Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - August 22, 2013

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, 
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
 strengthened in the faith as you were taught, 
and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6 and 7

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope it has been a nice sunny week
where ever you are.

Cause it has done nothing but rain here most of
the week,  and my mood today has matched the
weather!!   Altho not gloomy but rainy!   lol

So will let the post do the talking!!

I am thankful
to be feeling so much better after being sick most of
 last week.

I am thankful
that we have been asked to start a Young Married's
 Ministry at our church.  We love to teach on marriage
and we love working with young couples so it is a
perfect fit.  We are suppose to start in September
sometime,  I think.  Still working out the details.

I am thankful
that the Lord knows our concerns and our needs
before we do even.  This class had been in the
talking stages for a few months now, but now that 
Dee and Jerry are moving we were concerned
about it maybe being hard to take off to go see
them when we wanted to,  but the Lord has
raised up another couple to work with us,  and
they are at the same station in life and have the
exact same concerns as us,  so this way there
will always be someone here to teach.
So nothing to worry about!!  What a Blessing.

We also found these lovely hydrangeas for my kitchen table.
I am thankful
for the great time we had for Dee's birthday
on Sunday, and thankful for the ideas and the
 green mini carnations the Lord helped us find.

Birthday table decorations reconfigured for a new centerpiece
for our dining room table for a nice change.

I am thankful
for shrimp and scallops,  they are one of Dee's favorites
and mine as well, and what we had for dinner on Sunday
marinated in a lime, garlic, cilantro sauce.  Think every-
one really enjoyed the seafood.

I am thankful
our Senior Pastor is back.  He was gone for 5
weeks in July and August as he is studying for
his doctorate degree.  Everyone did a great
job of filling in but we really missed his great

I am thankful
for the nice time we had with Megan and Brooklyn,
on Wed. Evening, they stayed and had dinner with us
 since Scott was out of town, and thankful he arrived
home today safe and sound from Maryland.

How could I resist putting a pic of our lil darling..........

I am thankful
for a sweet day with Dee today.  We had a big
breakfast and just talked and talked till she had
to leave for work at 3 p.m.  We are gearing up for
 the big day......They are leaving for N.C. on
the 4th of September,  and we got to keep Rosie
for a few days too.  So loved that too.

I am thankful
that a lady that showed them some houses and
apts. in Asheville,  that Dee really hit it off with
 called her today and told her that when she comes
 up to call her so they can go to lunch and hang out, 
 cause she said she would have a lot of time on her
 hands soon with her children going back to school,
  and that she was having a hard time as she just
moved to a new place too.   I really believe this 
is the Lord making Dee feel like she at least has
one friend up there.  
My Mother's heart was so happy about that!

I am thankful
for Marty over at a stroll thru life,  who told me
where to find some buffalo check tablecloths
that I was planning to cover my dining room
chairs with, but now think I might use them for
curtains in my computer/work area.  Thanks
Marty,  for sharing your information with me,
this was an awesome deal!  So appreciate it.

I am thankful
for that precious christian lady at the school in Georgia,
that had the gunman on campus on Wednesday.
The Lord really used her to head off  what could have
 been a huge catastrophy. God really poured out his
 grace of courage on her for sure.  She is like a hero
of the faith...............

May the Lord Bless Her Immensely!

With Posterized affect

 I am thankful
that I have been crying most of the day, but for all really
 good and sweet reasons. The Lord has been doing some 
really neat things...............and I am so grateful for that.

Well Sweet Peas.................that is

 my list for today!  Bet you might
have a few of your own,  so why
not share them with us.

We'd really love to hear them.

Hope you have a lovely Friday

and weekend with those you love.

Love,  Hugs and

August Blessings,



  1. #1. I'm so glad you are feeling good again!
    #2. Praise the LORD! I know you will impart the LORD's guidance with joy!
    #3. GOD is so Good! Praise Him for doing this for you and the other couple too!
    #4. It most surely was a great time in the LORD with our family!
    #5. Yes! And, your mentioning them is making my mouth water, ha!
    #6. Yes, Amen! I was so overjoyed to see him again!
    #7. I'm so thankful for the LORD's traveling mercies on Scott! I love Brooklyn's picture! She really looks like she is about to start crawling!
    #8. I remember all the times mom and I went to Perkins for breakfast. I really miss her, still today.
    #9. The LORD is certainly preparing their way.
    #10. I can hardly wait to see the outcome!
    #11. What a testimony of GOD's protection, leading, and blessing!
    #12. The LORD give you comfort and strength!
    Love to you all, Susan

  2. Such a wonderful week filled with blessings for both of us. We live near Asheville, NC so was surprised to see it mentioned. It is a lovely city and I know they will love it. Take care.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your thankful list with us. It's a reminder to look for all the blessing that we receive and often over look. So I am adding you to the top of my thankful list for that sweet reminder.

  4. I'm actually here and it isn't week late yet! Wasn't that lady at the school in GA just amazing. You could truly tell she was letting her words come from the heart. She was so inspiring and saved so many.

    I'm glad you got to have mother/daughter will miss that and that part I'm afraid doesn't get easier. Thank goodness for cell phones and unlimited minutes!

    It has been crazy busy for me which isn't the norm. I barely know how to handle having a lot going on these days. By next week we should calm down a bit.

    Love the hydrangeas!

  5. Hi Nellie! I was suppose to come by to see your blog Friday. But the sewer line backed up. Thankfully all that was spilling out onto the floor was fresh water. How that happened I don't know. But God had this one for sure. It was a pretty quick clean up and fix. Praise the lord!!
    Then I went on an organizing rampage. My whole work space is now done like I have always dreamed of. Took 2 days. But the feeling of accomplishment is incredible.
    Now I'm back to blog world. I hadn't heard about the Georgia thing. I'm going to have to check it out.
    I always love reading your list.

  6. Hi Nellie! Thank you for your list of thankfulness! There is a hymn that is called "Count Your Blessing" and tells us to name them one by one and see just what the Lord has done. We are all usually so oblivious to seeing the gifts that continue to rain down upon us and we take for granted the little things that make our days brighter and happier. I need to adopt your attitude of gratitude and begin myself, itemizing the grace of God in my life. It makes a difference when you see just how God does Care!



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...