Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hubby's Coffee Themed Birthday Table

Happy Tuesday Morning 
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well, happy
 and having fun!  Bet many of
you are singing the Halleleujah
Chorus as it is only 2 days till
It is almost here....yippee!

Also belated Happy St. Patrick's
Day, hope none of you got pinched
yesterday,  at least not hard any

Since I am well, happy and having fun.... just gonna
 get on with the pictures today of my hubby's coffee
 themed birthday table, and will tell you about the
well, happy and fun part on Thursday. lol

This was his Happy Birthday sign I hung over the table.
the Mister, want some coffee??  Is because my hubby
 has the gift of hospitality and says to people as soon
 as they walk in the door.....Want some coffee!! 
He has turned our whole family into avid coffee 
drinkers, and now when we go to our adult 
children's homes, they say the same thing!
So he has left a sweet mark on the family in this
way, I really think it just spells "love" to us.

So a coffee theme was perfect....................

This was the birthday boys place,  he got his own 
butter and salt and pepper!  lol

Was playing with the napkins and trying to figure out
 something different to do, and just sort of crammed
 it into the cup and thought hey, that sorta looks like
 coffee, and thought it would be cool if I could put a 
dollop of whip cream on there it could look like a
 latte, so cotton balls to the rescue!  Then decided
to add the spoon there, instead of next to the 
knife as usual.

With colored pencil affect

Since there was only 5 of us this time,  the other end
of the table was open,  so made a tray with things 
pertaining to cofee and set it there.

used my corelle ware plates and some salad plates
 from another old set of dishes. 

Decided to use the gold buffalo check table
cloth again since it hasn't been converted to
curtains yet!  lol  and went well for a manly

Then it was what to use for a centerpiece,  so came
across these mini biscotti when I went to the grocery
store so figured I could use them somewhere and 
decided to use them in the centerpiece.  Just put them
 in this cute lil mini cake plate Becky from over @Time
Washed made for me a few years ago, and I already
 had the cover from a cheese board set, so it was 
perfect. Added some glass candle holders filled with
 coffee beans, then added tea light candles, needed
a lil something else, so remembered these mini
 creamers,  and had these yellow berries, so stuck
 those in,  and there you have it.

These were chocolate almond mini biscotti's by
Nonni's, and I think the mini's taste even better,
 unless it is just my imagination..........lol

A look from the top,  do you see someone you know
taking a picture!!  lol

A lil puzzle for you..........Do you see anything
missing on this tray???  The pieces with lids are
a european coffee maker and a sugar bowl..
that's a hint!  lol

another overview

A look down the table............
Got to use  my newer brown glasses, am
finding they come in handy for
 manly tables. lol

 With cutout affect

This is an Irish coffee candle..........

with paint daubs affect

So did any of you figure out what
 was missing from that picture?? 
well from all the pictures of the

Hope you enjoyed your visit.....

Am sharing over at Dwellings
 with Cindy
Just click here to go visit.

Am sharing over at a Stroll
 thru life with Marty
So give her a visit too,
 just click here!

Am sharing over at the 
Style Sisters
Click Here to visit them.

Thanks for stopping by............
looking forward to hearing
 from you.

Hugs and
 Last Days of Winter Blessings,

 and the missing thing is.....
one of the handles of the 
sugar bowl.....lol

Now.....Tell me
 what you thought it was.


  1. This looks like a fun time. You decorated nicely. I wouldn't have thought of a coffee theme, but it fit your honey perfectly!

    I'm glad to have met you. I look forward to our future visits.

    Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage,

  2. I love the manly table setting, especially the coffee cups/napkins/cotton ball! That was really a cute idea and looked like the real thing!

    His birthday sign was great! I love the coffee! He got me started with the "Santa's White Christmas!"

    I should have taken more time to look for the missing item! I didn't know until you said! I should have! This is the kind of game I used to play with the kindergarten kids!

    Love you all, Susan

  3. Happy Birthday to your Mister! Lovely table Nellie. Sweet how you added the coffee beans to the votive holder and the cotton...so cute! Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday, always a pleasure having YOU!

  4. This was really clever! I think "man" tables are hard to do and my husband loves his coffee too. So do I and I haven't had any for a couple of days. I killed my stomach with all of the good and heavy Florida food! It sure was hard to come home to winter after being in your beautiful weather. Everything here is still so brown!

    I really love the creative touch with the napkins! Cute!

  5. Very fun Nellie! I love love love the "coffee" cups!!

  6. Love the coffee cups Nellie!!! I'll have to use that;). You were Ina sheville nc??? That's like a little under 2 hrs from robbinsville!:). We were so close!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: