Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Trip to Asheville, N.C. March 2014

Hello Sweet Friends,

So how in the world are you???
Heard last night my daugher and
 hubby have snow again,  so hope
that isn't your story too.  It was 40 
here this morning to our surprise, 
 and will be a high of 63, but then
tomorrow it is back in the 70's again.

 Finally finished unpacking and going thru all the mail and 
things like that you have to do when you return from a trip.
 So settled back in now............we sure did have a good
time,  and on the way back we dropped by to see some
 friends for a few hours,  so it was nice to see them too.

Thought I would show you some pictures of the area
where my daughter and her hubby live.
It is a town square area and they live up above in a
2 bedroom apt.,  and you can just walk down stairs
and eat or shop or go to the movies or just enjoy
the pretty scenery.  They put the lights in the trees
at Christmas time, right after we left in Novemember
from our last visit, and they have left them up all Winter
so we are all wondering if they will take them down
in the Spring since everything will be pretty again.

This is of the same area as the header picture just the
 night time version.  It is like disney magic at night. The
building all the way at the end is a YMCA, and  on the
 right there is a big REI sports store, a frozen yogurt
 shop that we got to enjoy twice and a lil cafe called
 "Another Broken Egg Cafe, that is where we went
 with her friend.  Such a cute lil place, wasn't overly
 impressed with my food, but I got a gluten free pan-
cake made like bananas foster, and it was good,
 but I have had better,  but  Dee and her friend liked
 their food really well.  They had omelets and bacon
and don't remember what else, wasn't really paying
attention I guess.................

Here is a shot of the Rei store, mostly taken so you
can see all the houses on the mountain top.

To the left of the YMCA is another lil cafe and a
real estate co., and coming on around the street 
there is a neat toy store and another eatery and 
then a Mexican place sorta like a Moe's here
 called Neo Burrito.  We really liked them............
Haven't tried the other places yet,  Dee and
her friend have visited the Cafe,  it is called
the Mosaic Cafe.  Looks really cute!
So we still have places to try for future visits.

This is looking the other way.  On the corner of that
big brick building is a big Barnes and Nobles, then
a lot of other shops,  one is a doggie shop, and
they have these adorable and pricey dog biscuits,
and all sorts of paraphenalia for dogs,  a burger 
place that was awesome,  we ate there twice
cause there hamburgers remind me of my dads,
  he and my grandparents owned a diner for years
and I ate many a HB there.  They also had these
sweet potato fries that were not the least bit greasy
and they gave you a honey butter sauce to dip them
in,  it was almost like a dessert and they were yummo.

This is a night looking the same direction as the above
 picture. Across from Barnes and nobles is another
eatery, a coldstone creamery and a candy shop.
and all the way at the end,  is a Hilton Hotel,  2 really
nice restaurants, one was the Italian one they took
us to for our birthdays,  and a theatre.

This is across the street,  All clothing stores....
The one on the corner is the one I told you about
in my Thankful Thursday post last week.
  It is called "Altar'd State"
If you would like to read it just scroll down to
the next post.............

Here it is a night. again...........

These are some pictures from their windows,  sorry about the
glare but took them quickly at night as we were leaving to
go out to dinner...........

I liked how they had all the greenery and the plates hanging
in the window with the wood.

Thought the lil stuffed doggie was so cute. One of my
friends daughter has one of those and he looks just
like a teddy bear,  think they are pomerians.

Just another shot.  This was a very lovely shop with
lots of neat things to see,  very pretty feminine lacy
clothing,  signs and sofa pillows with sayings on
them,  jewelry, scarves, some shoes,  and they
even had a place where you could leave a prayer
request........thought that was pretty neat!
and they place contemporary christian music.
We enjoyed it very much............and this is where
we got the great deal on the jewelry I told you
about on my Thankful Thursday post.

Across from this store is a wine store,  a florist
and gift shop,  then an oil and vinegar shop, another
very nice but very pricey gift shop,  then a charming
 charlies........that is a really neat store, they have
tons of costume jewelry at great prices and they
have it set up according to color which is great
if you are looking for a specific color you can
find it very quickly.  They also have clothing, 
totes, purses, scarves and shoes.
  A fun store!!

Here we are at that BT ??  Burger Place,  It was a very
arsty looking place,  meant to go back and take some
pics of their neat pictures and forgot. Great food!

We were all out walkin around in the town square 
our last night there, so took a few mins. to sit
down on a bench to take some pictures.

They actually have some places like this in the Orlando 
area, and if we didn't have such hot weather I would
 really be tempted to move to a place like this cause it
is really quite a neat and nice place.   It is such a great
concept.....Everything is right there around you and funny 
thing is, we rarely see other tenants,  so think people must 
own a lot of these places and live in them seasonally. 
 They have condos as well, and up in the mountains behind
 all this is a beautiful neighborhood.  Also when you live
 there you get discounts at all the stores and restaurants,
how cool is that!!

What can I say accept it was a great vacation and 
best of all we got to spend it with 3 of our favorite
people........well,  Rosie isn't really a people,  but 
she sure thinks she is............and sometimes
we think she

Have a great rest of the week........

Thanks for poppin by.........would 
love to hear from you.................

Love,  Hugs and
No More Snow Blessings,



  1. What a joyful time you had! Thank you for sharing your pictures! I wonder if these mini communities are the thing of the future! There goes the indoor malls of yesteryear! That would surely cut down on the need and use of cars! So glad all of you had a great time!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. That looks like a beautiful place. It's very neat, tidy and looks pretty new. I like that a lot. You guys look great and very happy. That must have been a lot of fun. Glad you are home safe.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie