Friday, March 14, 2014

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - March 13, 2014

All pictures compliments of Public Domain

 Give thanks to the LORD,
 for he is good; his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34

Helloooooo Sweet Friends,

Almost half way thru March, 
 can you believe it??
I really can't,  where o where
 does the time go....

Hope you had a good nights sleep!  
I had a super nights sleep for a change....a full
8+ hours,  a rarity for am feeling
full of vim and vigor today.  Which is a really
good thing I must say.

I will let the post tell you about my week tho,
cause Megan and Brooklyn are coming soon.

So will let my post tell you about my week.

I am thankful

for a fun weekend of celebrating Hubbies birthday.
 Didn't have time for a dinner and movie Friday nite, 
 so got his fav cuban sandwiches from Publix, then
 went to see "Son of God",  it is really a good movie, 
 but you sorta feel like you were at a Maundy Thurs.
service afterwards, not a bad thing tho!
Sat. we took our cars in to get them serviced, and 
they have a theatre there,  so we got to watch a 
movie called " Captain Phillips" for free.
.  Oh my Heavens,
what an intense movie,  it was very good, and hard 
to believe it is a true story but it is. I didn't hear any
 cursing in the movie, one guy did take the Lord's
 name in vain, but unless they said some things 
prior to our coming in, it is a very clean movie, but
does have some violence. Afterwards, we went to
 the Christmas tree store and to dinner at Carrabbas, 
 and Sunday was our usual day, with our Sunday
 School class,  and church service then our fav 
frozen yogurt, and then had his family celebration,
with Scott, Megan, Brooklyn and Susan.  We had
a great time as always.  I made his favorites
Lasagna and Banana pudding.

that DeeAnna and her new friend passed their real estate
 test on Sat..They still have the State Boards to go,  but
that want be till the end of March.

that I got so much done on Monday,  laundry, bill paying 
etc. especially since I was so whipped from the weekend.
Even had some time for a nice long chat with Dee as
well..................All a great way to start the week.

that hubby was able to finally get the Christmas lights
down from outside.  We have never had them up
for this long before,  but it just seemed like anytime
he thought he might be able to do was raining
 or something unexpected would come up.  It is dark
by the time he gets home from work, so that limits
things greatly, so thank the Lord for Daylight
Savings time...................

that things like Christmas lights being up too long
just don't bother me anymore,  cause it sure used it is like oh well,  when it get done it
gets done,  why drive yourself crazy!!
God is great at transforming lives,  that is for sure!

that we are blessed to live in Florida,  the weather
and the skies have been glorious the last week or so.

for feels absolutely wonderful,
nothing like getting your Vitamin D and a nice
tan at the same time. No more white legs!  lol

for some grain free cat food that I found online.
Our cat is allergic to something,  and she will pull
her fur out and chew herself until she bleeds, and
we know she is just miserable.  We have gotten her
 allergy shots, the first one worked but the other 2
did nothing!  Anyway, my Sister-in-law has a dog
 that is wheat intolerant, so she asked if we had
 every thought of that and we said no,  so decided
to try a different food.  In several of the reviews
 there were folks who had the same problems with
 their cat and the change in food took care of the
 problem, so we are praying this is our answer!!
She is not loving the food so far,  but is starting
to eat a lil bit more everyday......and I haven't
seen her biting and chewing herself a lot,  so
maybe it is helping...............

for something fun we have coming up soon,  but
will tell you about it next week,  we are really
looking forward to it too.

that one of my tablescapes were featured by another
blogger friend/ and friend in real life too.  Such a
sweet and pleasant surprise.
If you would like to check it out,  just click here!

for a wonderful news story I saw on yahoo today
about a lady news anchor who has done Weds.
child to help children be adopted.  Watch it here
  it is so heartwarming...............

for the way the Lord can just sweep into your
spirit and give you so much anticipation,
excitement, encouragement, contentment,
enthusiasm, energy, and joy with what you
 have and who you are and where you are
 going in life......
and it is like all of a sudden you have new
 eyes to see through.......
Never ceases to amaze me, how He can 
do all that in the flash of a moment and you 
can feel so renewed and not even know why
or how it happened.  It always makes me
think somebody must be praying for me
today....................and I love it!!

Well, Sweet Peas............that is my list

from cozy Place this week..........

Hope you have had a sudden flash of

the moment experience sometime recently, 

Great that you came by and hope you

will bless me with one of your sweet

Love,  Hugs,
and Joyful blessings,



  1. Hi, Love seeing all the pics of the flowers and blossoms; glad you are enjoying nice weather. We've had a sunny week but snow coming tomorrow. Your thankful heart is always such a blessing. Have a great weekend Nellie.

  2. #1. What a busy day! And yes, the lasagna and banana pudding was delicious! Nellie, you are an excellent cook! Happy Birthday again, Jim! Nellie, yours is coming up soon!
    #2. Yea, DeeAnna! Prayers are being lifted to pass any other tests you have!
    #3. Sometimes it is like we need the week to rest up from the weekend, ha!
    #4. Someone needs to invent a new way of hanging that is simple. They could become rich, lol!
    #5. I have noticed too! (Not being bothered by "things.")
    #6. Cool, cool, cool! (weather wise and expression wise, ha!)
    #7. Xena loves to lay in the sunshine! Then she rolls in the hot sand!
    #8. I stopped feeding them can food too! I have seen a difference with less scratching! I tried the "healthy" can food, but had to stop! (Tooting, shew!) All is almost back to NORMAL!)
    #9. Yes!!!
    #10. Hey, that was my birthday table scape! It was beautiful. I loved the napkins and the roses on the chocolate!
    #11. What a blessed story! Children are such a blessing! I praise the LORD for the blessing of the numerous children He blessed me with throughout my 34 years of teaching. (Their loving parents too!)
    #12. Amen! I think of this when I occasionally want to "feel sorry for myself!" I am so blessed, there is NO room for sadness! (Thank you, Holy Spirit, for Your moving in our lives!)

    Your flowers are so pretty! Love you all, Susan

  3. It was sad to hear about Brooklyn not feeling well after her party. Maybe being taken out of her routine upset her system. Glad it was nothing though! Those little ones seem to be able to get over things very quickly.
    Happy Birthday to your husband! I hope he has an amazing year ahead of him.
    Our cat had to change her food to some that was better for her kidneys. She's 16 almost 17. So she wasn't happy about changing either. So we sometimes wet her food and moosh it with a fork.
    Have a gorgeous weekend & I can't wait to hear about your plans.

  4. Hi Nellie!
    Hope you find a solution for your poor kitty! Super sweet adoption video and your photos are beautiful!
    Hope your week is wonderful...


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: