in case you don't know it,  Pastor Andy is the 
son of Pastor Charles Stanley of Atlanta, Ga.
I know he has to be one proud dad...........

The Guardrails series is awesome,  that is just
one we have seen..........but highly recommend.


Thanks for stopping by today, now you know 
why I have been  missing this week.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Hope you have a great weekend and are
enjoying the great spring weather.

Love, Hugs, and 
Happy Spring Blessings,

Friday, March 15, 2013

All pics compliments of

 Flowers appear on the earth; 
the season of singing has come, 
the cooing of doves is heard in our land. 
Song of Solomon 2:12

Hi Sweet Peas,
Welcome to Thankful Thursday 
on Friday!! lol

I know this is getting to be a 
pattern here....Sorry about that.

Hope you are all doing well..........
and are having fun getting ready
for Spring. Have to get back to my
spring decorating today and I am
 looking forward to it. With that 
said, I am gonna let the post
 speak for itself.

So here we gooooooooooo

I am thankful
that I got to babysit Brooklyn for the first
time today,  and so enjoyed it.  She just makes 
Grammy's heart sing.

I am thankful
that the city put in new sidewalks recently
 on our street and many streets around us. 
 We have lived her for almost 33 years,  so it
 is nice to not have to walk in the road and 
worry about cars surprising you. 

I am thankful
that we have gotten back on our exercise
program this week,  cause we got thrown
of course back in Nov. when I had all that
tendinitis,  and we have walked some but
not all that much,  so our schedule has been happy to be getting it back.

I am thankful
that Megan is feeling better physically, and
hopefully will be feeling emotionally better real
 soon.  Hormones,  they are just not fun!!

I am thankful
that my new lily picture we got last month looks
 great on the mantle,  was so excited to try it up
 there, and so pleased with how it looks.

I am thankful
that I got started on my spring decorating
yesterday,  didn't get much done today,
course, what I did was much more fun......
and there is always tomorrow.

I am thankful
our massage recliner chair that used to
belong to my late Mother-in-law,  my
SIL gave it to us,  and because it is in our
living room,  sometimes I forget about it
but I have been using it lately,  and it is
so nice,  and my back really loves it.

I am thankful
for all the emails, cards and comments
from blogger friends about our new
grandbaby............they added so to our
joy over this delightful event.

I am thankful
for all the good nights of sleep I have
been getting lately,  it seems to always
be like that after you have gone thru
some days of sleep deprivation.
Such a good thing!!

I am thankful
that my late brother's wife,  has found
a new mate after almost 10 years and
will be getting married next weekend.
I haven't met him,  but I am so happy
for her............and sure he is probably
a great guy.

I am thankful
for the sweet daughter I have and how
thoughtful and helpful she is...........
She is just becoming a more and more
lovely young woman.

I am thankful
that I found a few new spring clothing
items online that I think might work
for me,  now just hoping they do!!  lol

Hope you have lots and lots to 
be thankful for today too!

Glad you could come by, and hope 
you take the time to say hello.....

Have a Blessed Weekend!

Love and Hugs,


Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie