Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Brooklyn's First Birthday Party

Happy Birthday to Brooklyn

Good Tuesday Morning to you,

So..........How you been??
Hope it is starting to feel a lil more
like Spring,  cause know most of
you are dying for it to get here....

Have to say I am ready....... and I haven't even had 
anything close to the Winter most of you have had.
Course, it has felt like spring weather here the
last few weeks,  and things are starting to pop
out a lil but soon there will be an explosion of
new leaves and flowers.  Love this time of the

This will be another busy week,  a few of you
said you would like to see the pics,  so  figured
today would be a good day to show you pics 
from Brooklyn's lovely First Birthday party. 

 Think I will tell it the way she might........
If she could talk............lol

Well,  here's the front door to  my house, 
 so come on in.....and join us.............

Here I am with my sweet and  beautiful
 Mommy, I love her so much and really 
don't like her to get out of my sight, 
 if I can help it........giggle.....

Can you tell I have a Minnie Mouse
 outfit on??

My Mommy decorated everything with a Minnie 
Mouse theme which I really liked..............

Tip from Grammy:
If you have a Sam's membership I would highly
recommend using them for cakes or cupcakes,
  cause they are really good and much less expensive 
than most bakeries,  and they package them to 
transport amazing well.

 Cupcakes were a great idea for my party....
 much easier for my Mommy since she didn't have
 to cut cake and get everything all messy,  and they
 were sooo easy to eat..............

My High Chair is al lready for me....for some reason.
Don't know what that funny cone thing is......

Here I am with my Grampy.......I just love
this guy..............and I have 2 more Grampy's 
that just love me too death too, I have them
 all wrapped around my finger, they would
 do just about anything for me.....
and I also have 3 Grammy's that adore
 me too!!

Am I blessed girl or what???

Isn't Minnie Mouse just so cute.................
and there was some yummy looking food
on this table too..............too bad I don't get
to eat most of it,  but they keep saying
soon................I can't wait!!

Love this big Minnie mouse balloon on the table.

Ahhh.....the bounce house,  we sure had fun in here,
course, I did need some help from Mommy and Daddy. 
Grammy tried to take a pic of us in here,  but all you
could see was screen...............

 My Mommy Megan and my Great Aunt Susan.

My Aunt DeeAnna and Uncle Jerry
came from Asheville, N.C. to see me.  I also had 2 Uncles,
 an Aunt and cousins who came  from N.C. for my party,
 as well as other relatives from far away too.............

So guess they must think I am pretty special,  huh???.

Mommy opening my gifts,  cause I am not real good
at this yet..............

Oh boy,  what is this????

They call this a shopping cart and it
had these boxes and stuff in it, they
said it was suppose to be fake food, 
whatever that means.
 So this is a box of something......
It looks pretty interesting to me.....

Then Mommy opened this up!!
A baby doll and stroller........think this was 
my favorite. I just love pushing it around, 
cause I can turn in which ever way I want,
and it makes me feel like such a big girl.........

Why are all these people looking at me???? 

Mommy tried to put this funny cone thing on me, 
somebody called it a hat,  but I am tired and I don't like.
Somebody else can wear it...........but not me!!

Not quite sure what all these people are
wanting me to do here..................

They are singing to me....that's funny!!

Sorta tasted it....
 but not sure if I really like it.....

Here is my daddy trying to help me with my
cake,  cause it was sorta hard...........

He decided to just give me a cupcake. It was
much softer and easier to eat.........

Ummm, this stuff is good!!
Love my daddy,  he plays with me!!

Hope you enjoyed coming by 
to see my First Birthday Party.........
Guess it is a really big deal 
or something................

It was one fun day,  but  I was 
pretty worn out afterwards.

Grammy says to tell you Hi for her,
and to come back soon.

Bye Bye Now.......going for a
 ride in my new wheels 
Mommy and Daddy gave me.
My other favorite present!

Hugs and 
Pink Car Blessings,



  1. I was so surprised to see my wrapping paper matched Brooklyn's birthday theme! You may have told me, but the way my brain is anymore, ha!

    What a fun time for everyone! (Were there about 40 people?) It was so cute to have so many babies too! They all had a great day as did I!
    Love to you all, Susan

  2. Happy Birthday, Brooklyn! What a special day planned by so many special people. I do love that Minnie Mouse balloon - I have never seen one exactly like that!

  3. She's so cute! Happy Birthday Brooklyn! That looked like an amazing party. Those cupcakes look so beautiful.
    I'm walking! Not bare foot. But with high flip flops I get around pretty well. A couple more weeks should do the trick.
    How are you? I can see you are having tons of fun! Great to hear Spring is sprouting for you. We had started having flowers on trees and then we got that ice storm. Ooops. But it's nice this week and next week.

  4. Oh my goodness!! The cutest thing!! She is a doll, adorable! Oh how I miss when my daughter was at that age.... Beautiful birthday party, so lovely! Many blessings to you all ~ xo Vanessa


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: